International Bluegrass - November 2013

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Tips and Tricks: Social Media 101 If you’re just getting started with social media, here are some best practices: 1. Form a strategy – Identify your purpose and don’t be afraid to start slow to develop your presence. 2. Set your goals – They should be specific, attainable, realistic, and timely. 3. Make the time – Don’t start unless you’ve got the resources to maintain your efforts. Research to see what works best for others, and what works best for you to create the best plan. 4. Lose the fear, jump in – Be active, listen, and respond! 5. Measure successes and failures – Did you reach a broader audience and get a few more people to your gig? Did your campaign fall flat and not reach your intended audience? Check out what works best for you. Is it Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest? A combination of a couple? Every artist, brand, and audience is unique, and part of the fun is finding what sticks. ‘Like’ us on Facebook, and ‘Follow’ us on Twitter and Instagram, and check out our YouTube channel and Bluegrass Nation website to get some ideas on how to post content. Keep an eye out in future editions of International Bluegrass to see how to best utilize these social tools. The social media landscape is changing all the time, so there is always new stuff to learn, whether you’re a newbie or a pro! Good luck!

International Bluegrass


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