
Page 84

Lesson Four W:~l~


2 Liste n and chant. !§I 102

(B PAGE 7!

• Play the record ing for ch ildren to liste n to the cha nt.

Dig ital classroom· Unit 10 · Phonics

• Play the chant once more, stopping the CD after each line for children to repeat.

Phonics Jesson objectives


• Repeat, and en courage ch ildren to follow th e chant in th eir books.


To pronounce t he sound laIl in the middle of words To understand how magic e at the end of words changes t he vowel sound La!lguage


3 Read th e c hant again. Circl e th e sound


• Wr ite the first line of t he chant on the board. Ask a child to come and find an example of the sound i_e. He / She fi nds and circles ide in ride, ike in bike, and ite in kite.

Core: bike, kite, nine, white, line

• Allow time for children to read the rest of th e chant and circle the other examples.

Extra: all together

• Monitor the activity and help wh ere necessary.

, lIfIaterials


CD !§I 92, 101 - 103; Phonics cards 6 (bin), 29-33 (bike, kite, nine, white, line); Phonics cards 25-28 (for revision), plus eight ot her cards ta ken at random (optional) W a rm e r !§I 92 • As k chi ld ren wh ich sound they looked at in their previous phonics lesson (lel/) . Do the chant from Class Book page 63 to energize the cl ass and revise the soundlell. • Write the words fro m t he lesson (lake, gate. face. an d plane) on th e board . Pointto the e att he end of each word. Ask

What does magic e do? Le ad -in • Tea ch the sou nd and lett ers for th is lesson using the phonics ca rd s. Hold up phonics card 6 and elicit t he wo rd bin. Say Whats the sound 7 (II!). Then hold up ca rd 29 and say the wo rd bike and th e soun d lall for children to repeat in chorus. • Say bin and bike several ti mes so that children can hear t he two different vowel sounds. Remind chi ldren, Magic e makes the vowel long. Point to magic e and move your fi nger back to the i as yo u do so. Say the vowe l sou nd for ch ildren to repeat. • Repeat w ith t he rest of the cards.

1 Li st e n, point and re p eat. !§I 10l • As k ch ild ren to look at the pictures in their Class Books. Te ll them t hat they are going to hear a recording of the different sounds. • Pl ay the first pa rt of t he recording for children to listen and poin t to the pictu res. • Play the second part of the recording for chil dren to repeat the sounds and wo rds. • Play t he reco rd ing all the way th rough for children to point and t hen repeat. Tra n script Li sten and point. laIl bike lall kite lall nine lall w hite lall line Li sten and repeat. lall bike lall kite laIl nine lall w hite laIl line

• Go th rough t he answers w ith the class.

RI@ your b@ . Fly your k@ . The b@ is red. Th e k@ iswh @. Wh@ k@, w h@ k@. Count t he ch ildren in the I@ . All together th ere are n@. N@ in t he I~. N~~ in th e I@ . Optional a ctivity. • Play Nine in a line. Invite nine ch ildren to come to the fron t of the class. Give each child a phon ics ca rd from 25- 33. Children hold their cards in front of t hem. • Call ou t the words in a random order. Child ren call the name of the child holding the ca rd. The child steps forward. Contin ue until all of the ch ildren have stepped forwa rd .

4 Listen and complete th e words. !§I 103 • Ask children to look at th e pictures and iden t ify th e t hings they can see. Tell t hem they are going to hear a record ing of the words. They must list en an d w rite the missing letters. • Play the beg inning of t he record ing and pa use after the first wo rd. Show child ren how the word has been comp leted w ith the letters I and n. • Play t he rest of t he record ing for children to complete th e rema ining words. • Play t he recording again for children to comp lete the ir

answers. • Go t hrough t he answers. Transcript 1 li ne 2 bi ke

3 nine

r.!~ti!.~~ii 1 line 2 bike

3 nine

4 white

4 w hite

S kite S kite

Optiona l act ivity • Play Pointto the correct card (see page 20). Use phonics card s from th is and the previous lesson m ixed w ith other phonics cards taken at random. • Chi ld ren point to the cards that cont ain magic e.


Further practice

Workbook page 71 !§I Student MultiROM· Unit 10· Phonics

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