Avion 1974-04-15

Page 1

Final Graduation Issue . ........................-...

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~ l ~ ~ t ~ ~ l u yi .5, , Ai V ~ 7~. 1~ - i i

l l v a ~ ~ lFlcnriclzu~ t.

The Law and Streaker Madness It's not alljun and Games!

Active at E-RAU







'I'hr Exln%rimenhl A i r ~ a f l i\rujriation IEI\AI ir on intero;~a#rmI ~ r g o # > i z i \ t ~dvdicnled on 11,~. on i~ t,m l,ll or ~ O ~ ~ I I U ; I L . n111cqt1~. and r \ l ~ ~ ~ r # r n ~ .air. :llnl ~~~~~~drllrri,.ulusr. c.,i,l, o f O I I ,.PI. 'I'!>,.volusia Dl>(. * ~ l b j v c I II~OLP' "1 (.011'1 cm,,,,y r1,optrr d.als p n n l a l l y p u r ~ l l ~ l Iy~ n r g i ~ i#not r dnnklne alilb iiomrl,aill aremft. hiany i ~ - - i ~ ,t rh r l h i ~ g rpa" ~ 01 my 01 ~C I local c I ~ ~ I ~ m~mll'~li. T'L rood hlldeei and often Iri7.os ~ollicfro," 'n.llry.Rlddle. This a, u nd,rlilulr for food r h m ~ ~ , . l u 1d,s ~prrndmt. i I l r . 0 . 11. I'm pol bun$y!' O ~ l i c orc- "Rnt" Cornwell. l a r t r d s "rtronl craving- for Vvlusis County's EAh ,.'II\ .mtl I,-lima'd I t IheI~I111~n6 ~xrrnrmanceon exams end dur-

,\t .tl~l~n>%tm:~lcly 1: 15 ye,,lrnl.by r?lornt~?g,I l r r rtn,~#vd Lln#ratpl,lhc, I>,I).~III~,I IRPIC Jai ~ All8 Frolllan. %~ 25 :10nrrcr o l f m r l nlrround. oLilll.llcd ;nl 3 mllll,,n dull;tn. 'Thr lire . ~ l r tnrmcrl inc ,I," l,llllllillL.


'mr drnl;ai!<, \ur.

Coke is Addicting l'wo rrrrarchrn at .In m d 1 1 1 nunrc, ?rlhper I ' e ~ l n ~ y l u m i nState L l n i ~ ~ n i t yday, the equivalcnr "r rc,ar i n have dismvered that nine large b n t t l e ~ ,for IP .tody lrhv are hean' cola drinken a0 *<>up. ulruuall a p h y a i c ~~~1 l b d r r w : ~ l I%..enh dr,.bru :r,,urt..,$ i f not v r m i t t e d t o consume unthdrawal ryml,ton,r ,,ilc.i, in. their .mrmal cola intake. eluded L I C P P S S ~ < ~ ~ ~ ,nPwo~t\llrU, Ellot Diamond and John du<,rsrrd rlcnncir. rirc,plnp dilmfferltng u . d 67 Prnn Stalr fir.lrirr fn,qill.i>L nmod r t c t d n ~ t rwho drank herwren rhannes and vrrlmm ouwr he-

1118 sttidying. "'"y'


One "colohohc" lermd 'I1 Ihr


""'ply g'" "Dn~un'ho"'Cn'a. D ~ r m u n dm d Pfifrerllni! l h r 1"". Ltmt L I m,,w ~ o r L ~ C .pro^. iunl LI,C urrrrinr ron~r,nt01 ,,,c,r, ,">l*r. r'afklne, a crnira1 livmnus <udeni .tlmalrc,L has I%.,.,Ihla"i..d , for silnllar will,<h,,"ad ry,nptumr io h ~ rvi Wn.hlta. Kulrin-A nra Ihumu ,olfre ilriniu,rr xlmo are fort-d m d y coorrr l o r bunnrsnnen Lo cut 1~;lvkun Lhrlr cor,nlmp icuming t o fly and n r p n . 3 tion "r tilu, drink. eosc~ntmted proreisioniurinrrrm,"n wlirl wa1,i Lo <I<.d pilot c o o n r for RIII-Llmc ,t,,vole RtII-bmc to lknmlnp l o fly m l l l ~ m r . " I.sr raid. "and we denh is n o w k m g ofrered N P . a ICI,V<.I~ l h l l l l /IC,U<~," know thr rizc o f t h a p r w p thmu* t h r nnbunwidc "net. ir rvnrlnnuy ~ r p a r l d i l l g w o r t o f cL3mo I'ilot centem. "'Cmrporlalton had never "I" reecnt week$," Said ROh k e n r serfnus pmblem with bar. cessna s n i u r vice this pmup." hc p o ! n ~ d ouL ~ w s i d ~ n"we t . have rern a drr',.\"d s c r u v i t war nrvrr n lnlls rurw o f ~nterest nt our .W"""S prol,!em. mnny pcop1c cesnn Pilot c c n t e n amocig nl'ver gave p l l a l education the MsisPrrmen who am scekltrg Gnt thooi!ht " dlemativr memJ "1 f r r u ~ l . T o 1.er z~~hlrcl. "But Lodry. ~ l ' ra a-cornmodate trunlng for Ulcer Ulc larrpsl network o f i:llol rddlfren~li, story. SL',tl, .he l u ~ yp ~ o p l r ,w r have Lariared ucation r r c ~ l ~ t x r,nr tlca world. *?c<.snrPilot Crnter system "rm.nl ronvesrtion allot<, "The numlwr o f ml'll ;uld to provldc r miuimum sumrtriulipr,rtailri> ~prul~lemr, many women who h;,"r. t i 1 trrvri ;r .I nred home-rmdy prupram. o f U i r x people n r looking for "\Ye also have drvked a requ~rcmmi ~n ~ l u n ~ toi ft lhc'li a hwrr aav t o 1nv.l ~n tht. mlmhrr >n Ll!r Irnllnc oi nu,,,ng their. brrl,. s p w d 1imgr;un to llrfcr pilot burlhood ihond. ,\lmort ovem~gh!. ~n mimy o f thrm ~ ~ ~ o pminds. l r i P'Iu,I . ~ ~ Y C ~ " " " 11- i r c o m r 4 SLllio"~ ~On~ill*rilll"". imr,or , tiUlt L" me,, clreen. no later than 8 a m . Gentlemen "It, rdtltlun. we belrcvr Ole pick u p esp and gown April are requested to wear shin. tie. L r . l l ~ , l i l b t l " " <,,,is g a n g to I ? ullv l a i n tho Dean o f da.k r t a k i n g s and shoes. I ' L I I 1ll.ln.y rrqulrrmnnb on the .., office. is 8 am. to 5 p.m. P m e e d u d briefing: Dean a r ~ * , I < ~ h a r l h,,~,"~%5. ~~, This ~ p n 20. l e m h l e m csp S p a r r (Student M m h a l l l w l l m r m r an ~ n r n , demand ~ u ~ ~for md gem In !he Social Xsll give m s t ~ c t i o n s on nmecsrdr. I w o l r r m # ? d $ ~ ~ l o u a TPC n d 15 to Peabody Au&tonum. marchmg, reaeng, photagrrpha. r q l r l r m drriwll,,l for preferniw:dr." Lmr d ,.. "The lullI r n i n o f cap and sown box bill,. Stlldrnt r,,urw 1s n o r and diplomas. men thp ceremony har bpcn " u l l b l v Lo m w t O w orcd. completed. return cap md to box ror u r n tn at the S c a d I l d l . D ~ p l o m a rwlll not be rele;aed unlcrr cap and gowns am rehlmrd. ~ m i d e n t ' r tccepaon for r ~ m ~m l yd fnrndr m i l k held In the S W I ~H d l ~ m m ~ d v a t e l y rouowne ~ v n . n ~ s g .F ; ~ ~ I Y ;al.# l n + . n l l l rill r:cblrr lu take ,"'-l,,n.. 'I,\,,,li: ill,. I..n.s,ony .,,..",,Ii.. .,,I u,.,.,1 thll*'.i,Uan. ,,,,, ..,..,, . ~.,,Vl,ll.tl ill 1111 front run l l i c l , ''"""""'d'~ '''''I "" c''''k'''' i,.~,. llll. I , , ~ , Lhri 1I11.b \hn,l14 not r l m d In 0 f f , c ~ ..lll,1 2 , I ".m"a", <I( * I < , :r.#,fi, ,>',,t#.rn $,<.l,zr~,\ C , l > r ~i~,,?,#Tlb!rm hllllsllx'cl ml.nLliol~U~~l, 8110 *'Ltdy.


Cessna Designs Pilot Course For Businessmen and Career Student

April Graduation Info



Foreign Students Leaving Country

""","".,,,~,~m'~."L*,,, i r .0. .,I (irrnwell. Prrridenl o f brrl ~ . \ Chrpce. n



, ", ,

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r\L Lhr Univrrilty o f l'olorrdol Buuldrr m d t h r I 8 n ~ u t , n l t yo f ~ ~ x an i, ~ u a l i n .uamlmr IP~IO.' ilaVr trkm ,,ilotOyrrr,~~~ or ,crrakpr. nnd rrawdr, ~ 8 t hl h r exlm.ss.d tmtrnt o f Inter matrhinm pholnr lh riildtlltL 1 0 Any p l r i t i v r ~ d m l l l l ~ ~ t i o n(vlll r r ~ t t l ttn nrr~ru. laltrr hare pmmisrd. in dvrenr o f o t h ~ rn P r r p ~ ~ im c cd local nuthon. ticr ~ r o ~nrrrrtr i ~ and d msulr. polire rc,cord? R,r r i r r r k m . unlvcrrlty ~ r r ~ Lrn'at. ~ ~ ~ ened m x p ~ n r ~ oun l prolliltlo". ohuioudy, hurl, lhrrats hnd errw, on t h r fad. hut nrrPsu ~ ~ e v r rand ~ d rlreaker. crowds rngaee* in majnr confrontation, with ~ m l i u raifiulrlr a, m"@rrlrchoub. oonrruntrtiol at Lhr l l n i v ~ r r i t yo f 1i*ora,a at ,Zthens, duntic the rrhhl,rhm ~ nol f f h r still.rlmdina r ~ o r d for nunlber o f rtn.akvn. rr:lmatpd r l b ~ t w w n1000 and 1500. Pri ,r to Lhr slrrak rludent Crdrr. 1hd. me., n l l h ,\lh?nx policu. at which lime P ~ h l l rSat?,? Direct": Edward K2rnnger r8id ht. war ecini! Lu p t h e r ,nformat,on ~n r a t ' i! was rrqoertrcl hy a erand jury, h,t that would nut lnluate m ~ l o nwamrl any > t r r = k m . When i h r streak Look &?lace. hofrvrr. Iwlicr b~lgan mrkbnlr arr?aU. whwh a l l v ~ r d yi n v u l r n l

l.lluptrr ir r u r r m t l y rponro"ny: .crrrd ~ o n r ~ ~ prnjecrr. t ~ u n R , or~ LI,~~ that <,!,her finirllrd ur "ndpr co.. rlnlrtinn include u BD-5B. t w o 'Irrmmms, n %mall a s c r r i t mourn a. a Fly Bahy. snd a o f liphl weigIl8 n.frrred to ;a KR-1 and T I 8 'The T-18. oword by Dr. H Jot,.,Shinn. "lrd,. Lh" c.unier fold "1 SPORTS r\VlhTION #n I:?,h",3~. Somr or the work the EAi\ i1,x.r ~ n c . l u d ~the r ~ ~ ~ ~ I l l i r 01 rllOn %."P,ai '-how to do it'' manun1s wvsring wew p h w o f h o m e iwlll vrcmff ro"st."rtlo!,. B \.\ alsu server as an zdvlror .~ndrafety ~ n r p e r l o r m l t h the help or the E.U. i.o.rci~nt,o,,r homehuild~m hive eiimyrd m excellml % I n s r'.,-"d. .\ccord,nfi to Chapter l'rerdpnt @TI c o r n w ~ l l "blaoy . lil,m~huOt- me hy l w safer and \ironyer than marly fartory f"3ll< ai.crd,."

Jackie's Bur;t For Sale UP c'qar~zir-uhnn M n Onnxlr 1in.r 8 , out ih,. u l n d o r u r 'I


I~ml,"~,",. a .,3r pa.rrd r S"K > ilrk I I ~ ~ V I WI>~.Whr. r r r aork"I I , Lh" ,,me. \I.~l>"";tld (rut s , , rdvl.nl.r1111.nt rllr ,I>,.hot, I" Lhb. Ic,rnnto n c . n . ~ ~ a p and ~ n r?<..#L,.CI n,.iv:) thrr.s 1hoailn.d >!I*. BIG, , ~ r r + .r ~ d l f~ ~~ m ~ 'I Sn l u 51tn1.

some ~Lrnokrr, IheInl drsyycll ;,long It," *o,,ncl Ihy lillll.? T b r c r u r d , u l g c ~ r dIhy l h v brkbla1,ty f. lllcl, n,t,osr, i,rc.,mr unruly. m d ~,ilx.c,a l t s m t ! l r ~ 11, l brrak ~111 l l l r e%Llmn(+d1.r0wrl o f 12.000 by dnvini! lvdral i..ln t h m o ~ h tliv mrrr o f rludsllt.. Whcn Lbir t r r l i c fulled. IW>IL<I. find tear gr wllivh arfkwlrd npi,,o~imut~.iy twl, L I ~ ~ ~ lhc, lhyrlaldc~rs. ~ n r l u d m yMlmr studuntr wlio wen. i r y m @ 1'1 d l r l r m ~t h r rrawd. I'ullowli>l: ti,,. trar *urnny. 11,r vnlwd lhrokr up. lh~lt"01 before FUI~I.P llrd m d e r l I m s l :7 urn.rtr ,A, II,,~VV,S,~~ "r I > ~ P A ~ ~ ~ < . in N ~ w n r d .nrarly 5011 tic.rrlt>i. mU,,y o r l l t r m ,nl"xlrri,rl 1 7 8 uuni o f a lwgr Illtill i>ill, I l o r k e d u rtreet d u n l , ~ rtraukmy fcn,viti<~.. and b ~ Y l lthmwl ing ruc.kr and Ihrrr linllirs r l ally c a o ,hat ,mad L" r p p n l r r h L i l l . ,\rtsr irvl,ra~ IIUI~I.I. .ll",,.. . or, ,he. w,.n,, werr rurrr.artdrd I,y riolcrr unll m vr tlmrtcd rruwd o f thr-r tn l r ~ u r thousand. local police cil1lt.d lli ~.nunlym d swte pollrc.. Evrnlualy over 2UO [lolicc) U, the wenpand f w d trrr znr. utitll the crowd hrokr up. '">, cd.y :Irt*.r o... .,.id,.",. Liil. Newark City CourlcLl rlrs%edor r,rdlnance rmn.wmn* . . ti,? mayor t o han Ihquor srlrr and declare an even~ni!curlew for :10 days. .ZL rhc Uctvarsily of ~ m n a w *sr ~ n o r v ~ l n l rcrowd , l "r, 1000 rl,l~rtntun rau.vd ,-r. L~ma1n.d ~I00oIlroprn). damngr for unkllovn rprrr,,i brrorr ,allre hruk" I t rp. F 8 r n m k r r ; and %.>i,iiirr m r h as hilrnine ~ p n p ~ hruken i. Klnrr. m l i cans and water balloon, liar,. h e m rejrorwd at slrtrlc. where ~ n l ; r e - r t ~ t l e n cnnfn,nlbl. t tion did nnt ercalatr.


fins\, d i ~ u u i n gLb. Jum,nl'r hdi!"t and rp,'r',l'"atlo,l rrr lu?>d>l o r ch? FI>w!# Tvam Logo to the Natiollrl ('"m!rrt,tion. .\I1 wnalorr we ? r q u u d Lo rltrnd.




the avmmer munrhs. 'The Avion will have a new editor.in-chief in my shs~neethis eummer. as Ihnve accepted an internship i n U?ashington, D.C.. for three months. The current and very cnpahic Aaroeiate Editor. Art Nn~el,will be handling the publieation. 'Thmuahout the trimester the newspaper staff hasreeived terrific aupport and roaperotiarl from the entire student h d y , roculty r n d administroLion which has msde our job n 10, easier and more en. bynble. This nvmmer many job openings on the newspaper are availsble t o nnyone interested. Any p n a n with a denim to work in any m p h y . reporting or nd sales is encouraged to pet in touch with the Avion office. Upper level journalism credit will onec again be offered i n the summer and fall trimasten for people working on the staff, I,penonally, om indebted t o the hard working people who have mntinved t o work throughout the term to make the newspaper posibte. We w u l d not have had a publication at all without thpm. My best wishes to the r.cw editor.

P"biemswhicharesriou'~pr* Of qca' penonoi importance erpcially when one srcma svs~lahlcwith whum the But gomeone Is nvailahle-an'i found On *a' someane can the Teenape Hotline, I aorvin, provided ilcvith Of Day'one Bnaeil


who are long On liSLening. iUiobl is. How"ver. at LCpresent time, short on lidmPrs' and lhe net'*s wn iig voluntePra lo 'pen<







"" ~ sicn ~

Piease convey my cangratu. iations to Reporter MeLrughlin far Ilia thoroughly dehgbtful anieie on ~ o v e r n m e n tand Aviation I?) in the April St5








Dear Editor:

. ..

h l eopnn ig in the near future.' hopetheechoo1sdrniniavation will k bold enough and a pro"iaion tor ares in the cafeteria Dick b i r d Lion at 252-5785 for funher issue of the AVION. I n this era , delaill. Pleas?, don't h a w ulr of unusually bed news, i t is Editor.in.Chief I realize that no" amokela n t indeed refreshing to ln a d harder t o keep clawroom d i r ERA" are definikly Mnorily pletcly entertaining piece o f re assion focused on aamcwhat and Ido not endeavor t o change larting. I mu-t note that I mare practical hypotheliral~! that .tatintie. But non smoken fournd some other than pure fun WiUl respect to the situa- exist and we must inhale the L=N .IS.* tianla) posed. Iheliwc the ~mollers'maidual nicotine nlgl.t wenorer a systemfails, i t ha sm , ewhrP ao lnl the <hsin fealist? should turn i n 1h.i~ while pursuing their sheepskins. E& rewonre to chi. we enter ~ l comes n%e.ary t o define the wmethinqii MI,,,^- eitherone jock6 as the tram would hr Get your heads out of the sand truly "discnminalm." problem h d w i ~ h . l t i. psrticularly pmblem, gather infamation, link ur a of laam much hetter off withoul lhum. and open your eyes to the real would be: "Noneaftheabove." nauaeatlng attempling t o ~ u t .where doel HOH about the coachen I world! Beyond that. i t srrmr clear thi. pat or drink there. form. teat and evaluate tentative ronnertions. the fault lie 11 definitely don't believe they "always" 'This e h a a l is supposed to be mmplex ~ituatlon,fraught ae i t Obviously, i t isdifficult for ~ o n ~ t u ~ and i o ~then ~ , make "a cut ahme the average." but doesn.t falle n t i r ~ ~on y the play favorites. but romrtimrr k m t h international pohcy can. any individual t o decision and take the they are forced lnto fieldtng the way somp progra!na are riderations. demands consideraunderstand why hia "icotine action. I believe i t is time l o r shouldrrs 01 the the hod;, or, lag@-da too g o ~ dfor pmr.t#m handled. milandled, or not tion by a high level special addictlon rimuitaneow~y the entire 01~ ~ b r y . hut ,till wennng a uniior~n. handled at all really maker one n u d y Commisnon. I would matel a pest brthe idd die VI h k c s long, h a d look the administrative staff,huf iortiveiy ail Jomr. ' ) T ~ I S favotitnsm ceMinly huni wonder. Rather than welyonr une F A A I W T I I C A O I B R A U inp mdiddual. BU:, neverthe. et the u w i t y the blame. team, but because o f the pointin8 the n n l e r a t somebody to ertablah mch a study p u p lc1 feel that the of this unwenity. During the part season only playen rhouid limsled numer uf turn-out3 i t el*, why don't tho= in c h a w without delay and that i t be ahodd an effort and one major v m i w sport eauid be praised for their efforts. ~t does b w o p necasary. Ithe admin,straf~onl.those who d l e d . appropriately. " ~ r o j e e t honor the pri. tp .. s winning margin, ~ u m e r - taker a l o t of tirne t o par. The student body 19 another have a voice ithestudent hody). M C L ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ . " vilege of inhaling h e air just as story. Nohody likes to relate t o and those in fhe mtddle (the c a n intodews with the players. ticipatp ina var.ty sport, not we nan smokers honor the Si"C"B1y, roaches and the athletic directand wme with the coaches al. hsnuw of the s losing and that is 8moker" )m"ikgp of E d m d M. G m t t . InatTUctor rearon for the law rpeehtor in. or! get their bed. tagetherand "lys pmduced the name reeun. prsctbes, hut dlo becuuse of pD1iuted w' make an honest effort to solvp Aemnautic.l science Division in@ m6ulh: a shrug o f the the large ofawsy.pamc &rest at level *a Peter Wllwn shoulders end a "We did the comm,tment8. 1t ,m.tc.ry However. i t i r much emer to thr problem! Some possihlerolulions might play a go& game in iron: 01 ' h c we could with A n t we've t o put on unlfom 01 a iarrr, pt."anrwer. Thst'sune hell of hut the attltudcr of "home t o m " fans than empty be 11) t o cancel the sntirevaran attitude, but that was th,. individual piryerr renall.~y bl?a;hetr. and q u i b oftpn a =ity rporta p m m m . 121 tooffer only one the idd die family affect the 01 pood cheering %tion bp a he* ehu'holarsh~ps,and I31 to offer bee tuition. Soiutoan could praduec this ypar, mre winning warn. 'rhae dc. enrlcal factor in a crvcmi %itur number one isno solution at all. tion. For their lack 01 rupllort moat stutudmtr should I1 would just he an easy way Dick Lslrd E d i t n - i n C h i r r their fair of the hian,r. out, but i t would cost the lean. he adminlrtrrtlun llaeollnqqt Powibiirty number two is aiA r t Nagrl Awci.tc Edimr Vamt Businem Mmw closediilr eyer LO the vamty molt impasrihle because of the athletic propnm. ~~~~~d~~~to lnh!hntive cost lnvoived ~ngiving Tom Coughtin Adu.rtia!mg sales one reliable coaching sourre, bee scholarships. The third d. Steve Bobanl;k Lay o a t ~ d i ( o r Studcnta at public and private average toLll $3500, most or those higher he brnstlve mleht lust be the best. Bob Lamllert Lnyovt lvnior colleges have bern However. aecordlng t o CEEB ],eve the ~ ~ ,.YO~\,9 d d BY making a few free t ~ l i t l a n Je?f H u m ~ r ~ md i t o r hardest h i t hy risingtuition and Private two Year schools will around a cockpit, classroom. or pants available t o the fratern;. John D a l w c k I ( ~ ~ ~ N ~ educational costs, according to nect the wentest increase 1" workshop. study - s ~ d y tier, the vet.= club, and the Mark Hem total student b u d g t r &tween a recsot auwqi. m d y is the sacred caw. ,t athletic depanment, the school Petl McLsughlin 1970-75; a 5z90 incr@a.refor Aemdina to n repart by the i t a known fact thrt unpe.m.t might be ahie t o attract thin Torn Pabit Coliqe E n t m c e Ernmination md'"t nluden* ar.d a 79.3% indpvdop a proesriona~att,tuda much n d e d Lslprr ta the uilib a r d &EBB) tuition and fees cream for ~ " m m u t e r studen*. ,f he isinterestd ,,iayinl k,ni. it^. vacant T h ~ eir no longer a startling Vnrant at public Lwo year coileger w.li L ~ T Kmmley Featurn ~ d i t o . from fiscal 1970-75, the of commufer and rerid=nt riualtrsct beltcr a f h i e + p . ~. deep conrideratlon to my Bob Knight Featurr writm meatest of any type of institudents at public Or PnVate want to k known far our aua. lasais. and dso u q s you t o Jim Lash ehools. the study reported. tion 11 surveyed dcmic programs! ~ ~ i t m e t e~ to ~the Avion, A m : Vacant D u n g t h a t period tuition and During 197574 incrpnr- for to take when it ,r spor'd Editor. shtxna your Len Blua spark Editor fmr at ,"ate two year mllcee. mmmu*rs have mfff ft culo:her known lac, 0" t b matter. ~ l f enough Ken Wojick sorts lvritln will rensct a 18% increase. "omall tip- o f =haols. For r " c c e s s ~ ],"dividusis par. #"bre* 1s generated. I asrum Vacant e*-~le at private four year p ~ with d 37% for public and ticipatpd in vanity I,mrt you action w i t be taken t o pet private four year inrt~tutionr. ehoolr 1 s t year, i n c n a r ~ far i umse head. together. Dieter Cathcan Photagrphy ~ d i t o , The study vldimted that m. mmmuten averapd 10.47. Jay 3mullen Director pho-hy "me% owp, 1973.71 done white wsident student hudqer Steve Allen Phofagnpbera ra,pd rmm 14.3% pvhi,e incwares averaged 4.1%. Chad- K.lh Co'I gaps helveen two and two year colleges to 7.17 rl New Yo'k State has dp. ~ o f k o x i t z a d that despite Mmiuau AdA ruur year in,tltut,ona ,n both pnvatl four year ~ o l l e p=d~ veloped a new strategy to dp.i New York's law. .g.inst term univrnitier thp puhiie and pnmte the n.cd'ed "tetm plrr p p e r m~Ua. numerous e h w l Alra were ~ ~ ~ b are i ~n kr~ odw i n p ,the study mills" that -11 i - - w i t ~ n newspepen are csm/ing ndverP ~ h l i s h d W-UY fhnueout the annual educat,an and living ex. I,~w"~,. of $tate ppentortudenls. tisemcnu invtunn rtvdents to year and d i a v i by ~ ~mE for re.dent mm. at publle lnrtilutions pay al. EmbryAttorney Genera; lolololo write a-y for pr-written ~ i d d A~~~~~~~ i ~ Unnen,ty, mu@r lncludlng aurh most as tor educa. 2111, .p , k f k o d * .aid = o l l v - m d un,. pap*tm,rpMtion, ,lo" =ludentr attending Dwtona Beach. Florid.. 32015. phone ~ 5 x 5 ~ ~ ~ h m e n t and inatibtionr venities m u l d be h i t with ~ri,. The Attorney General warned 1 3 , Trimester Nhscriptlons 1 3,5: Uut 11 the p m f i c e continue.. charges i f t h l y don't d, wa bared on a The expensue =he 'Isv Par* paid at Daytona ~ e ~ h , their hest to n a r k down on the he mwht charge mllpge dmin. 2200 two and dent $4039 at pti. CEEB auNry d e of a h o s ~ ~ r . ~ t ~ ~ , S ~ ~ O . . ~ t ~t,i.h sl comp~iTo* p n n ~ Halrrm R I D O ~ L Yea,inStltYti PrOyear private o t y m the .ale o f tprm pap-. prierary with ~ m p n c t a r ynnstitutians. people over some r m g h spou, Teenage Hatline needs vulutl. LIPIS. 11 YOU can help. plrasc all Lhc Mental Heslth Associa-


'lose One'.


to lee how muell at least one rlvdent found w t a h o " t ~3(13!!!! ~ SPeondly. I did s i, the gentle c8t,on that I need





Skyrocketing Tuition Hurting Smaller Schools

Termgaper ads Censored




'People who have had a hanging in The Family Don't Like to Talk about a Rope!' C ~ l v i aCoolidge


allp j k l i ~ i t ~

A ~ " I15,1974

FAA Proposed Rule to Quiet Noisier Jets i

A Federal Aviation Adonblb "llndcr the pmpuaul, allernlam hation 01 .h,t 11,s. un1,wmsnt will Ihnvr. thp nlla~rnat~ve o f 'hansporstion Ir,o l .~ l whlevial: t h r noirc wduetion which rollld renuin thr modiri. goal b y modilying exislmy nkeation or i,hnre oat o f noili,.rr r r f t , reploctny the!" with qt#ivlcra ~ r c r a for i lakinga cumjet. 11," P l Xt nfUI Illnulion o f t h e a netionr." waa sn,,oullnd ,,,day by PA,\ i\drn~,istrotor r\lrxnndrr 19, 11, notice o f p r o p o d rub Butl~rf!~ld m n g A p i out I TI,^ l,mp-~ would allply to mtm(ii dcsi=a, such ararousti. cnlly.trculr.d engine nreeilca, on, di k t s wciRhing 75 000 pou,,d.

or mile, by

ihoaellher nvniinh~n or 1,rng "&hi t - t ~ d for most o f the air-

eanic uonlhrsblioss. 'The p r n i ~ o i u lwould a l ~ l ?tol ~ all rlvai nlhrcnlir btr w r i g h i n ~ 75,OlIO r,oul>da ur mom u p

Na 7C1.I: D o c k t N o 13.582) allouid Ibr addrewed. t o the Fcdural Aviation ~ d m i n i e t n . tlun. Offlue o r General counsel.

1rovi.I vluln. inir lnxx and wtaeral wialiun ol'erato-. I1 also would r l ~ p l yk, r n n . i ~ nulr rnrtirri that land and tokc off air

Popularity of Two-Year Colleges Increasing

i n th<, U I ~ ~ L ~taic,n. ~CI ~ctrr ~ u l y1. 1978. lhcrc nirrron weald have to ~~11 ,Ile 1

~ t h " ~ pin..tYlrxcovercd hy thepruwould become eflectivp J,]~ 1 p*rl. l n the ease o f older pllw 1s7s, Among a,rcnl; " P ~ O R ~ aircraft for which t i " a l l r ~ ~would d be the noting nlodi6raUon k > Y arc nvnilahle. 707, 727, 737 F,$,\ a d that they arc hrinprr. D ~ ~ DC8 I , ~a,,d~ timd ~ from ~ c r v i e r ar n rntv DCY. which indicatPs that few W~II he " ~ h l sproposal attacks one of i t 3 aprstlol, by 1978. The p m p o a d July I.1978, w l a t i ~ n . maxt ~ llcmirtcnt uouhlcsome problems and pre. uom~rliancr dutc. PA,\ notvd. rc"$ rebet which sp lldirv,. mr b m d primarily on the time

36 01 L I L ~Fr,dsrai ~ ~ v i n t l o n llc~wlali~~~~8. TIIG'~I' Irvt.lb wl.,lr 8n~ur.tlreL 'lhc g o w i n g popvlanw f. ill l>t.cwnllrr 19(i!l and have two-year college. 1% a trend ad. ,X I., olri,lird till. ,.rn>ri. mlnlstmtom 01 Ifour-Year m t i o n o f n c w nircrnli t y l m ulllvemitiel m watehingcloreiy. %#uh SI thr I X - l o . I r l O l l , H m U y L e univeralry 747. F - 2 ~ . Ccsno Iowa mrveyed sbdenta atlend. L,cvna CLul~oo. and thc Darr;*ull in8 twc-year colleges m the

m, he juetified from both nnel.drd 10 procluer mntsnnis. whnolagirai and reanOmir mnanufncture r c l r o l i l h m w n w . standpoint;. ~ u t l r . ~ l ~.*id. ~ l d snd l l l i t e l l ennnr naclp-nir-

tiidm~~.lO. ComnlenU on P.1M KOtleP Of P l o p u r d l l u l r Phkinp INutire

geneml aviation operators,


a?olrr stnndodr s p c u i l r d i n



C O ~Hilt . on Retire ROTC TOManage FBO's ,,,. ."1.1*,,""

and asked them. "MY I.L. COI, niton RNI~I~. ICIIAU c o n t m ~ ~ aF.II.o.~. d dldn'l You ?home the profCSlOr of ,~,.ro6,,aCC SL,,~,~.~ bO ~ h heildent ~ >lunt ~ he ~ ~ Univeaity o f lowo?" ~ m h r y . ~ i d d l ~ ' ~ on.^ made chr hoard o f tmrvra ol 'lfty prcPnt thought ROTC detauhmcn~. will hang o f f r r they L d n ' l rrfuie. "ARNw i r a war n g o d lime (nr r up the n l r c r l c w n l o hecam, ~~:"~~rhro',~~L Utr Chief Exervlivr Ufflcn of transiliatt. M y fsmily llker i t Lmive-lty w m e d n o t t o cam mytons kaci, here. and . . I want to stay to rumtion:. i31,mt h*ought e 8Cudent. the forth Unlverslw per :oencolonel ,mander n i l t,tvirtion on F.B.D.,~, hrr hrcn with hla csBaclly COIO~~~ EHAU (M).I i i i l l a n will l e hehind a d ~ h KOTC's ~ ~ ~167 m~nueption m t since hew "concerted effort Lo h ~ c u n l en lor the un.emily~n iomihm two yea,, age. sinur that time aryanized F.R.O. I,ro. ianwage requirrme8lC


2 z:


Joinsummer Avion Staff ERAU BOX 1568


~; ; ; ; ; ; k



l ~ ~ u n~d eu~ * rd s t o travel lhe 'weyear 3rhoois


E~YaF2??~~8iins~c~2~~ :z0, ,$ui?EtvE21E :2 pnmn i h r aupurt. R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ the t Colonel expilinrd that he was

lhr allot on satxi ~do m moreo hulines r , than any

(other DayLana Beach1 B.R.O.

2 Z i ~ , % ;;:~ ?; ~c2f;i2~;%;i ~ ~ ~~ ~~ h~~ ~i3r(ourl ~; ~ ~ year tranarer;.

only 7 more years. Colonr.1 H I I ~ O ~=id the dessr to work Nntiond i n d i m e llsL wnh gencrd ~ i ~ t hi a ~theen n ruicldc is the third leadin8 ~ l him h roc time. ~ . " u ~orr death among ~ o i i r e ~ o,,ponuni~y I wok 8Lur1mu founl' anlong aduontae of it:' He c a u L ~ yoU"a ~ ~ o p ag*d l c 1 5 to 35, wind the manul:ens~ var.anl.y

Culonnl H l l l o n cstnhiiahrd quel a foliowing from L ~ C .s ~ . drlnb he taught m d ~ h men c he with. A I ~ ~ O U * h. was ohvinua~y enthusastr toward the challenge o f h a new job. he modp point 01 pxpr~raing his respect and grstsLvde Lo d i

Guest Speaker Series: 2%E%y:",':t'd%h . 'Aviation Career Seminar9~ ~ ; ~ ; ~ s ; d~,a,.i,m~"L,



rhe repoiiinl: d i k e a l i i ~ i o ~ d~x.h i l i i ~. i o v i . , t i l G l m d , ern,


,,, Iau,, c~

u~eb. E~~

r n t h ,he



thr hell, liven Ulr ROTC derschmenl:' Colvnri wiLh dl

lUpcr you crrntrd. PHOTOGRAPHY

cover $nore than the job o p p r . !mitiesin theaviation field, h u l w!l .wdy in depth many l r c ~ 0 1 aviation(s fl~ldr 01 inlprprt lncludlng pl=ement hcedurer, fhc i\lrlines, the ~ ~ t i weather ~ ~ e sewlr., l the lllltnry Ar the F A A

~ h new r oncntal~onpramam will be tried out next term. aceordinl: to Mc Grhnng. Part Cues1 S p a k e r Sptier have had such noled avlallon p ~ " a l ~ L i eas5 Capthin Klmbail L n b n e r , who niro drpw Lhe l a g e l l allendrnre rerarded i n



Im"it nmaElng how lmpidly ,he w m p t o m r o f a w e " ? gsarp

the mnauneemenf o f t h e l i l ~ n g o i L ~ PO i l embargo and hefor* any O l i could haue panrlhly *ached the U.S. unl-8 h y pl.r.c. we be@" yo .PP some other symplomi. T h ~ may r k lhr will o r newpaper roverwe o f government i n q u h ~ a . Other rymploms. however. may be dlsen~sedas a,@,, o f the re b m o f competrtive p r i r i n p 11 yoor d d e r haan'r j o a n d i n the m m p l i t i o n you might pass t h u infurmathon along to him. 'Thr rir,,on a, lhr comer o! h b o n snd De.byrhuc ,r sdver. Llriilg Rrquisr for l f i . 9 and Rprclum for .19.9. Thrr ,r a fu11 1 0 cenu per p i i o n k i o w

~ ~ ~ l t t ~ i- i i~ t I111 l i ~111<11-v ~ u ~ l l t i 8 t ~w i ~ l h i t ~ill g itottl '


( 1~ #I,,. 1




Don't pass up the opportunity to partisipate in a student managed business. Get in on the management decisions! Earn Journalism Credit! Openings in all areas of production!



r m l r d Ihy iJ. S. domoalic and Rueia Docket, AGCPI, 800 llsl: unm~rr, m ~ l l ~ ~ l ~ nair~ ~ " t Independence nl Avo.. s.w., weah. l,ia~$ca, conllnrruioi ollcmton, ingon. D. C. 20591.

Daytona Beach

D w t m a B e r h may or may "01 im your idea o f a psrs,Mlilc, h u t to t h n e @ria h o m h e Univenity o f G c o d s . Uaytons B s r h w.r t o be the 'reward' lor a ledlous .d"enNre. Barbara Small. Suam Byra and V s n Winfloid. d l mcmbcra o f the Phi MU sararily. left the Univemity o f Georgjn l o r t h a r .orin= break bound for dayton.. N o t I m g alter leaving Athens. D e a d 4 the Volk*wagon they mn dliving began t o rewed lubvsmlvr tpndenciea. After a few worthies. y r t srpensive -ello* t. repalr. me hug Indiv died camoieleiv ,n ~ddkt.. Gear@a, i.auing the d d a alnnded. T o three @th. b r d e n e d by a vnnr. cenerouaoonion of female necesitien. the pto3pccfe were YEW f o r e w n g . Findly, d e ciding to leave the hug with a RpreaPntrtive o f ib maker, the dria and their baggage bcgm a long Ire* via Greyhound. m m u g h the rvenlng, there trsvUt"1 eaedas+o.,,rd 1" Lahe Ci$, changed hura in Jack8onville. and stopped i n s t Augllatine belore they findiy -ved i n "World F ~ ~ O U S " Dayton. Beach. They had ltartpd out .head o f L c i r friends: they ardved in the e d y m o m h ~ ghours plter d i their friend% ;lone m d bmke at s Greyhound Stetion in h e m e h a r m 01 the morning is a l w r e y &ginning for a D w t o n s Bssch vzatlon. Fortunatply. there girl* were detpmined: they kept their c w l , and did get here. Whever m i d that women were the "'*~er sex' never met Barbara s u m a. Vera


Pre-Arranged Funeral Appuentiy despondent aver i1ines. Edward R. Killian, *WIN-five, of Sparks. Nrsda, m g c d for h a own tuned, then dmve t o the m n r mary and ehot hlmsell i n hi8 car. Poiier M i d Kdliru, had l c i e phoned the Pyramid P",,",al Home and inquired shout the c a r t o f crematron. He then wmtp amicide note t o his xn1e. Authorities asid Klllian had a $300 eirwk made out t o the tuneral home i n his p o c k e ~

e punt"!

That Empty Feeling toward that aufbring. I t c ran 6nd meaning, for instance, i n netting on examille far olhris mi the inn1,king a t l l t v d r he takes toward hi3 situation. captam KIIIB S L Y L ~ ~ Ccxpirins I rornr 01 titr purlN,n.r .,f '1.1,~.I.X~,I,,,,~~, ('lull. \ I , ~ , I:I-~ ~ . 1 ~ ~ 1 , . 1 ~ 1 .'1,~81cd I" an in, ti~r out to lhcre C r p ~ n mSr~mbnrrrxl~ircnthe onrw .<udcni r n r ~ n ~ , ~ i.i l~l , i\ l~' ~. ~~o ~~ l. ~ . i ~ l 1111' - . ~ Im lr51 dividual lo hnd meaning(iogos) n n t ~ o ~t on he ufft~rcclthe m r r n h m l u ~ ,st s31UU lprr ymr. to life is iogothnrnpy, R a o W is the luunder o l thlr n p lu-ch and he. expialn-d i t 10 -i.a.s sVPr helore d e m i ill his book M X forb His rxpenenrnr bcuau.e o f this. i t la quite easy woodrn crolri,an designed no tornrd 011 the rrlnycrstor. and A twenty-se~pn.y~~.~ der. id to from feelings o f meanill the concentration unmls .re ,hat ,l h~ changed his mrnd nl l c l t n nulr for t h r milkmiul tn Auckiand. N W inglesnes. dercr>bed i n this book. 11 tncian the~ mil,utr, t hr ~ ~ u l d n ' l b.lling lhmi ~ : o ll o d r i i r r r iuly ktiled vlktor ~ ~t u a s n d a ~you arc ~~n t a n s t e dill~reading Zealand. l ~ himreif by~ escape. milk. inllru n o b l y t h r 110111'6~. more ahout iogolherapy, you ~ n us p an elaborate suieido mahdf i n Gennan eoneeotra. can either read that hook or chlnr that rho1 h i m slx rimer ~n Electronic device connwled tion camps and, i n spite o f ail 'Thr man Ux.n t ~ u kslurpiny borrow m y n p y o l T h e the heart while he we. asleep. ta two tlma clocks, one a back. the psin he had t o endure, was Or i f you arP Police say L e man, whom u p ln raw Ulr l i n t railed, wrrr INII* and loc.krd i>imrr,if ~ n l o #hie to find meaning i n his iiC. other prisonera gave u p ihn~ing~ r o v h i efinding ,neanlng n m e war no1 discimed. iay set to rim .?I: ~ v ~ d i i nnc rr p l o w on tile iplatlon:~. ar7d d i ~ df m m almort s desire in iile, stop by the Guida!tre t i o m on a piatlorm he hod ~ r o t ~ g hole h ln a hoard ehouc to die, h a n k 1 reallzed that, al. Office i n Buildiny 3 i n e r t l o M i i t which consisted o f ssetins the ,nan'$hen,. 01 snal,lor'ks on chains and thou* he was unable lo have !i them h ~ IdX P 8 POWPI ~ fmi. the Infirmaryl. m n t r o l over many thingarluring ure, m r l c r l r o m a w r l would I his years ~n the cnmpa, he did have ~ w i t r h r d off, automati1 I hrvc control aver his attitude. ealiy pviiing the tnyycr vlld I The attitude he took toward hie ha<lenteu mrrering piuatherpwifie mean. ,hC open,ng of would I nng he we. sbie to find i n iris hovc ocbvawd a nlrchanlrm life Irlay,ng alive so that he rlrPdLhC woulddro Pieme call Extension 73 to pvblieh d a m o f interelt i n the could m t e u p his experiencla and help other.)ensh~ed h i m to activities calender. ,titer n l ~ h i n gali his r n a n g c 1 n o t only ruwlve h u t also to find April l2 . snior party in a, men* the m m LhurouChl~ 1 a purpore for ining. <lcanhd his house, c m p l s d and _( 7-06 P.M. Fra"hI mnlendr that y o u are your Saturday April 13 Sttper casual dance i n Armory st responnblP for R:nU P.U. own iile'r meaning, Meaning Have you ever felt sa though there were no meaning i n your iilc? I f y o u have. you would have been experiencing what Vlhlor FronW caih the "exlalential yaauum,.. phen* aamPtimes dsacrihed sr emptiness. We uving ina tadsy ia filled with more ~enaion. and

You've Gotta GOSomehow!



r---iii{jieir---l Semite Wmk



lElectronicsl 865





general (an over dl goal i n I f e l or very spcmfic. Lhsnglng fmm me~nent t o mamenL Meaning which is s p c i 6 e might include helpiqg a ftiend through n traumatic rrtudy. time his/hcr , earn ing for in order for t h b t r i m m . FranW deacnks three different way, o f finding meaninp The fin1 is 8,mugh meaningful setivities which involve actwe participation such as yo"r ,oh or hobhicr The second is through tile meaning o r p e r ronsl experience. Expetiewing iove, beauty, or truth would Cali in this eafegaw. The ,"hit w is thrnugh the meaning or a'tltudan. Even *hen romeone 15 suffering f r o m n termtnai d i e

ean be elthe.

Tuesday April 1 6


m e d a y ~ p r i 116


Wednelday April 1 1 W~dnesday A p t i i 17 Saturday A p t i i 20


Si8:deat Senate m e t i n g i n Roam 108 at 12:3U P.M. Dan. diacusian with AI H i l t o n o f Drytona Beach Avfelion i n third nvor iot~nge st 7:UU P.M. Firal exam= bed". Flsyht Technology Otientation. GmduLion.

265-5678 -----------


ERAU Student Discount With ID




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C Y I I O *

~ A".-


r so w c ,~Q M

!z .=


& machine shop 841 Volusia Ave.


:z :.z --




fast. This ymr, student enroll. ment har incrensed and again. the quantity printed haa l i m o l t been halved



might ihke ~ t !


The amdent literary magazine I8 a real buy at 25cenU. since i t msta wer 70 centa p r ,sue ta paint (the SGA helps fund it). Howeve., qvmtitier thrr year have b a n cut and t t is probable thal m ~ i e awill not be avallabie i n t h . f a l 1 when you wturn. Take s look at this oticinai milmion. I f you ilke w y i t now. The PEGASllS coilvetion 01 ltersn and pictonal a s ~ i l i bc rvailahie fcr m r p d i o n and a r c h a r e at the bookstore. SGA Office. E n a s h oflicrs (A-123 1 102). bolh iihranr.~. and Lhs GRW flightitr?. PEGASUS s not the p r a i v ~ r of Ihr English depanmmk and a dccl l e v suw.-schoirsta b r o w - n o r e r tyw.. i t war put together hy sn Air Science and mplneenng rludenl on we& end5 and evming.. dl0 n ~ r i v r d no bmefitr ielthcr m o n r b r y or c i a s creditr)ofher than rhe p r sons1 SUsfrctlon o f ,putling Lhr m l l r c t l o n Lopelher. l\'hil,. M.I Mrkmare dlcl ovrrv8nr chr matenel l o r trrhnical conrclneu. PECASUS mnirnal wrr ‘*sic" un,piy 1rom t h r *ol,<l,..d mnttihurion. 01 rv?rylx,dy. k t yew's PECil\SIIS rrld



I'OLL.:';IA .-IUTO MRX ~~~i1bi1i~i1i1U11iiiii1i1i1i~~1i1i1i1~j1~l~l~1\li~~00h~fi\i1~~O~~~fO


PEGRSUS: H The 1974 PEGASUS ir now .*ailahlei T h h year's PEGASUS 15 a 21 p.ge "mliagc" or c o i i ~ i t i o n of Emhw-Riddle r t v d r n t prow. noemr, printmm. IIIC~Y~PI. and





Far?~i.li,.<l urltnianmirlnrtl


Mortuary Fined, Suspended

World hiring for summer Briefs

MIAMI HRACH <A13i-A Mlibml mor,"nry bur *r.n :,md "lid #I. rtna ~ t n Ih n.!", ,,sd olhsr liernr .wp.ndnl stsr aatimuv, h ~ -rnndr arp well signed. 81!.,nr lpalh 1putll08n p u d - 1 > e i < i > 811 the ~ d t ' b ; ~ ~ . .rhr *"a \a," he had hr.8, .l."l* WudcI En>nlavmenl Cenbr Minimum am fur u ~ l ~ l i c a n Y v%tla!l\ al.luiallns I., lh>~hechool All exams are to he returned ~~i~ . r1. reluslny lo buy I lvnrrnl I n m li u.m. to 5 p.m.. Monday 18. 1. ANNllAl. WRIT 'TIME: iand ,,.lll~~ns .n#th,t$lr 11) lhr c m e w e n Ti,< by I May in ~ h Army ,"-,d """<.."I l,,,cr~o., 1 2 roplea or til. .ism and P m b s l m m el*? I n N L I k r r h o n L'l.slnI E.~I,!I~U ,In.,, unit. t ~ ~ e n b m p v r r / o nwkhiog e #" 1,)' ol ,mprnwr sd"c,rllr. 22 copica "ILhc study w i d e r in (Bk. ~t must do w t l u n n g l h ~ ; \ P l ' n ~ l l l l a l ~ l y 300 par s,,d Ordrrd the 1hmn.l (01 8l.i !II1"II.C1I <Il)I.IIIIIUX B l e .v~I~"I,IP Llh0~1lit ti"^^. cunerat dlrenor ~ a m r r .Inhtrlln. P>r Iln,u. ~ 1 1 in 0n, nble t o work 2 With th? maring or the tri. .urpnd.d ,or rnd., The ,,rm. ,**y.r, lUli". I(.ralllnl. rlns. light control must be m r s l ~ ra new gmup of artivc r e e k r a l iwd letwen 3n L. plocrd on Lhr~6ouxr.s; duly atudentr will arrive. llyou -,d I,. would npp.1 Iht drrlllnn .I0 lholtra d l t i n g L o RWVI kC."Y Ih. rhsr... h.d 11111 wen You probably thine thar r l r s k i n ~ m i v ranotllcr l one 01 l l w r rlupld Lherefore the ~ n d i v i d v o l lusing b u w 01 any house. sv~tlshle Ilalldays and mmmpr. ladl that pencdlc~lly rrccl>r actos U.S. collcyc r r m p u x l lrrbncmhrr W ,,I,r ,,me. mm.. Drunled #udy g~tidrsmuat return them w rent hr aurc w n o t i f y the p""d "Stnrbn~ rslatics am $2.60 "dme," r re,, re.m bark?). .worn .Iat.m.nt nuyln9 that *ortl> n!>d only 1 2 ~!tdvidlbols hauslng eommitlee. 'The cornASAP . I isuur with m r t ol,portnnily Well. you'lc dvrd vmnl, busier. R~h8blcrourer lhar dlrcoucrnl t . r l ~ h . I d r r l h olht.meht.r it, mn Lalr the cram at each mitlm. enn sure use any help Whrf moliy 5cllil)d t h i r ~ ) n I I < d" C n l C " l a ndvance.'. m Employmani bow K"",C? ;~sr,er. be was "4"\I~dby S t r c a k # n ~is simply anolber Lehle i.onlpcra~~by I k Nixm utline. This ia a whrdule tho1 you can offer. Centnr apohesmw said. "We Ism.. I S ~sr I ~ .nd ~ . ~ eniic a lr me *d",i.,.,r*Lion ,a , * X I our ,","dl of1 wa,*r$*tr rill i,a followed. Htll IS Ilr Ihurband ,tl Marl are "IS" setting up cornpub, :onrider ,he I*r,r IILII. a general parlner I* lakrahurr cv~poolnwhsnrrer porrihlc t o tllr I D ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ O ~ E ~ S I S I ~ 13 D April (Saturday I. HOW mmy .l...d~E.. C m Library T. Clark1 Bornel,,". Ins. he .o, ,111Ied mist ~ m p l a y c c si n l h r i r ~ r a b by the ~ ~ i andthreruther i r men W l l arraipncd 8" o u r , Ih.l\rrek" 15 Al'nI (Monday I.lhnry J. Lsshl portation to work." .##d asked why 1M1 c6uld not hslldb 2. Whal cannril#on drrs stmaking llvvc rslh Ihq burninl Library T.C l i v k l 17 April (Wednrrduy Lh. body TMlrnnS SLuWmelll rillll lh conaililclond a~~rr!ion ovcr whcllcr or not r nltme p r c 5 ~ h n lmn be Olher poaitioo>s am avallsble Llhrary H.Benlley1 1R April I'rhuodaY ,nld hr toid them he didn I likv lhrlr ,"dblOd by a lrlnd >tin/? I n lhe Food m d Merchandialnl Llllrivy 'I. Clark) 19 Allril IFr$dny all,!"dl. 1 Can st be mrm cainddrn~vthat "rtrrak" almost rhymes wilh f i r n u b Sotunlw, n o w I w a b d Mr HI,! Sr I b n hit me in the IsCC 20 April (Snlurday Llhrary J. L a h i CREEP, m acronym lor !he Comrnilrcv To K~.ElrclThe Yrrsld%nl? w c h h u 11. k m k m p me to Ib l.,l>r~,y 22 April (hlondny J. h h l v h s ~ noslbrerry r m r t m 8 k l n g k !hein!ul in t l ~ rlrugslr r "r 8l1r 4. "om,.' Thcrn.. ..id I l o t up 8"d Llhrary H.BpnLley) 28 nlarii n u e x l a y Amcrirnl lod,n?" (Crnnlcd, !hot d a m ' l hrn ~ l l y l l l l u111 do (11111 .tumbkd ms* Mr James HII. !he ,,.,<,&,c ad,.?.,,,< .!'. L l h ~T. Clark) hi, m. a#.," ,*.e ",her m m 24 April (Wednesday Ud,. I I,,. * ,I .I Ch... ,I#. n.,, 22, )O.n.ll *,I >II, rnererdd o.k*ng why they xrrr l.,hrw J. Lash) 25 April IThurrdny ",.",k,", ;,dsJJ, ".V ,#.t<,,,,?d, ,fm:.d" ,<<#,,t nituns m ~ : ' ~ n o m a smid LlI,rnwy T.Clarkl I April (Friday Th. rtrm wits Pned 87% an4 .I .I:.,.#., l.4 "n '.*us, m , J c < I Il,.l.."". I,, *Dl.". ,..n 29 A r n l ( I o n d a y Library J. L8shI I ! was mlnl muspndd lor Yl days tIY4,', a11 Y*,,'II get. Lihiary Lash, Clark) lined 8m an* Ilven YO dr, 30 April ('Cueday And )u,l mn>r.rnhrr. I1 C d Ihsd wanled us 111 lo run around n'aU*d proballon p o d "1 "Ilnl 131 Hc vollldc>'l lharr glrrn ~81douhlc-knlt cIUIIIICII improh.i The bonrd advenl.im# aIw d ~ c l d t dLO s p p l n l n E. Hownnl Hunt m d his four vlrd curnmlllee lo study lunenl fellow Wabrgste rnmabs ~n home price, and snlr. pr.n,rcr 3" D m l n l r y Pnson wale rpntsed liorid. Ronald Cid&ns d .l.danvllll~. who sdmlaaian to the pnson'a k a d l the bolrd. "ld LC ~nqulr).la Jaycee chaper. aceording fa r t,~.,""" ,tw 0.8,l"il. rill Ion poulblc nddll,onnl lrvr Clifford I r v i n g slrtrXcmun#d lid, 1181 A~llcricr!D~rh,ltaDarrloDlhum 111cullllviuP . U, p,ol"rl mnsvmcn Irving waa q u o b d by the W arrorl .vmpi#r lid. r r p l r i i l l yoldfisl~,wdllowlll~. pllont boulll .:ulfin$ The b r d aelrd alter n diarur"I0n and l , o ~ l t l ~d~~turh*niur d n 011cNO I cxtr~rarrmiulrra r t r t ( y Svmr Y m aa saying lhe a Fld.r.1 Trade C"mm,*nm rullr.8~u i t # ~ ~rr wi si h A rrln.rl!lnyly ~ n ~ i v v ~ oway h ~ llor l h o y l ~ l l dl l i l l ,tpon on ,he dl,,c"ltl*l or "b<.l"l"l W a b q n t r huggera wele v n p n p low ..#I lunnrnll md r h . bblllng Inr ular with the rest o f lhr. in. r r v l c e s no, prlormcd mates hr'aule. "According w l h c Ctiminnl C a l c o f Ethics. it's one thing Lo seal manPy. b u t amther tl>im,g t o m b people o f their frpedom." I w i n a 18 now oaaiened t o a h a l k w G house sewing mare than 16 manlhs for hlr ThC nor-mutine energy eonHoward H u b e s autohiagraphy The 0 1 B i r 4 . D ~ is a l l e d b e k i n t o . c r v l m~ t ~i y elov air C M U ~ m e ~ x v ~ dm.c h 8s re hoax. svpport requiremcnta while providing aweillane. with SLAR. t x 0.1 punt= refuse t o f l y tho aircraft. which c c r at 16.540 h l e l n g thermatab, were imaunda. Haweucr. Cobn p i l o b t i o m the lat Cov. s t a k d they would plemented on m a r esmpvaps I>" La." h ir and make m i 1 d r o p o n L o p o f that. ru.rlr.ro long an,, W1A-q ampuaPa bcgln apexing r a y s to redwe energy ceonlmpt,on, but p t i m l n l y for ~ c o n o m i e




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nfisc 155 years o f publieation. ~ h carm-r's ~ i m a n ~haa u. e e d to n:rke a major policy change. The yearly publication that ~pledicts Lhe wcnthpr and Lams shout the p~sationsof the ~ , i r n ~ u raya i t will make a u,,inllr rt?pmof to e l i m ~ n a b _xis"% Numerous feminist p u p hnvc eomnlained that many o f Ihv jokes that rill the Fsrmer'r ~ l m a n a e put down women. k t year's edltion, sr an examole. contained t h b e m : ~



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when Ihe

IiBt switch b on.

Formal DBCC Graduation

",rig," CommUn,lyCoIIPgr Hrmnrk sand h. vn', lurr why W ~ I I P C Ctlnmnek. dean 01 student rcwlcn. Isld the ~dcaot a lormll *Lude"Lr do"', van, Lhr .r.dul,on rrremonim hut he .pr*.,ed ,ha, 8radu.lm. "#I,, . P I BlXl 101"l 32' ,.,rn,.d I,, ,wen, v.,r af the b-aule man: "Ithem 80 on to unl"~r.Lllc. lor further study 1, may nndldalo tor grDduniunt,",. he lhelr high x h m l ard ullirnarty The vote ol the a b u t :IS eandidrer Flag Presented Ih., .re mo., ,mpar..a lo r*e,r. rswiato degree lhlr gradll.li"n. Spring was <aldy closr vllh about 115 Lo *hem, W l l h lllllc ,",era, m Ch. T h Halifax Are. K8r.nb Club .elPCling Ih. ,orma, c n m o q 2nd 'Ommunlly e d l q c rommPnrrme", r m t d 0 Klrmv W8bm.l Nafimr exerc,se. about ,mu*,ng,or ,I k g S I I T u d n y I. lhc Ernbry.R,ddl. Ilamnck -86 ;he m11me W i l l hare "Th,. .~CpU'" id*. can b *a,*oron.atrd Cwvsuty ,n,.rns,iona, the graduate snd m 8niurm.l rrrvplton. p?obrblv ,.amnc* mad. Std.", * u n around $1.). 10. lor Lh* B'sdYls. DIS Irmll? ran m a and m,x *,!,I W p l P Ih., L hw would"', see 4 r lhrlr ,am,,,e and I n m d r has %me twnd r torma, <ermony.L. ha". rOrnrn~rul).cdl~~~s aroundthe S ~ a L I I O8 me .*,qr .lul .I.". alter r r h 0, cancel irrrnal c t r ~ ~ ~ mbc ~ esad. r , wwtions ,a, e:.du.Lor

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ep3,a ,n#dare%-b8n msmorr




horn (he h u m m me. Accordins to Dr Phillip Tobla 01 the Unrvcrrlly o l Witwsbrrmnd i n S w t h Alnce. p o p l a ' small Urs are slowly p u m g m a l l e t He sad thvs rs hnonenlnl- k - e 5hCe am c m p l n l humm feet-and m m ~ d a y ,in the "0ttardl.lanC future. small toes may &one romver. 0,. Toha reporled rmnli UrI r n ' l UIP only thmgi b , " t~ h n s t m d . hut kpl* thr f d r we e l arp cooked m d wrR lnrdom h t h rrr ,on the UBy O Y L

SlideRule : ** ** ** enetan, * MODERN BUSINESS *$ : * * * p ::y;,;;::y MACHINE $ * iF ;m2 I. Ridgewood Avenue T,,.


The nrtion's mpwes. often lmlN In Nmtiom*'I1leadera

"*, ,,

C~lculatonAs Low Bs






True Memory

.Waytime T V i r wonderful. I t keeps a l o t o f women s t home who o t h e r w i r m i b t be out driving." I n any csae. A l m a n l r pubfisher b y ~ e i g e rasyr he hu chatted with reminias, and in. .is,. ~... . hl.. hss ~ -- had of h e m . liePIP^ that the n n t Almanac will even e m what he calls "the Feminist WaYer" G c i p r rays that, among other ling^, the uerre ends with ..nwomen" rather than "amen."


Thlr year tor !he llrrl Lime lnrrr add,"? ,ha, Il"d""L1 .ICLlpol. Jumw xlll be no lormrl Sprlw mnlmsncrL Coll9ge .P,rnId torma, commenrc men, rrercisa a, Day,""= Beach men, er"rc,re. by an eight to

Melcor 400 Scientific $109.50 Automatic Squoriny


Farmer's' Almanac to Eliminate Sexism..




I'nl(s 6

~\lilllt ,I,,. Ilrirlys Wilil" pnrr,nRars Is,?, hi ~.vrn 1.ud1e5 .r LIW F ~ E'ilxhion in 1 ,111 Nnyhl,o,,rhr,nd


will receive b lumpeum r e l r o active payment lor the gmcmmen1 pay raise Lhal waa illegally delayed from October 1. 1972 l o January 1.1975. I 1 will rake revera1 months La make the pymants. A CW3 over 10 will gel 1146.70, a captain aver 10 w i i i get 5212.10 and a major aver 12 can expect 5235.80. (Don't tell your wile.) I. Urmington..Army per sonnel chief Lt. Cen. Bernard W. Rogers lays he's drturhed that many O ~ ~ C Dand ~ S NTO. don't want lo go to Eumne. ~ ~ f omears ~ v andj NCO. should be falling over each other trying to gel an -signmenl lo U. S. Army Eumpe, he rays.


April IS,

u n Ruolnmy nllotlt Nnkn: upon

Alumni News



Seeing Is Believing, Right? So come on in, w e alwoy. offer the very I o t n t i n men'. a n d women's .tylcs. Thol'. w h a t SHTICK i s 011 about. 1he.e or. l i r e l o ~ c l ylodie. a n d five gentlemen. 011 highly trainedandlicenrsdstyllsls








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the net. Don't try Lo ]play thc whole



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. ~ . .

h" 1<.svr.r I,., .,u "8,. k l i i ~ a n . ' 1 1 ~takrufr truck will I".lil,"

!Vhr.rn Ilc comrr down ru. mmn* no r m d l ,,",-.,ion. The Bar is !hat Kn,%.uel, who 1s h 4 d t o ~ e h n li%ryrly r I,y % . ~ . v P anyway after yc,un "r p m p l n e rows o f purlred rnn. will Ilr u#lnpolrollle 0111.1 h l r . Ilr 1s lard l a hiwe lakc-81 his wlrr t o hc top or UIP tah..rf Muyb. 1rw.k and ahawn her LCcxpanse o f norhlng ahow Ulr "My wcss is ha; Ihe hna an 80 p.r cenl aurvlvnl p r o b r m y a n and alic ~ m n l r d , a e l y nhilily:' add R o b * T N W . encrl. "11'8 a horrendous ranyon." "I wouldn'l llktt my l m l t i n h a t thin#. 1.11 cII you: cle. raid 1'Nax. "Verlierl wdla. Slu*cn hundred B", ;.'msr. A clarerl Ci.orp. "'Neil. 600-foot drop. Vc.ry n r h y a; Knievcl m l l In fimd u? LFb o t t o m NuuB. r w ~ f ~ l o o k . IIIR.~OO~ b k r o t r tmt untl~ h,. ing water. I l i Ulc k i n d o r neches 200 miler an Ihoor, j u s ~ lhtng you want Lo get wr<mr." Knswel fiwres Ir will h. worth mlllirnr to h ~ m,r he m d c s 11. And T w a x w ~ l In l rewarded, too. " l l e r r k r d me l o r a 110,000 bonus il 1 mnkc it." a w l Knirral rrom his home i n Butlo. Monmn. "and i upped !he l~onur,ahout tnple. He sad III d d n ' l mvhr l i I ' d get n headatone. li darn'; round very n,,.r. hut that', how Ilir."

rrom one side o f !he allemale aitp, !he Snake River Canyon i n Iddlo. only t o f d l short o f h e o h e r side. D o m , down 11 went untll il dlappesred i n t o !he Snake Rwer. NU problem, add the ever. opflmisuc Knieuel. He had m n ~ Ule d Snnhe Rivercanyon juml>site ror !he snd d. saey hod Sky-Cycle iI alrnort


hangover. The llvrr a n runt.. lion best i f you are proprdy nou"~h?d: it'. a Uord p.rc,,,.e to eat somethine hcforc. dunns. or nfler dnnhing. II. you r; mernlxr to dnnh w c r a l r i m of m t e r h.:on. you l o Lo bed. you will have ~ - d to ~ f r . ~ t uw errects o f dehydration. AS YOU xwr u~ new day. Blvc ~ " " r r ~ lm f extra boost by eating a mul breakfar,. no matter how dib.b5t~r"I tile idea 'nny rcm a, L l l ~ mnmenl. C o r k ? will hell8 rounlcracl tile d6,l'nssanl e f f e r u or the. a1.o wojlek hoper a tennis club wlll hol. Take anlrcld, i f you are be formed on the E R A U hilvml stomach dlrtrenr AS. cvmpa. 'This xi11 l r d-nr In ]nun will h r l l l w l h I h r headoransize the tennis playen on =he. rind harp LILL~Unuldr <ampus as well ar s p o n s o n n ~ Uaouchout the day. tournament* amon# Unlll the rymptomr o r the mrmheand the h l i x ~ d hangover have h e n Lhoroughly h u b l e a Tourna.nent. Hop. dirpellcd. you rhoulrl poLpone L i l y there w i l lhp ~ n t r r e r t~n doing anylli"g thnl -11, br find coonl,nat,on or sham ivd* ment. You am n h a a n t on your joh il i t calls for handling ' ~ m p l r x or marsivc cqui,%mmt. Ynu also N" Lh0 "bkr o f making rnstahes and you Will ~ o h a h l y flnd !hat much o f your work will have t o 1,- l l o n ~ we,. Yes. the hanswer will d ~ s appear. i t can 1,c eased away. hut i t c9n.L be nushpd.

First Mixed Doubles Toump~rnmt. Underway mere was a fine to this tournament ~ I U Itwelve tenma entered. K ~ Pwojick, wvrnamtnt d i m t o r , bar hoper m&ing this event a fall and rp,ing inmester with a c h m excellent responra in arch short nolie. there he no continuing

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Page 10

A,W~I 15,1974

Congratulation Graduating Seniors! Hove Gmdwtion Dinner d . .


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College Board Exams to be Altered by New 30 minute test A "T~s:of standard Wtitm ~ ~ ~ l iwill ~ hbe . 'included in the S C ~ O I ~ I ~ C~ ~ t i t tst ~ISATI d ~ ~,,~~i,,~he^, the coileye Entrance Exsrmnstion ~ o a r d(CEEB) announced

.... ...



.-functionally i l ~ t ~ r ~ t e . 'an. naunued in~~b~~~~~,hat i t W~II a n2n-gaded writing

La" summer bow doll^ roor. dinatvd m unsucessrf~~l effort 0" the 11-t of *vr.rd c o u r ~ -

namp~e from appilrants fornext

LO have the C E m reinrla* Llle writing sornpir sa part the

year's freahmw cia=.


BOOKSTORE S.G.A. Office Nurses's Office


Avion Office Flight line Both Libraries Humanities Dent.

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Here's A DANCE You Can't Ref use! %*'a reliability or validity.


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Do something mea

NO ADMISSION nplx~priate for *em. new ngPrh olfered re. r,m,,wl Lo lh,. prohiem:. Th? test m i ! "re quert10n3 iikc tttore asked i n the larger and more difiicuit English Com. position Tern offered ~n the


, ~ ~ ~ ~ wae8tiona on urnye. i n whleh a student is asked to recognize the enor, i f my. i n B sentence. and (21 wntence correction: where the rtudent must identify the enor w d eiioore the best re lphraring from among choices O








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...,. * ,..,, <,.,"

lhot c o u s e i the trouble

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" .,.,




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,,.,,., ",.", , ....,.."*., .,.,,",..am.

A n d tell tho1 t o your l o g . t o o U I D I P l l l T l C N T 0'



odd u p , t h e d o m o Q e o d d s up

B e c n u s e ~l'r I h e c u r n u l o t ~ v eeffects o f s m o k l n g - o d d i n g c ; g o r e i t e lo o i l I h e c ~ g o r e i t e sy o u e v e r s m o k e d -

...... "*."/. , ,. ...-, ..-..... . ,. .... .,> ,,, , ,,n,,, ".".-., ,., "-......,.", .,, ...... ","." ,.,,." ......""XI."..01."..."" .-.. " ....L.l .... .".." ,.-. ,.......* .I...L." ,... ...-.. .-..-.-".."~.-......" ~,*-..< . ..-.. ."",,.,..,~-..Ill".'....

All lhls h o p p e n s with e v e r y c i g o r e i t e y?u s m o k e As t h e c l g o r e t l e r

,*""...,.-.. .,o".,.Le."..-~.,,."

5 . ~

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