Newspaper Diary: Trompe l'Oeil Photographs by Joanne Leonard

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female subjectivity that explore the joys and

artistic vision as she utilizes autobiography to

pains of domestic intimacies. This “intimate

explore the layered twists of intimate desires,

documentary approach” provides multi-layered

daily life, and painful loss. In this way, Leonard

studies of the social, emotional, and sensual

consistently explores feminist concerns about

pulls and pushes of motherhood and family life.

embodiment, power, desire, and inequality.

Relentlessly self-reflexive, Leonard explores the

Newspaper Diary pushes the boundaries

politics of the private sphere through close-up

of Leonard’s previous interests in public

images of bodies and faces that accompany

and private spheres. The tug and pull of

written memories of hopes, struggles, and

temporalities locates the immediacy of news

disappointments. In the past decade, Leonard’s

events within a historical gaze that contrasts

work has increasingly moved towards

ephemerality with durability. At the same time,

explorations of the intersections of memoir and

color, composition, and other aesthetic features

Rather than attempt to document “the real,”

public histories. She uses collages of drawings,

reveal historical influences on contemporary

Leonard’s trompe-l’oeil pictures re-present

photographs, and print material to visualize a

ways of seeing. The swirls of smoky red and

reproductions, facsimiles, and copies. Visual

fragmented and non-linear family history that

orange colors in a 2010 news photo of a fire

witnessing in Joanne Leonard’s world, then, is

is anything but singular or private. Visually

in northern Arizona parallel those in J. M. W.

always a mediated experience in which history

lyrical, Leonard’s art typically has an edge that

Turner’s famous 1835 painting The Burning of

and the present do not so much clash

catches your breath. Memory is crucial to her

the House of Lords and Commons. (p. 11)

as mingle.

fig. 3



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