STAR Summer Showcase Program 2012

Page 62

College of Arts & Sciences

Autism in th e Movies

Ma ry Pe rry PHC Custom-Designed Major, Neuropsychology & Philosophy Dr . M ary Sp iers Faculty Mentor Psychology

Poster Session A

In recent years, a significant amount of progress has been made in neuropsychology and related fields toward better understanding autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger’s syndrome. It can be difficult for the general public to keep up with everincreasing scientific knowledge, but one way new ideas may be transmitted is through popular films. Several films make autism spectrum disorders a focus, but there is a lack of definitive resources for viewers to compare a film’s portrayal of autism to what autism really is. This study is an investigation of the film industry’s take on autism spectrum disorders as well as a step toward creating a website that will be a resource for educators, students, and the public to learn more about films that portray neuropsychological disorders. By viewing, analyzing, and critiquing the films Rain Man, Mozart and the Whale, Adam, My Name Is Khan, and Temple Grandin, this study also aims to better understand common ideas about people with Asperger’s syndrome and other autism spectrum disorders.


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