2010 11 STAR Summer Showcase Program

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Antoinette Westphal College of Media Arts & Design

School of Biomedical Engineering, Science, & Health Systems


Justine Higgins Screenwriting & Playwriting

Mr. Jason Wilson Faculty Mentor Pennoni Honors College

Transcribing a story from one medium into another is much more dif icult than most people realize, especially when converting a work of non iction into iction. Oftentimes, major elements must be altered so that the story can be told in a more narrative and dramatic form so as to reach a wider audience. In this project, I adapted the non iction novel Boozehound, by Jason Wilson, into a ilm script. Boozehound is a collection of small vignettes about a number of very rare or expensive spirits. The process began with reading the book several times in order to gain a thorough understanding of the basic story elements. Then I brainstormed and outlined several ideas, choosing the best three to draft treatments for. A treatment is where the ilm is broken down scene by scene and described in great detail, exposing all of the problems that a proposal may have. It was at this stage I discovered that the easiest way to make the novel work as a ilm was to compress time and change the location. After settling on an idea, I was inally able to begin writing the script. My proposed script features David Cartwell, a semi‐famous spirits writer, who attends the Tales of the Cocktail spirits conference in New Orleans, and who, after a series of strange occurrences and with the help of a failed love affair, realizes he is living in a bubble of booze, parties, and exotic places and needs to get back to the real world.


This project uses the fast UniFrac metric of comparing and Jacob Allen contrasting different environments based on the varying Clouse richness and abundance of microbial communities present. Biomedical Such analysis simultaneously uses genetic and/or amino acid Engineering sequences from all species present within a sample and is therefore called “metagenomic.” Microbial samples containing bacteria, archaea, and fungi are collected from several different environments, from farm soil to underwater sea vents. Speci ic nucleic acids coding for a protein and speci ic amino acids comprising a protein are sequenced. Using the Naı̈ve Bayes Dr. Gail L. Classi ier, these sequences are compared and contrasted to Rosen uncover details about the environments from which their Faculty Mentor samples originated. The goal of this project is to shed light on Electrical the how certain ecosystems have developed and changed over & Computer time. It will also reveal which environments are surprisingly Engineering most similar to or different from each other.


STAR Scholars Summer Showcase 2011

STAR Scholars Summer Showcase 2011


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