Hong Kong Arts Centre Open House 2014

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Past Winners of ifva Awards


Molding 吳澤恒 Ng Chak-hang / 彩色 無對白及字幕 No dialogue and subtitles 第十八屆 ifva 比賽青少年組銀獎

ifva Awards - Youth Category Silver Award


Beautiful Life 時間 Time: 1:30pm -

陳浩倫 Chan Ho-lun Fredie / 彩色

場地 Venue: 高層地庫agnès b. 電影院 agnès b. CINEMA, UB

粵語及英語對白, 中英文字幕 In Cantonese and English with Chinese and English subtitles

免費入場 Free Admission 網上登記 Online Registration:


Past Winners of ifva Awards The HKAC is here to nurture creativity. We believe with opportunity and support, we can all make great things. That’s why we created ifva incubator for film and visual media, ifva is a platform actively promoting and engaging creative talents in Hong Kong and Asia, with a focus on moving image, animation and interactive media. An annual competition and festival with year-round training programmes, ifva’s alumni are making impact globally, winning prizes at international film festivals such as Berlin and Busan. This medley screening of previous ifva winners showcases exciting creatives from the region—a geographical spread reaching from Hong Kong to Iraq.

ifva 比賽歷屆得獎作品選


香港藝術中心一直是創作人的搖籃。我們相 信提供機會與支持,能引發無限可能。 年創立了ifva 。 本著這個信念,我們於 作為影像媒體的推手, ifva 從短片比賽蛻變 成連結各界的平台,培育香港與亞洲的創意 社群,燃點錄像、動畫及互動媒體的創作火 花。除了一年一度的比賽和 ifva 節,全年更 舉辦各個培訓計劃,造就不少本地及國際上 舉足輕重的創作人,揚威柏林和釜山等國際 電影節。今次的作品選將放映過往的 ifva 得 獎作品,展示跨地域—從香港至伊拉克—的 創意力量。

ifva 比賽公開組金獎 ifva

印尼少女 Yayang 來港打工,夢想有日可回 鄉安居,怎知以低於法定工資受聘於基層家 庭。在港的生活比想像中困難,嘗試在續約 時爭取更好待遇,卻令自己陷入現實與情感 兩難……

Yayang, an Indonesian girl who works in Hong Kong, dreams to improve her life back home someday. Employed by a grassroots family, Yayang receives salary that is less than the minimum allowable wage. This puts her in the dilemma of staying or quitting…

想像• 外婆

Fishing With Popo 傅詠欣

Fu Wing-yan / 彩色


模仿在日常生活之中,滲透入每一個人裡, 慢慢將你、我,轉化為一件件,一模一樣, 倒模品。

In everyday life we all imitate one another. Slowly you and I become the same; we are taken from the same mold.

Land of the Heroes Sahi

/ 伊拉克 Iraq / 彩色 Col / 17’ 31” /

庫爾德語對白,英文字幕 In Kurdish with English subtitles

ifva 比賽亞洲新力量組金獎 ifva Awards - Asian New Force Category Gold Award


年,伊拉克和伊朗之間的衝突進入白熱 化階段。十歲的狄理亞和妹妹施安妮想在電 視上看卡通片,卻說易行難……

is reaching its final stage. The ten-year-old Dileer and his sister Zienee want to watch cartoons on television, but that is easier said than done when bully Malo comes along...

粵語對白,英文字幕 In Cantonese with English subtitles 第十八屆 ifva 比賽動畫組特別表揚

ifva Awards - Animation Category Special Mention

少女到祖母墳前拜祭,回想起祖母的葬禮、 生前所說的故事、以及她曾經夢見祖母的那 個奇幻夢境。

查詢 Enquiries:

As she visits her grandmother’s grave, a girl remembers the funeral, her grandmother’s vivid storytelling and a curious dream that she had of her grandmother in her after-life.

ifva@hkac.org.hk www.ifva.com 主辦 Organised by:

贊助 Sponsored by:

Hong Kong Arts Centre


Open House





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