Genius of Biome Report

Page 169

glossary of terms Pattern – a reoccurring form, strategy, or principle. Also, an example or model to be imitated or emulated. Principle – a fundamental source from which something proceeds; a primary element, force, or law which produces or determines particular results; the ultimate basis upon which the existence of something depends; cause. Shifting mosaic habitat – the theory that landscapes change and fluctuate, and are dynamic in nature. Strategy – a behavior or set of behaviors or solutions used by an individual to deal with an important life history challenge such as acquiring water, accommodating growth, managing disturbance, rearing young, or obtaining food. Sustainability – the intention and ability to continue the economic, social, institutional, and environmental aspects of human society while meetings the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Symbiotic – an intimate relationship between two or more organisms of different species. The symbiotic relationship may be categorized as mutualistic (in which each organism benefits from the relationship), commensal (in which one organism benefits from the relationship but the other organism neither benefits nor is harmed), or parasitic (in which one organism benefits at the expense of the other).




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