Taken! North Korea's Criminal Abduction of Citizens of Other Countries

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persuaded four South Korean students to go to North Korea.51 He told how the four South Korean students ZHUH Ă RZQ IURP &RSHQKDJHQ¡V .DVWUXS Airport. This location allowed Kim and his colleagues easily to meet the VWXGHQWV JLYH WKHP 1RUWK .RUHDQ SDVVSRUWV DQG Ă \ WKHP WR Moscow, East Berlin, or Beijing. Once the students arrived DW WKHVH ORFDWLRQV WKH\ ZHUH WUDQVIHUUHG WR Ă LJKWV WR 1RUWK Korea. The former North Korean operative observed, “if the recruit was brought here to Kastrup Airport, that would mean the abduction was already 98 percent successful.â€?52 Keiko Arimoto, twenty-three years old at the time RI KHU DEGXFWLRQ LQ ZDV RQH RI WKRVH Ă RZQ WR 1RUWK Korea from this airport under the guidance of a prominent North Korean operative known to be Kim Yu-chol.53 In 1982, Guinean student Aliou Niane was sent by his government to go to North Korea to study agricultural technology at Wonsan Agricultural University. This was part of an educational exchange agreement reached between .HLNR $ULPRWR DERYH DQG KHU Kim Il-Sung and Guinean President Ahmed Sekou Toure. GLVWUDXJKW SDUHQWV 1RUWK .RUHD GLG QRW DOORZ $OLRX 1LDQH WR OHDYH IRU Ă€YH \HDUV 54 Many North Korean efforts to recruit or capture foreign citizens took place in the former Yugoslavia. North Korea was allowed to open a consulate in Zagreb because of Kim Il-sung’s close relationship with former Yugoslav President Josip Broz “Tito.â€? The Zagreb consulate functioned as a base for North Korean spies like Kim Yu-Chol, who worked for the KWP External Coordination Department, also called “the Overseas Liaison Department.â€? Jordan Denich, a Yugoslavian diplomat stationed at the Embassy in Pyongyang during the 1970s, explained: “The DPRK was undertaking many activities in order to recruit foreign citizens, primarily prominent South Koreans residing in Western Europe. At that time, Yugoslavia was also open to the West. North Korea used Yugoslavia as a steppingstone for the recruitment of South Koreans. However, the capital, Belgrade, was KHDYLO\ JXDUGHG DQG LW ZDV GLIĂ€FXOW IRU IRUHLJQ GLSORPDWV WR IXQFWLRQ GXH WR Yugoslavian surveillance. North Korea circumvented this surveillance with the Consulate in Zagreb, a location that was not as closely watched and which was even closer to destinations of interest, such as Austria and Italy.â€?55


Ibid. 303 Ibid. 306. 53 Ibid. 306-307 54 Kiely, Jodi. “Memories of an African Student Forced to Study in North Korea during the 1980s.� One Free Korea. 28 May 2009. 55 NHK. <RGR JR WR 5DFKL (NHK Shuppan, 2004). 295-296. 52


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