Hospital Consultant & Specialist

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the hospital consultant and specialist bi monthly magazine of the Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association Editorial: Eddie Saville Steve George Ian Smith Nick Wright 01256 771777 Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the Editor, Publisher, Sponsors or Advertisers of HCSA News. Where links take you to other sites, the Editor, Publisher and Webmaster cannot be held responsible for the content of those sites. HCSA Logo, HCSA News and related devices are protected by registered copyright. ©2012 All Rights Reserved. Hospital Consultants & Specialists Association No reproduction of any material is permitted without express permission of the respective owners.

3 news HCSA enters Scottish pension talks Union plans for post-2015 scenario NHS equality and diversity 4 briefing Learning and skills through the TUC Chris Khoo on independent healthcare 5 news HCSA recruitment drive in Leicester Umesh Udeshi on medical revalidation 6 opinion Joe Chattin on NHS whistleblowing


chief executive’s notes Now that Olympic fever has died down, and the feel-good factor has slowly drifted back to normal, our work continues. Our team of officers is working tirelessly at local level representing members, advising on job planning issues and dealing with the spectre of bullying and harassment at work. This appears to be an increasing trend in the workplace. Bullying has a devastating effect on the individual and those around them. Employers need not only to boast a zero tolerance approach in policy but build it into their workplace practice and culture.

8 news HCSA Centre stage at the TUC SW health unions resist pay cartel plan Future role of the NHS consultant

Our membership continues to rise as those not previously in our union choose the HCSA to represent their interests. One of the best ways to recruit members is by word-of-mouth and, in this respect, it is you who can make all the difference. Recruitment events like the event in Leicester reported in this issue are a great way to recruit and for new members to meet with existing members.

Those members with a keen eye will see that we have revamped this publication writes Eddie Saville.

The Trades Union Congress annual conference this year will be held in Brighton and the HCSA will be in the thick of the debate. More on this later on in this issue, but it is worth noting the great advantage we have over other organisations in our sector by our affiliation to the broader trade union movement. The influence that we gain, industrially and politically, the opportunities to work with other unions on many different campaigns and the research and campaigning resources we can access make a big difference.

It is always a good idea to refresh our communications and we hope you will approve of the new style and layout. We have changed the name and the colouring and made the overall read more dynamic. It is vital that we continue to look at how we can improve the way we communicate to members and this is a first in a programme of improvements. However we want to hear your views, good or not so please write to us at

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When I first started work at the HCSA I noticed we were affiliated to both the English and Welsh TUC, but not the Scottish TUC. I am delighted to say that our application to affiliate has now been accepted. We just have the Irish Council of Trade Unions to consider affiliation and we will have the full house. HCSA has also begun to attend (as observers currently) the Welsh Partnership Forum which brings together trade unions, employers and the Welsh Government to discuss workforce issue. It is a great opportunity for us to show the all parties that the HCSA wants to engage.

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