Hi-Line Farm & Ranch - October 2014

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Weather Woes Falling Numbers Cause Concern For Hi-Line Ag Producers / Page 4




October 2014



Hit and miss harvest



October 2014


Pam Burke community@havredailynews.com

Havre Daily News/Eric Seidle A tractor and bailer sit in a field near Loma this summer. Many hay producers along the Hi-Line were trying to get hay bailed and out of the field when 3 to 9 inches of rain hit around the area — and across the region.

After about three years of good to aboveaverage harvests across the area, farmers, dealing with inconsistent weather in the region, are ending the 2014 growing season with a variety of harvests, from extremely high yields to failed crops — and strong signs of hope for 2015, too. Whether harvesting grain, oilseed or hay crops this year, producers across north-central Montana were dealing with weather that had a day or two or a mere few miles making all the difference between a crop’s success and failure, or average points in between. Tracy Harshman, director of the Blaine County Farm Service Agency, said the heavy rains that fell across the region, and the state, in August came at just the wrong time for most farmers in Blaine County. The hay producers in eastern Blaine and in Phillips County were especially hard hit. Grain producers who had crops in before the rains hit generally got average to above average yield, but those who got caught by the rains, she said, had both good and bad news. “Yield-wise, they did very well, but the

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Havre Daily News/Pam Burke Unharvested wheat stands Sept. 22 in a portion of a field east of Havre. Some fields in north-central Montana, like this one, had low areas that were too wet from late August rains to harvest.




October 2014





October 2014



Harvest: Some good from rain

Harvest: FSA Office has programs to help hay, crop producers

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we got the big rain at the end of May. If that big rain hadn’t have come, we would’ve had some really poor winter wheat crops.” She said that some farmers in the Turner area had planted a new foundation seed called War Horse that is a solid-stem winter wheat, and one farmer reported getting 70 bushels an acre this year. “The guy was just absolutely elated with the War Horse. … There’s the same War Horse outside of Box Elder that got some hail on it at the wrong time and they ended up with nothing, and ours here on station wasn’t the best. But it all depended on who got the rain when how it did for different people. I was really happy to hear some of the guys with the really good yields because I was sick about our yield here on the station. “It was tough up at Turner this year. We have off-station trials up there,” she said, adding that winter kill got to any crops planted after the first of October. “If you were on Sept. 30 you were good, if you were on Oct. 1 you weren’t — it was that tight of a window for seeding winter wheat up there. (The producer who farms the land where her trial plots are) has some really beautiful fields of winter wheat, and a field that I seeded in and he seeded the same day I did — that one did not look good at all and that was seeded five days later.” Some good is coming from the rains.

“It’s a double-edged sword, but overall, even past the damage to the crops that has been done, it is setting us up for good fall crops for 2015,” Lamb said. “(The rain) got that flush of weeds up and going — the cheat grass, the volunteer, any of those fall annuals — that rain got those weeds up and growing, so they could be sprayed out before seeding so that will help us with next year’s crop as well,” she said. “The biggest thing is that the rain is always going to help our hay crops,” Lamb said, especially for the many ranchers who put their last cutting of hay up in the fall and turn cows out to graze the field before winter. This rain will give those fields an extra boost of growth. The other big boost from the rain is for those planting winter wheat. “We’re going into fall right now, fall seeding, and for the most part everyone is going in with good moisture,” Lamb said, while also offering some advice to avoid creating a “green bridge” for crop diseases. “We’re starting to seed, so spraying your fallow and anything volunteer is high on the to-do list this time of year,” she said, “because we are going to have disease pressure again. We have moisture and we have residue and we have ... a lot of diseases that live in old stubble that you’ll be planting back into.”

moisture at just the wrong time caused tremendous quality problems with sprouting grains and falling (nutritional) numbers.” Plus, she said, some areas around Turner got hit hard with hail, but the big news was what happened to hay farmers in the Milk River valley. “We had a lot of hay producers who still had their round bales in the field when we got a lot of rain. There’s a lot of spoiling hay crops, too,” she said. “We did get a small amount of flooding as well. Some of those fields I’m talking about still have water standing in them,” she said in a Sept. 19 interview. “Hay producers could have problems getting hay out of fields. They may have to wait for freezing,” she added. This is especially significant for hay producers farther east and into Phillips County who experienced significant flooding. State news media were reporting several thousand tons of hay were stuck out in the flood waters. See related story in this publication. “Hay prices were high before the rain; they’re higher now,” Harshman said, adding that some programs are available to help farmers and ranchers affected by the rains. “I encourage people to call their FSA Office to inquire about what their options may be as far as grain loans or assistance with damaged crops,” she said, adding that “we’re trying to get the word out to people that may have had that damaged hay that we do have programs that could potentially compensate them for those losses — for owners of livestock that have suffered a loss of feed production.” “It’s called the Emergency Livestock Assistance program,” she added. “It can compensate people for the loss of their hay, the quality damage done to it. It can pay them so they can have some money to go out and purchase some hay.” While western Blaine and Hill county’s producers didn’t have the flooding issues, the problems with heavy rainfall right at harvest time hurt many crops in these areas, too. “Anything that was ripe and and wasn’t harvested when we had that 3-inches-plus of rain, it really did hurt those crops. The winter cereals it hurt worst because they were further along in maturity,” said Peggy Lamb, agronomy research scientist for the Northern Agricultural Research Center south of Havre. She said she knew of some farmers, in the Turner and Hogeland area who said they knew they were getting poor yield in their winter wheat crops so they left them in the field to concentrate on harvesting their spring wheat crops. “Spring crops had a little bit better yield and yield potential and they weren’t as mature when that rain hit — they still had a little bit of green in them — so the sprout damage wasn’t as bad,” she said. “Anything left standing in the field (in the heavy rains) had a really high likelihood of getting sprout damage, which reduces the quality, which reduces the payment to farmers and basically turns it into feed barley or feed grain without the mill-and-bake quali-

ty,” Lamb said. She also heard some oilseed crops got caught standing in the field when the rain hit. That much moisture on safflower will also cause sprouting, she said. Though mustard doesn’t sprout, she added, the seeds get discolored and the pods will be more prone to shatter. But the August rain effects weren’t all bad. Even before barley was being harvested in this area, Lamb said, she had read a report that malting barley was not doing well in Idaho and Colorado, the two states besides Montana with generally large amounts of malting barley. The two big malters, Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors, rejected a large number of malting barley contracts for lack of quality. “One of them had turned down 100 percent of their malt contracts — 100 percent of what had come in — and the other one had turned down 50 percent because of sprout,” she said. “They’d had a little over a week of rain — it was right at the time to cut it and this prolonged rain, a little bit of heat and then more rain where they couldn’t get in and start cutting. “Any kind of sprout in malt barley just does it in,” she added. “It turns it into feed immediately.” While malters are looking for the “super plump kernels” that grow best in irrigated fields, she said, dry land farmers in the

area will grow some barley and it could pay off this year. “The dry land guys will grow a good malt barley (without having) a malt contract but will grow a barley that is good for malting just in case there is an open market at the end of the year,” she said. “And theirs will make malt specs then they can sell it to malters, like this year. When there’s all this sprout going on, they have a lot better chance of somebody on the open market saying we need malt barley and be more likely to take it.” Some of what was affected this harvest

season wasn’t even about this year’s rains, but about the moisture and the timing of when seeders and plows hit the soil this spring and last fall. “I’ve heard some really good numbers,” Lamb said about the bushels per acre and quality, “like, ‘you’re kidding me’ type of yields that I actually believe and then some that are average or a little bit below average. It really is a crap shoot which spring storm hit you and which hit your neighbor and the timing of it. Here on station, our winter crops were pretty much done before

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October 2014 20142014 4October October

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Weather Woes Weather Woes cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 8 cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 8

“You’ve gotgot to to think outside thethe box “You’ve think outside box sometimes,” Stanley said. sometimes,” Stanley said. With hayhay shortage from flood damages, With shortage from flood damages, there could be some possibility there. Several there could be some possibility there. Several news agencies picked upup thethe story ofof 9,000 news agencies picked story 9,000 hayhay bales lostlost in in thethe floods, butbut thethe reality bales floods, reality is that number islikely higher. One one hay is that number islikely higher. One one hay grower reported 4,000 bales lost. Crop insurgrower reported 4,000 bales lost. Crop insurance may cover some of of thethe loss, butbut it likely ance may cover some loss, it likely won’t replace revenues lost byby damages this won’t replace revenues lost damages this year. year. Stanley explained that insurance companies Stanley explained that insurance companies focus on on thethe lablab results forfor quality, and they focus results quality, and they used several factors to to find a figure. Due toto thethe used several factors find a figure. Due complexity of quality in the policy, farmers complexity of quality in the policy, farmers need to check their with their crop insurance need to check their with their crop insurance agents to see what benefits they might getget inin agents to see what benefits they might thisthis tough situation. She said that farmers can tough situation. She said that farmers can benefit from thethe knowledge of of their agent toto benefit from knowledge their agent help them with their situationl. help them with their situationl. Mike Mitchell, of of Glasgow United InsurMike Mitchell, Glasgow United Insurance & Realty, hashas been anan agent forfor sevance & Realty, been agent severaleral years. HeHe said that they’re still waiting years. said that they’re still waiting on on numbers before they can see the final numbers before they can see the final outcome thisthis year. HeHe said that knowing outcome year. said that knowing thethe total damages andand how thethe harvest truly total damages how harvest truly

Hi-Line Hi-Line Hi-Line


went wentwon’t won’tcome comeuntil untilNovember NovemberororDecemDecember. ber.Mitchell Mitchellsaid saidthat thatthey theyare areseeing seeingmore more claims claimsfrom fromthe thebig bigrains. rains. HeHeadded addedthat thatquality qualitywas wasthe thebiggest biggest concern and that a misconception concern and that a misconceptionisisoften oftenthe the price priceguaranteed guaranteedper perbushel bushelininaasituation. situation.He He explained explainedthat thatcoverage coveragehad hadnothing nothingtotodo do with withwhat whata afarmer farmercould couldmarket markettheir theirgrain grain for. for. “What “Whatyou youcan canmarket marketyour yourgrain grainfor for doesn’t doesn’tcount,” count,”Mitchell Mitchellsaid. said. HeHealso alsoexplained explainedthat thatthe thenew newfarm farmbill bill didn’t include a disaster program, meaning didn’t include a disaster program, meaning farmers farmershave havetotorely relyononmulti-peril multi-periland andhail hail insurance. insurance.He Heexplained explainedthat thatthe themulti-peril multi-peril insurance insurancewould wouldcover coverpoor poorcrops cropsand andisistied tied back to the actual production. Hail insurance back to the actual production. Hail insurance would wouldcover coverthe thepercentage percentageofofloss lossofofaacrop crop per peracre. acre. SoSoback backtotothe thefarmer farmerwho whotook tookaagamble gamble this season. With weather worries, this season. With weather worries,raising raising tariffs tariffsand anddifficulties difficultiesmarketing marketingthe thevalues values ofoftheir theircrops, crops,it’s it’sbeen beena atough toughyear yearfor forthe the farmer. Fast explained that he’s heard farmer. Fast explained that he’s heardofofofoffers fersasaslow lowasas$1.30 $1.30a abushel bushelthis thisyear yearand andofof some somefarmers farmersthat thathave havebeen beentotally totallyrejected. rejected. HeHehas hasfarm farmland landininFrazer, Frazer,Vandalia, Vandalia,OphOpheim eimand andother othersurrounding surroundingareas. areas. Fast FastFarms Farmshad hadtotosave savecombines combinesasas the theflood floodwaters waterscame cameininlate lateAugust. August.He He

Paraquat ParaquatUse UseIncrease IncreaseBrings BringsWarnings Warnings


The eGT The elevator near Frazer, been for a few part isofpart a company that does lot ofa lot trade in theinAsian market. Lonnie Harms, the interior facility manager, explained thatthat eGT elevator nearabove, Frazer,which above,has which hasaround been around foryears, a few isyears, of a company thatadoes of trade the Asian market. Lonnie Harms, the interior facility manager, explained knowingknowing what quality comes into the elevator helps them fulfill contracts with grain buyers. cOver PHOTO: The Saco flats area near along the Phillips county line with valley county shows the wrath of of what quality comes into the elevator helps them fulfill contracts with grain buyers. cOver PHOTO: The Saco flats area near along the Phillips county line with valley county shows the wrath recent flooding on local on agriculture. The lossThe of thousands and thousands of balesofofbales Montana hay is expected to cause a hay ashortage this winter. PricesPrices werewere reported risingrising $85 to $100 per bale in the recent flooding local agriculture. loss of thousands and thousands of Montana hay is expected to cause hay shortage this winter. reported $85 to $100 per bale in last the last month. Some wheat will be looking into selling feedfororfeed hay due todue floodtodamages. month. Somegrowers wheat growers will be looking into wheat selling for wheat or hay flood damages.


Falling 2014 Numbers, ForFor Various Reasons, Cause Concern ForFor Hi-Line Farmers Falling 2014 Numbers, Various Reasons, Cause Concern Hi-Line Farmers BY BONNie DAviDSON received as much as 10 as inches of rain harvest was was thesethese issues create hugehuge discounts in the costcost of wheat andand BY BONNie DAviDSON received as much 10 inches of just rainas just as harvest issues create discounts in the of wheat THe GLASGOw cOUrier at its peak. What made this even more unusual was how can end up costing farmers to take a loss. The state grain THe GLASGOw cOUrier at its peak. What made this even more unusual was how can end up costing farmers to take a loss. The state grain “Whatever MotherMother NatureNature deals, it is what is,” Don the damaged cropscrops are. The covers Idaho, are watching for falling numbers, meaning checking “Whatever deals, it isitwhat it is,” Don widespread widespread the damaged are. span The span covers Idaho,labs labs are watching for falling numbers, meaning checking Fast, a local in Valley CountyCounty said. said. Montana, the Dakotas and portions of Canada. for the or parts of the thatthat allow for for breads to to Fast, afarmer local farmer in Valley Montana, the Dakotas and portions of Canada. forgluten the gluten or parts of wheat the wheat allow breads He explained that it was a rough harvest due to the late “Every year pieces of the state are affected by unexrise after the wheat is made into flour. He explained that it was a rough harvest due to the late “Every year pieces of the state are affected by unexrise after the wheat is made into flour. rains that came as just the harvest seasonseason came at its peak. weather,” Rumney said. said. “But “But its notitsusually this this A lotAoflotthe aren’t in yet as farmers waitwait to find rains thatjust came as the harvest came at its peak.pectedpected weather,” Rumney not usually of numbers the numbers aren’t in yet as farmers to find A late spring oflack rainof in rain certain areas, areas, hail and widespread.” out the As little as 10 or as as 40 A late frost, springlack frost, in certain hailthe and the widespread.” outdamage. the damage. As little aspercent, 10 percent, ormuch as much as 40 late heavy by another early frost a it a He explained whilewhile most most of theofwinter wheatwheat had been is believed to have beenbeen harvested by the timetime the the late rains heavyfollowed rains followed by another earlymade frost it made He explained the winter had been percent percent is believed to have harvested by the fairly rough year. Some farmers had a devastating blow, harvested, much of the spring wheat wasn’t quite ready, heavy rains hit. Much of that number depends on the area. fairly rough year. Some farmers had a devastating blow, harvested, much of the spring wheat wasn’t quite ready, heavy rains hit. Much of that number depends on the area. while others to havetododged the troubles from the rain at hit theatpeak, right right whenwhen farmers would havehave A large radius around Glasgow seems to have been in better while seemed others seemed have dodged the troubles from theor theor thehit rain the peak, farmers would A large radius around Glasgow seems to have been in better rough season. been out The heavy moisture has caused several as the rainsrains didn’t hit and the the areaarea andand it it rough season. beenharvesting. out harvesting. The heavy moisture has caused severalshape, shape, as summer the summer didn’t hit and “Our county is all over map. have rain, elevators to asktofor numbers before a deala is made with with was was a lotadrier, causing farmers to harvest a little earlier. “Our county is allthe over theSome map. didn’t Some didn’t have rain, elevators ask for numbers before deal is made lot drier, causing farmers to harvest a little earlier. some did very well,” Angie Stanley, a senior insurance farmers looking to unload their grains. Much of the issue Rumney said that testing takes a little bit longer on damsome did very well,” Angie Stanley, a senior insurance farmers looking to unload their grains. Much of the issue Rumney said that testing takes a little bit longer on damagent for Northwest Farm Credit Services said. She quality of theofgrains. Wheat is theisstrong crop crop of theof the agedaged grains. Some of those teststests can can taketake up to times agent for Northwest Farm Credit Services said.added She addedis the is the quality the grains. Wheat the strong grains. Some of those upfive to five times that each farmerfarmer will have different story. story. state, state, with nearly 89 million bushels of non-irrigated spring of time, which has has caused those working for for the the thatindividual each individual willahave a different with nearly 89 million bushels of non-irrigated springthe amount the amount of time, which caused those working Many farmers will have rougha tale to tale tell to as tell numbers harvested in 2012. ManyMany of theofHi-Line counties graingrain labs labs to put daysdays andand hours to keep up up Many farmers willa have rough as numberswheatwheat harvested in 2012. the Hi-Line counties statestate to in putextra in extra hours to keep come income frominthe Montana State Grain reported producing between 2.5 million and 10 They’re working seven daysdays a week to figure from the Montana State Labs. Grain Jeff Labs.Rumney, Jeff Rumney, reported producing between 2.5 million andmillion 10 million this season. this season. They’re working seven a week to figure the bureau chief of the state grain lab, explained that this is bushels of spring wheat. out what the damage is. Sprouts, or moisture causing the the the bureau chief of the state grain lab, explained that this is bushels of spring wheat. out what the damage is. Sprouts, or moisture causing unusually stressful harvestharvest seasonseason at the labs. explained can cause the proteins to break down, the colto fertilize and and become a seed, seems to be of of unusually stressful at theHe labs. He explained Moisture Moisture can cause the proteins to break down, the col- kernel kernel to fertilize become a seed, seems to one be one how thehow latethe moisture was devastating to several crops who or, or or, DHV (dark (dark hard vitreous), and cause sprouting. All All cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 5 5 late moisture was devastating to several crops who or DHV hard vitreous), and cause sprouting. cONTiNUeD ON PAGe

MSU NewS Service MSU NewS Service AsAs weeds like kochia develop resistance weeds like kochia develop resistancetoto glyphosate herbicides, more Montanans areare turnglyphosate herbicides, more Montanans turninging to herbicides thatthat contain thethe active ingredient to herbicides contain active ingredient paraquat, says Montana State University Pesticide paraquat, says Montana State University Pesticide Education Specialist Cecil Tharp. Education Specialist Cecil Tharp. Paraquat is very effective as as a broadspectrum Paraquat is very effective a broadspectrum herbicide, butbut unlike glyphosate products, herbicide, unlike glyphosate products,it itis is highly toxic to to humans, Tharp said. Just highly toxic humans, Tharp said. Justa few a few drops to one teaspoon can kill the average 160drops to one teaspoon can kill the average 160pound person. AsAs a result, Tharp warns applicators pound person. a result, Tharp warns applicators to be of the personal protective equipment to aware be aware of the personal protective equipment requirements thatthat areare listed onon thethe product label. requirements listed product label. HeHe alsoalso reminds dealers that they aren’t required toto reminds dealers that they aren’t required suggest personal protective equipment to customsuggest personal protective equipment to customers,ers, butbut if they do,do, they must bebe sure to to read thethe if they they must sure read product labels to give accurate advice. product labels to give accurate advice. “Due to the risks, applicators shouldn’t simply “Due to the risks, applicators shouldn’t simply askask dealers, retailers, friends, family or neighbors dealers, retailers, friends, family or neighbors for for thethe required personal protective equipment,” required personal protective equipment,” Tharp said. “They should always read and follow Tharp said. “They should always read and follow thethe pesticide product label. That is the ultimate pesticide product label. That is the ultimate source andand contract forfor applicators to to follow.” source contract applicators follow.” Most herbicide products used Most herbicide products usedin inMontana Montana require only minimal personal protective equiprequire only minimal personal protective equipment, but products that contain paraquat require ment, but products that contain paraquat require much more personal protective much more personal protectiveequipment, equipment, Tharp said. Some common paraquat products areare Tharp said. Some common paraquat products Gramoxone SL,SL, Bonedry, Paraquat Concentrate Gramoxone Bonedry, Paraquat Concentrate andand Firestorm. Firestorm. “Neglecting to to follow thethe product label “Neglecting follow product labelperpersonal protective equipment requirements puts you sonal protective equipment requirements puts you

and your workers, and your workers,handlers handlersand andpossibly possiblyfamily familyatat risk to poisoning,” Tharp said, noting that paraquat risk to poisoning,” Tharp said, noting that paraquat is is a Category a Category1 1for fortoxicity, toxicity,the thehighest highestlevel levelgiven given ononproduct productlabels. labels. Personal Personalprotective protectiveequipment equipmentrequirements requirements arearealways listed on the pesticide always listed on the pesticideproduct productlabel, label, and they are and they areupdated updatedperiodically, periodically,Tharp Tharpsaid. said.The The recommendations recommendationsfor forparaquat paraquatproducts productsare arecurcurrently rentlyaimed aimedatattwo twogroups: groups:applicators-handlers applicators-handlers and andmixers-loaders. mixers-loaders. Applicators Applicatorsand andother otherhandlers handlersmust mustwear wearlonglongsleeve sleeveshirts shirtsand andlong longpants, pants,chemically chemicallyresistant resistant gloves, gloves,protective protectiveeyewear, eyewear,NIOSH-approved NIOSH-approved particulate filtering respirators particulate filtering respiratorsequipped equippedwith withN, N, R,R,P,P,ororHE class filter media. HE class filter media. Mixers Mixersand andloaders loadersmust mustwear wearchemically chemically resistant resistantaprons apronsand andface faceshields. shields.All Allusers usersmust must select the respirator recommended on the select the respirator recommended on thepesticide pesticide label. label. Personal Personalprotective protectiveequipment equipmentisisoften oftenavailavailable where able wherepesticide pesticideproducts productsare aresold, sold,Tharp Tharpsaid. said. For Formore moreinformation, information,applicators applicatorscan canask asktheir their local pesticide local pesticidedealer dealerororgogototowww.gemplers.com www.gemplers.com oror www.airgas.com. www.airgas.com.

explained and in in explained that that corn corn will will be be too too moist moist and some combine someareas areas they they are are unable unable to to get get aa combine ininto that toharvest harvest the the wet wet ground. ground. He He said said that after the seven and a half inches of rain came after the seven and a half inches of rain came in, it was followed by a wind and hail storm in, it was followed by a wind and hail storm that down thatknocked knocked crops crops down down and and knocked knocked down aacontainer. container. He also crecreHeadded added that that the the moisture moisture has has also ated volunteer grasses and weeds to grow, ated volunteer grasses and weeds to grow, adding year. He He addingan an additional additional expense expense this this year. said crop losses losses saidthat that there there could could be be some some total total crop this year, but perhaps they could get some this year, but perhaps they could get some partial partialdamage damage covered. covered. “You can concon“You learn learn to to control control what what you you can trol,” trol,”Fast Fast said. said. Next to extenextenNext year's year's harvest harvest is is aa concern concern to sion agent Mills, who said that the late rain sion agent Mills, who said that the late rain and time andheavy heavy moisture moisture came came at at the the perfect perfect time totoget getthe the orange orange midge, midge, aa pest pest responsible responsible for past, to to forhuge huge wheat wheat crop crop losses losses in in the the past, drop into the soil and hibernate for the foldrop into the soil and hibernate for the following testing lowingyear. year. She She explained explained that that after after testing this in thisyear year there there is is definitely definitely aa presence presence in Valley County and others along the Hi-Line Valley County and others along the Hi-Line reported predict reported the the pest. pest. No No one one can can fully fully predict the For theweather weather for for the the next next harvest harvest season. season. For the theoptimistic optimistic farmers farmers hoping hoping to to continue continue aa job they jobsome some may may say say runs runs in in their their blood, blood, they already look toward the next year and hoping already look toward the next year and hoping for forbetter better outcomes. outcomes.

Ranchers Stewardship Stewardship Estate Planning Planning Oct. 22

IfIf you’re your you’re ready ready to to plan plan for for your future future and and that that of of the the next next generation, generation, the the Ranchers Ranchers Stewardship Stewardship Alliance Alliance plans plans an an estate estate planning planning workshop workshop 4-6 Northern 4-6 p.m. p.m. Oct. Oct. 22 22 at at the the Great Great Northern Hotel Hotel banquet banquet room room in in Malta. Malta. Cornerstone Mark Cornerstone Financial Financial CEO CEO Mark Cain topics Cain will will discuss discuss aa variety variety of of topics as and as they they relate relate to to estate estate planning planning and how how to to make make itit possible possible to to transfer transfer your the next next your business business or or operation operation to to the generation. generation. There free There is is no no cost, cost, although although aa free will Stewardwill offering offering to to the the Ranchers Ranchers Stewardship to shipAlliance Alliance would would be be appreciated appreciated to support such support continued continued programming programming such as as this. this. Contact 654Contact Anna Anna Merriman Merriman at at 6541297 or merriman.anna@gmail.com 1297 or merriman.anna@gmail.com for for more more information. information.

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October 2014 October 2014 October 2014

Researchers hardy indi-hobbies. • Are relaxed. TakeTake walks. Spend time lackand of friends andSense supports. from suicidal needs or anlegal appointment viduals--people whohave can identiďŹ ed handle much more Talk to others. naps. Pray or on alone, • Helpless hopeless: of complete counseling, needsacts, ďŹ nancial advice). for viduals--people who can handle much moremeditate. hobbies. Talkfor to fun. others. Take deeply naps. Pray • Helplessaand hopeless: Sense of complete counseling, needs ďŹ nancial or legalor advice). stress than others without the ill effects. Three Read Breathe and or powerlessness, hopeless feeling. State what you think the person’s famstress than others thecommon ill effects.are Threecount Hi-Line Hi-Line meditate. Read for fun. Breathe deeply and powerlessness, a hopeless feeling. State what you think the person’s or famHi-Line Hi-Line characteristics theywithout have in to 1,000. • Alcohol abuse: There is often a link beily’s needs are (needs immediate protection Hi-Line Hi-Line characteristics they in common to 1,000. Draw on several sources of tween•alcoholism Alcohol abuse: There is often a link be- from ily’ssuicidal needs acts, are (needs protection commitment, control, andhave challenge. Highlyare •count Are involved. and suicide. needs immediate an appointment for www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com October 2014 October 2014 www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com commitment, control, and challenge. Highly • Are involved. Draw on several sources of tween alcoholism and suicide. from suicidal acts, needs an appointment for committed to the work they do, they have a personal satisfaction, such as family, hobbies, • Previous suicidal attempts: May have been counseling, needs ďŹ nancial or legal advice). www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com October 2014 committed to problems the work into theyopportunities. do, they have aandpersonal satisfaction, such as family, hobbies, previous • Previous suicidal May have been counseling, ďŹ nancial or legal advice). knack for turning recreation. attempts of lowattempts: to high lethality. Provide theneeds agency with background infor turning previous attempts low to high Provide the address agency and withphone; background Theknack Serenity Prayer problems expressesinto the opportunities. feeling of •and Arerecreation. active and productive. Make things • Suicidal plan: of Frequent or lethality. constant formation (name, age andinThe they Serenity expresses thestrength feeling ofhappen. • Are activestress and productive. Make things thoughts • Suicidal plan: plan Frequent or constant gender; formation address and phone; age and control have:Prayer “God grant me the Practice management during with a speciďŹ c in mind. nature(name, of current problem or crisis; any controlthe they have:I can “God grant me strengthgood happen. Practice management thoughts with aMaking speciďŹ ca will, plan giving in mind. gender; of aware currentof; problem crisis; any to change things change, thethe courage and bad times. stress Eat right, exercise, during and Cries for help: posses past historynature you’re furtherorinformato change things I can change, andsleep. bad times. Eat right, exercise, and • sionsCries formaking help: Making a will, giving posses tion past you’re aware of; further informato accept those things I cannot change,the andcourage the getgood cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 4 the enough away, statements such as “I’m as history called for). to accept those things I cannot change, and the •get cONTiNUeD FrOM 4 the enough sleep.support. Develop friend- calling • sions away, making statements suchwould as “I’m tion for). wisdom toPAGe know difference.â€? Use and give it quits,â€? or “Maybe my family Askas thecalled agency what follow-up action they wisdom knowfor themany difference.â€? • Use support. Develop it quits,â€? “Maybe my family would will take: Ask the agency what follow-up action they the biggest issues this year. A tough to lesson farmers is that ships for helpand andgive comfort during periodsfriendof be calling better off withoutorme.â€? the explained biggest issues year. A tough lesson for many is thatstress. ships for help and comfort during periods of be better without me.â€? FOR HELP will take:will they act on the referral? hard work does not always lead farmers to success. He that this historically the HOW off TO REFER A PERSON • When work to success. Helevel explained that historically thenot always HOW TO A PERSONand FOR resources HELP • When they act onforthe referral? Thehard work ethicdoes ingrained into lead the very life •stress. Spend time with the family. Talk to each 1. Be aware ofREFER the agencies • Who willwill be the person you to contact contract for Montana spring wheat The work ethic ingrained intoprovide the very • Spend time withExpress the family. Talk to each available 1. Be of the agencies andservices resources later if• Who will be the person for you to contact contract levelhas for been Montana spring wheat of every farmer does not always thelifeother and really listen. appreciation inaware your community - what necessary? falling numbers graded around of every farmer does always provide and really available in what your their community - what if necessary? falling numbers has been around rewards it down promises. For not every farmer, there thefor other each other often.listen. Express appreciation they offer and limitations are.services later • What will be the cost of the service (at 390. This year that average isgraded to 330, rewards it promises. For every farmer, there •for eachpositively. other often. they offer and what their limitations are. • Whatscale)? will be the cost of the service (at are conditions and factors that are out of his Think Encourage an overriding 2. Listen for signs and symptoms that fee/sliding 390. This year that average is down to 330, showing that quality has taken a hugeand hit.factors that are out of his are conditions Think positively. Encourage overriding 2. Listen for signs symptoms that fee/sliding scale)? or her control. sense •that things will work out foranthe best, the person or family needsand help which you • Do you need to do anything else to comshowing that quality has taken a huge hit. Rumney said they’ve even seen numbers or her control. sense that things will work out for the best, the person or family needs help which you • Do you need to do anything else to comAn old farmer had suffered through a lifeno matter what happens. Know that events can’t provide, i.e., ďŹ nancial, legal or personal plete the referral? Rumney said they’ve even seen numbers oldlabs. farmer had suffered through a life-rarely as low as 100 come through the An no destroy matter what happens. Know reactions that events counseling. can’t provide, i.e., ďŹ nancial, legal or personal plete the sure referral? time ofAn troubles afictions that would have people--it is people’s 7. Make the person or family and referas he lowhopes as 100 come through theand labs. An timean of troubles afictions that would haveto events rarely destroy people--it is people’s reactions counseling. 7. Make sure the or family andone referissue farmers take seriously is not leveled ordinaryand mortal. But through it all, that cause the problems. 3. Assess what agency or community re- ral agency connect andperson get together. Make issue he hopes farmers take seriously leveled an ordinary mortal. But“How through it all, toSIGNS events that cause the problems. Assessbewhat or community agency connect and getwith together. Make ifone he with never lost his senseis ofnot humor. have blending bins of wheat other damOF DEPRESSION OR SUICIDAL INTENT source3.would mostagency appropriate to addressre- or ral more follow-up contacts the agency Peerless nevermixing lost hisdamsense of humor. “How have The SIGNS blending of wheat with other OF the DEPRESSION would be most appropriate or more follow-up contacts with the agency youhe managed to keep so happy and serene?â€? Peerlessif greater numberOR ofSUICIDAL signs orINTENT symp- thesource person’s (or family’s) problems. to address called for by the situation. aged wheat. bins He explained that the 893-4398 you managed to keep so happy and greater the family numberisofexperiencing, signs or symp- the person’sthe (orreferral family’s) problems. called for Younkin, by the situation. aged wheat. He explained that mixing the a friend. “It ain’t hard,â€? said theserene?â€? old toms aThe ranch or farm 4. Discuss with the person or Roubie an MSU Extension bins will not average asked out,asked that the damaged 893-4398 a friend. “It in ain’t a ranch or farmshould familybe. is In experiencing, Discuss the referral person or agentRoubie Younkin, MSU Richland Extension binswill willactually not average out,with that the damaged fellow aand twinkle his hard,â€? eye. “ said I’ve the justoldthe toms greater your concern addition, family4.(“It sounds/looks likewith you the are feeling in Valley County,an compiled this rewheat contaminate lower Richland t Grain Feed Seed t Buying and fellow with a twinkle in his eye. “ I’ve just the greater your concern should be. In addition, family (“It sounds/looks like you are feeling agent in Valley County, compiled thisbere724-3353 learned to cooperate with the inevitable.â€? if family members are exhibiting the follow_____. I think _____ could help you deal with wheat will actually contaminate and lower port from Extension sources. She can t Grain Feed Seed t Buying and the quality of the good grains. 724-3353 learned to cooperate withyou the can inevitable.â€? family members are the follow_____. I Fertilizer think _____ could help you deal with reached port from Extension sources. She can be To control those things control, ingifsigns of depression or exhibiting suicidal intent, it is your situation.â€?) at (406)228-6239 or ryounkin@ Opheim the quality of the good grains. t Merchandising Grain This is the reason that must several elevaTo control those things you can control,important ing signs of depression or suicidal intent, it is your situation.â€?) reached at (406)228-6239 or ryounkin@ Opheim t Fertilizer Merchandising Grain you plan. What are your goals for your that you connect them with profes5. Explore the individual’s or family’s will- valleycountymt.net. This is the reason that several eleva762-3231 BONNIE DAVIDSON / THE GLASGOW COURIER you must plan. are next yourthree goalsyears? for yoursional tors have been waiting on toWhat important you them Explore the individual’s or family’s will-t Agronomist t5.Ag Chemicals farm innumbers the next year? help asthat soon asconnect possible. All with criesprofesfor BONNIE DAVIDSON / THE GLASGOW COURIER tors some have been waiting on numbers toIn the t Ag Chemicals tvalleycountymt.net. Agronomist Four762-3231 Buttes farm in the next year? In the next three years?helpsional help as soonseriously. as possible. All cries for accept of the grains. Jerry Doornek Fields in low lying areas near the Milk river were completely submerged in floods. Some of those crops won't be able to be harvested, and Keeping in mind your major, long-range goals should be taken OCTOBER SALE PRICES Four Buttes t Petroleum Services accept some of the grains. Jerry Doornek Fields in low lying areas near the Milk river were completely submerged in floods. Some of those crops won't be able to be harvested, and Keeping in mind your major, long-range goals help should be taken seriously. 783-5519 of the CHS Farmers Elevator Glasgow will makein it easier to set daily priorities. • Signs of depression include: theOCTOBER ground is too SALE soft for aPRICES combine to pass through. This field is along Tampico Highway west of Glasgow. t Petroleum Services 783-5519 of the CHS Farmers Elevator in Glasgow will make it easier to everything set daily priorities. FOR RANCHERS • Signs of depression include: the ground is too soft for a combine to pass through. This field is along Tampico Highway west of Glasgow. When you cannot do you want • Appearance: Sad face, slow movements, Scobey explained that while they are accepting FOR RANCHERS this. Then we will put together our capital camThe explained Sawfly Research Foundation began FOR HI-LINE FARM & RANCH When you cannot do everything you want • Appearance: Sad face, slow movements, Scobey that while they are accepting to accomplish abegan day, tackle those projects unkempt look. they areResearch waiting on falling in numbers willThe probably be struggling. Stanley explained thattogether not“bringing onlyour arecapital they cam-threegrains, 487-2741 this. Roehm Then wesaid willfurther, put The Sawfly Foundation FOR HI-LINE FARM & RANCH to accomplish in a day, tackle those projects •unkempt together years ago out of farmer frustration with Montana Grains Foundation (MGF) an- paign,â€? look. grains, they are waiting on falling numbers that will bring you the biggest return. People will probably be struggling. Stanley explained that not only are they 487-2741 Unhappy feelings: Feeling sad, hopeless, in order figure out farmer marketability. He “Marketing crop willFoundation beaanew great chal- an-seeing damages in spring wheatto and grains, paign,â€? Roehm said further, “bringing togetherthe three yearstopest. ago out frustration with The Montana Grains (MGF) Flaxville bring you the biggest return. Peoplediscouraged, • Unhappy feelings: Feeling sad, hopeless, resources from grain producers grain exportdamaging KurtofKammerzell, a grain nounced Sept. 9this thethis beginning of initiative withthat lowwill self-esteem often set unrealistically in order to figure out marketability. He listless. “Marketing crop will beaanew great chal-they seeing damages in spring wheat and grains, Flaxville explained that theKurt elevator pre-sells their lenge,â€? Harms said. have also seen damages to pea and resources from grain producers to grain exportthe damaging pest. Kammerzell, a grain cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 5 nounced Sept. 9 the beginning of initiative with low self-esteem often set unrealistically 474-2231 listless. “I’m a failure,â€? “I’m high goals,pre-sells but of achievers producerexplained from Chester, and chairman thetheirset moderate goals- BONNIE•discouraged, and have everyone in between.â€? to promote scientiďŹ c research in the control of ers,they Negative/ THE thoughts: that the elevator lenge,â€? Harms said. also seen damages to pea and DAVIDSON GLASGOW COURIER cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 5 474-2231 shipments and many of the buyers are exHe that even low quality crops. They were farther along in harhigh goals, butnot achievers setAchievers moderate goalsers, and everyone inhas between.â€? producer fromtheChester, and chairman of the to added promote scientiďŹ c research inwheat the control • DAVIDSON Negative thoughts: “I’m a failure,â€? “I’m -not too hard and too easy. reBONNIE / THE GLASGOW COURIER no good,â€? “No one cares.â€? explained transfer. Wheat-stem sawy been estimated to harbe group, wheat-stem sawy, Montana’s costliest grain oflentil shipments and many of the arenot exHemake added thatbut even low quality wheat lentil crops. They werewas farther along in cHS Farmers elevator in good,â€? Glasgow has been waiting costs add up and it’s sometimes a gamble pecting a certain quality. Without knowing -not toobuyers hard and too easy. Achievers flour, that there were still grainvesting, but moisture devastating forto be “As no “No one group, explained Wheat-stem sawy has been estimated wheat-stem sawy, Montana’s costliest 1FFSMFTT t 3JDIMBOE t 0QIFJN t 'PVS #VUUFT cHS Farmersreelevator in Glasgow hascares.â€? been waiting Peerless • Richland Buttes Peerless • Richland• •Opheim Opheim •• Four Four Buttes destroying inthe excess of $100 million of Montana a small grouptheoftransfer. producers, we felt we costs add up and it’s sometimes a gamble can still




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production pest. pecting aofcertain quality. Without knowing can stillthat make flour,draw but that were still some vesting, butin the moisture was devastating for numbers from grain crops to see what the if those costs will be covered depending on the quality grainsof coming in, they have 1FFSMFTT t 3JDIMBOE t 0QIFJN t 'PVS #VUUFT would a linethere to sell farmers. She explained that farmers Peerless • 724-3353 Richland Buttes Peerless • Richland• •Opheim Opheim •• Four Four Buttes destroying excess of $100 million of Montana “As a small group producers, we“The felt we on falling production pest. on falling numbers fromrains grainhave cropscaused to seeserious what the had accomplished all we could,â€?he said. production each year, affecting farmers, ifthe those costsmay willbring. be covered depending on guidelines The non-proďŹ t organization will seek tosell bring grain the quality of grains coming in, they have 893-4398- -724-3353 762-3231 - -783-5519 783-5519 guidelines that would draw a line to some farmers. She explained that farmers 893-4398 724-3353 - 762-3231 marketability will be. Late 893-4398 762-3231 783-5519 what season to wait before shipping it on a train. to mills. Some grains will be sold as feed should be consulting with their policy to see Ranchers, had accomplished all we could,â€?he said. “The grain production each year, affecting farmers, The non-proďŹ t organization will seek to bring 893-4398- -724-3353 724-3353 - 762-3231 762-3231 - -783-5519 783-5519 893-4398 724-3353 marketability willwheat be. Late rainsmaking have caused serious 893-4398 762-3231 783-5519 Foundation has theitexpertise and companies and the with truckers railroads what the season bring. all of the wheat and barley industry in an grain toGrains wait before shipping oncausing a train. mills. Some grains be together sold as should be consulting theirand policy to see Montana to spring crops, it a tough Ranchers, Lonnie Harms at may the EGT elevator near Shipments on the trains thisto year. There could be awill possibility forfeedin anwhere they’re at. Larvae Montana Grains Foundation hasare the expertise and damages grain companies andof thethetruckers and inside railroads alltoofreduce the wheat and barley industry together damages to spring wheat crops, making it a tough Check out our sale prices on SMARTLIC hauling the grain. sawy live experience to connect with all parties who should Lonnie Harms at the EGT elevator near effort the detrimental impact this small Shipments on the trains are causing this year. There could be a possibility for where they’re at. year to be a farmer. Frazer explained thatsale theyprices tradeona SMARTLIC lot of their someeffort another issue for farmers. Facingwho large that to grain might not even beimpact able to besmallthe“Quality risk is the largest financial Check out our hauling the grain. Larvae of the sawy live insidebe interested experience connect withproblem, all parties should reduce thestate’s detrimental this year to be a farmer. intosolving this and I large feel grain stems during growing season,risk,â€? comFrazer explained that they trade a lotthe of their insect Linda & Mark Nielsen, hasthat had on the largest industry. another issue for farmers. Facing some grain might not even bemold able to beStanley “Quality riskduring isthe thethe largest financial risk,â€? supplement tubs and ULTRA grains to the Asian market. HeMIN said12-12 that SERVING AREA âœŻ discounts for quality may cause some sold as feed. The moisture can cause added. be interested in solving this problem, and I feel the grain stems growing season, comLinda & Mark Nielsen, insect has had on the state’s largest industry. The weather damage has cut down the supplement tubs and ULTRA MIN 12-12 Owners grains to the Asian market. He said that the this important work will be in capable hands.â€? peting for nutrients and weakening the stems. SERVING AREA “We plan to put the project together in an efâœŻ discounts for quality may cause some sold as feed. The moisture can cause mold Stanley added. • Grain Feed Seed lack of DHV has caused the product to be The weather damage has cut down the farmers to barely break even, but due to and other issues that could cause toxins to Unlike car insurance, crop insurance loose cattle mineral through October. SeOwners IVESTOCK P RODUCERS L this important work will be in capable hands.â€? peting for nutrients and weakening the stems. “We plan to put the project together in an efamount of high quality grains that elevators Iva Murch, Manager • Grain Feed Seed of cattle DHV has caused the product be ďŹ cient The Montana Grains Foundation is afďŹ liated Dale Schuler, ainsurance, farmer in crop the Carter, Mont., manner,â€? saidthat MGF board member Will farmers to barely break even, but due to and other issues could cause toxins to Unlike car insurance loose through October.toSeIVESTOCK P RODUCERS L less lack desirable. Hemineral explained that farmers amount of high quality grains that elevators tariffs and fuel charges Doornek explained Iva Murch, Manager produce. provide full coverage. The Montana Grains Foundation is afďŹ liated Dale Schuler, a farmer inThere’s the Carter,costs Mont.,with Montana ďŹ cient manner,â€? with said aMGF boardassessment member Willdoesn’t are accepting, making it hard to fulfill some FOR 68 YEARS! lected protein tubsthat are $40 less SMARTLIC desirable. He area, serves as president of MGF. “Start-up Grain Growers Association, and •263-7529 Fertilizer “beginning thorough and fuel charges explained produce. doesn’t provide full There’s CHEVROLET 263-7529 are accepting, making it hard to fulfill some thattariffs this already was a costDoornek handed to the FOR 68 YEARS! lected SMARTLICexplained protein tubsfarmers are $40 Roehm, Shelley“beginning Mills, an with MSUa thorough Extensionassessmentalways a serves deductible thatcoverage. doesn’t cover a area, as president of MGF. “Start-up costs with Montana Grain Growers Association, and • Fertilizer Roehm, Dean Barnes, Yard Manager of their contracts. it was founded to carry out charitable, scientiďŹ c were generously donated by the Sawy Research CHEVROLET Dean Barnes, Yard Manager of research progress to date, the affected geothat and this adding alreadyup was aabout cost handed to the per ton off in ton lots and ULTRA MIN Shelley Mills, an MSU Extension always aofdeductible that doesn’t cover a 1946 - 2014 of their contracts. farmer to $2 a bushel. Agent in Valley County, explained that percentage your crop. Depending on your it was founded to carry out charitable, scientiďŹ c were generously donated by the Sawy Research 263-1175 of research progress to date, the affected geo• •Ag Chemicals Doornek said that this year there’s been per ton off in ton lots and ULTRA MIN graphical and educational activities on behalf of Montana’s Schuler “and they have on asked areas Montana’s borders,that and Foundation,â€? 1946 - 2014 farmer and to adding up tohas about $2ana bushel. Agent in beyond Valley County, percentage ofSchuler yoursaid, crop. Depending your 263-1175 Ag Chemicals Doornek said that this year there’s been Getting trains transport been issue 12-12 is $1off GrAiNS per bagAvAiLABLe or $40 perNOw! ton. farmers need to be sure theyexplained test their policy, crops are covered between 50 and Ed Hinton, Auctioneer and educational activities on behalf of Montana’s Foundation,â€? said, “and they have asked graphical areas beyond Montana’s borders, and FALL FOrAGe discounts up to 45 cents per Location. quarter on us to continue with a covered project they started.â€? grain industry. scientists andtouniversities aretest pursuing Getting trains to transport has been an issue 12-12 is $1off GrAiNS per bagAvAiLABLe or $40 perNOw! ton. which All In One Convenient farmers need be sure they their policy, crops are between 50 and Ed Hinton, Auctioneer FALL FOrAGe 783-7285 discounts up to 45 cents per quarter on for elevators and it adds to their cost to keep • •Petroleum grains only forand quality, but to check Crop insurance coverage relies us to continue with a project they started.â€? grain industry. whichnot scientists universities are pursuing85 percent. protein. TheConvenient DHV discounts areLocation. also up a lot Now is also time to get your cow cake All In One 783-7285 for elevators and it adds to their cost to Petroleum grains not but toaffect check on the 85 percent. insurance coverage relies 440keep Hwy 2 Wprotein. ~ Glasgow ~440Across from Fairgrounds The DHV discounts are also up a lot running. Now is also time to get your cow cake for toxins. Sheonly saidfor thatquality, mold won’t past cropCrop history of a four to 10 year Highway #2 W. • Glasgow GMC higher than usual. He stated that the biggest 440 Hwy 2 W ~ Glasgow ~ Across from Fairgrounds * Winter * with running. put in to beat the winterRye rush and for toxins. She said that mold won’t affect on the past crop history of a four to 10 year • Buying && Across from Fairgrounds 440 Highway #2 W. • Glasgow 406-228-9325 ~1-800-255-1472 ~ 406-228-4381 GMC October 2014 November 2014 (cont.) higher than stated that the biggest “It’s a cost that goes directly to the the quality decay of plant material, but average. Stanley added that not all farmers * Winter * with put in to beat the winterRye rush and discounts seemusual. to406-228-9326 be He on protein discounts. CertiďŹ ed • Buying Across from Fairgrounds 406-228-9325 ~1-800-255-1472 ~Boys 406-228-4381 October 2014 November 2014 (cont.) “It’s a cost that goes directly to the the quality decay of plant material, but average. Stanley added that not all farmers Family owned by the Newton Tall,time High weaning justYielding around theForage corner, get discounts seem to be on protein discounts. farmer,â€? Doornek said. Thursday CertiďŹ ed the toxins could create a toxin that would will be able to benefit from crop insurance Thursday 406-228-9326 1-800-255-1472 • 406-228-4381 He said owned that lots of Newton winterBoys wheat that wasRent A Car Thursday MerchandisingThursday Family byowned the Service Grain Tall,time High weaning justYielding around theForage corner, get farmer,â€? Doornek said. the toxins could create a toxin that would will be able to benefit from crop insurance Auto Parts & Repair Center See Doug, Andy, Terry, Kenny or Ted Family by the Newton Boys 1-800-255-1472 • 406-228-4381 He said that lots of winter wheat that was He said that this year he’s seen some recreate problems for grains sold for feed. this year. Service Merchandising Grain your HEADSTART pellets ordered to Rent A Car harvested late has also taken a hugeBoys hit. Autosome Parts & Repair Center See Doug, Andy, Terry, Kenny or Ted Family owned by the Newton All Class Feeder Special He said that this year he’s seen recreate problems for grains sold for feed. this year. All Class Cattle Auction * Winter Triticale * to your HEADSTART pellets ordered harvested late has also taken ayear hugelike hit. ally good high quality grains come through. Mills said this year if those costs will If a farmer yielded more bushels than his AllClass ClassCattle Feeder Special • Agronomist Services “It’s hard to do business in a All Class Cattle Auction *here Winter Triticale * & All Auction have them in time. This is the best ally good high quality grains come through. Mills said this year if those costs will If a farmer yielded more bushels than his • Agronomist Services “It’s hard said. to do business in a year like One lucky farmer was able to make $7.20 a be covered depending on what the season average this year, even with quality discount Tall,them High Quality Forage & All Class Cattle Auction have here in time. This is the best this,â€? Doornek Oneon lucky to make $7.20 a covered what the and season reductions, average farmers this year,may evenstill with discount High Forage jump startTall, you can giveQuality your calves during this,â€? Doornekthat said. bushel one farmer day forwas top able quality, but those maybebring. theydepending saw someon pest issues be quality above their He explained farmers' cost of proAll Class Cattle Auction jump start you can give your calves during Feeder Special & All Class Cattle Auction bushel on one day for top quality, but those may bring. they saw some pest issues and reductions, farmers may still be above their The more things Hecould explained that farmers' of prorates are rapidly dropping as they compete cut worms causing some problems, but guarantees and may not be paid a loss. * Brawl ClearfieldÂŽ All Class Cattle Auction this high stress time. Feeder Special & All Class Cattle Auction duction leave some farmerscost taking The more things rates are rapidly dropping as they compete cut worms causing some problems, but guarantees and may not be paid a loss. * Brawl Clearfi eldÂŽ this high stress time. the morein. The price on a loss. duction couldhave leavetosome farmers taking with the corn change, crops coming they were lucky that nothing seemed to Stanley said marketing that wheat might be Farmers look at the cost of Winter Wheat * the morein. The price the corn crops were lucky that nothing seemed said marketing that wheat they remaincoming ... somewhere a loss. Farmers truck have and to look at the cost of thewith exchange haschange, dropped close on seeds, Early Feeder Special takethey on too much damage. Another issuesto the Stanley challenge this year. Knowing that might some be )BQQZ 5IBOLTHJWJOH /P "VDUJPO WinterFarmers Wheat * chemicals, tractor maintethey remain ... Farmers the exchange has dropped somewhere Early Feeder Special take on too much damage. Another issues the challenge this year. Knowing that some )BQQZ 5IBOLTHJWJOH /P "VDUJPO High Yielding, Hardy and Early youseen know. seeds, chemicals, truck and tractor mainteto $6 a bushel.well, He’s some bushels goclose nance, & All Class Cattle Auction for green wheat that had a frost is that wheat can be substituted as hay and thinkElevator Co. and fuel over the season. All those High Yielding, Hardy and Early well, you know. to $6 a bushel. He’s seen some bushels go & All Class Cattle Auction for green wheat that had a frost is that wheat can be substituted as hay and thinkElevator Co. This historic nance, and fuel over the season. All those on for feed selling as low as $2.50 a bushel. nitrates could cause a problem. Testing in ing about others ways to market could help cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 8 1st Ave. North Dunbar Bros. 8th Annual Bred Heifer December 2014 This historic on for feedpostcard selling as low as $2.50 a bushel. could using cause the a problem. Testing ing about others ways to market could help cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 8 that 1st Ave. the nitrates spring before grains for seed in farmers. DunbarAngus Bros.Bull 8th Annual Bred Heifer Thursday December 2014 Glasgow, MTNorth 59230 & Galpin Calves Auctions postcard that the spring before using the grains for seed farmers. We Do Custom CRP Blends Thursday pokes fun at Glasgow, MT 59230 a concern. cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 9 & Class Galpin Angus Bull Calves Auctions & All Cattle Auction We Do Custom CRP• 228-2571 Blends is also pokes funisat Elevator • 228-4422 / Fertilizer Grass Plant #JH %FDFNCFS 'FFEFS 4QFDJBM is also a concern. cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 9 grashoppers Native & Introduced Seed & All Class Cattle Auction Elevator • 228-4422 / Fertilizer Plant • 228-2571 We Are Cleaning Winter • Winter Wheat Seed For Sale #JH %FDFNCFS 'FFEFS 4QFDJBM grashoppers is Wheat & All Class Cattle Auction Native & Introduced Grass Seed 1939 – Winter We Arefrom Cleaning Wheat • Winter Wheat Seed For Sale Feeder Special featuring Red Angus & All Class Cattle Auction from 1939 – Feeder Special featuring Red Angus 72 years ago. Influence Feeders "OOVBM 4UPDL $PX #SFE )FJGFS 4QFDJBM Call for anago. appointment WHAT YOU NEED • WHEN YOU WANT IT 72 years Influence Feeders "OOVBM 4UPDL $PX #SFE )FJGFS 4QFDJBM CallCOURTESY for an appointment & All Class Cattle Auction WHAT YOU NEED • WHEN YOU WANT IT & All Class Cattle Auction VALLEY COUNTY & All Class Cattle Auction & All Class Cattle Auction 228-9581 COURTESY VALLEY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY / FOR 228-9581 November 2014 HISTORICAL HI-LINE FARM & SOCIETY RANCH / FOR Last All Class Cattle Auction of 2014 HI-LINE FARM & RANCH Last All Class Cattle Auction of 2014 Thursday November 2014


Glasgow GlasgowStockyards, Stockyards,Inc. Inc. t (SBJO 'FFE 4FFE t (SBJO 'FFE 4FFE 2014 NEWTON MOTORS, INC. t 'FSUJMJ[FS 2014 NEW & USED TRUCKS & CARS t 'FSUJMJ[FS NEW & USED CARS Winter NEW & USED CARS WinterSchedule Schedule t "H $IFNJDBMT t "H $IFNJDBMT October – November October – November t 1FUSPMFVN t 1FUSPMFVN December AllAllInInOne t #VZJOH OneConvenient ConvenientLocation Location t #VZJOH December .FSDIBOEJTJOH (SBJO .FSDIBOEJTJOH (SBJO t "HSPOPNJTU 4FSWJDFT 22 t "HSPOPNJTU 4FSWJDFT 13 13 20 99 20 27 16 27 16 23 23


179 Beaverton Road • Saco, MT 179 Beaverton Road • Saco, MT

888-757-2892 • 406-527-3334 888-757-2892 • 406-527-3334



VALLEY SEED COMPANY VALLEY SEED COMPANY Grasshopper Boom: More Impact Expected In 2012 Grasshopper Boom: More Impact Expected In 2012

30 30


44 11 11


All Class Feeder Special AllClass ClassCattle Feeder Special & All Auction & All Class Cattle Auction t 1 0 #PY t (MBTHPX .5 t HTJ!OFNPOU OFU t XXX HMBTHPXTUPDLZBSET DPN t 1 0 #PY t (MBTHPX .5 t HTJ!OFNPOU OFU t XXX HMBTHPXTUPDLZBSET DPN Please call in consignments so buyers can be notiďŹ ed. Please call in consignments so buyers can be notiďŹ ed.


Dick & Bonnie Cotton & Bonnie P.O. Box 483 • BNSFDick Right of Way Cotton • Glasgow, MT 59230 exposed to grasshopper activity. Later planting One or two passes with insecticide treated seed P.O. Box 483 • BNSF Right of Way • Glasgow, MT 59230 BY KEVIN WANNER 406-228-9581 • 406-263-7127 exposed to grasshopper activity. Later planting One or two passes with insecticide treated seed BY KEVIN WANNER also reduces the risk of damage by aphids and (active ingredients imidacloprid and thiameMSU EXTENSION SPECIALIST 406-228-9581 • 406-263-7127 reduces the risk ofofdamage by aphids (activearound ingredients imidacloprid thiameMSU EXTENSIONincreased SPECIALISTdramati- the also wheat curl mite, both which can vector and thoxam) the perimeter of theand ďŹ eld is Grasshopper populations 440 Highway 2 West • Glasgow • Across from the Fairgrounds the wheat curl mite, both of which can vector thoxam) around the perimeter of the ďŹ eldare is Grasshopper populations increased dramati440 Highway 2 West • Glasgow • Across from the Fairgrounds viral diseases. also typically effective. Adult grasshoppers cally in Montana from 2007 to 2010, from one 406-228-9325 • 406-228-4381 • diseases. 1-800-255-1472 viral also typically effective. Adult grasshoppers are cally in Montana from 2007 to 2010, from one Vigilant scouting is recommended. Adult more difďŹ cult to control, and the higher end of 406-228-9325 • 406-228-4381 • 1-800-255-1472 million acres with more than 15 grasshoppers Family owned by the Newton Boys! YOU’re reADiNG Hi-LiNe FArM & rANcH – THE AGAGMONTHLY Vigilant scouting is recommended. Adult more difďŹ cult to control, and the higher end of million acres with more than 15 grasshoppers canBoys! y and are very mobile, so the label rate is recommended. per square yard in 2007, to 17 Family million acres owned bygrasshoppers the Newton YOU’re reADiNG Hi-LiNe FArM & rANcH – THE MONTHLYFOr FOrNOrTHeAST NOrTHeAST& &NOrTH NOrTHceNTrAL ceNTrALMONTANA MONTANA Rent A Car grasshoppers can y and are very mobile, so the label rate is recommended. per square yard in 2007, to 17 million acres See Doug, Andy, Terry, Kenny or Ted! localizedKenny densitiesor canTed! change quickly.Rent The When applying border sprays, timing is with more than 15 grasshoppers per squareAndy, Terry, A Car See Doug, localized can change quickly. When applying border sprays, moreHowever, than 15 grasshoppers per square migratory anddensities two-striped grasshoppers areThe important. Border sprays beyond the timing edge is yardwith in 2010. crop and rangeland migratory and two-striped grasshoppers are important. Border sprays beyond the edge yard in 2010. However, crop and rangeland prevalent species in the current outbreak. of the crop need to be applied just before the damage has been somewhat moderated by the prevalent species in the current outbreak. of the crop need to be applied just before the damage has been somewhat moderated by the

AllAllInInOne OneConvenient ConvenientLocation Location

66 6

Hi-Line Hi-Line Hi-Line


October 2014 October 2014 October 2014

www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com

Field Field Grain Grain Belt Belt


990 990Gal. Gal.Tank Tank Colors ColorsAvailable: Available: 50’ 50’Hose Hose White, White,Red, Red, 40 40Gal. Gal.aaMinute MinutePump Pump Green, Black, Green, Black, 55 55Gal. Gal.DEF DEFSystem System and andGray Gray Aluminum AluminumWheels Wheels Introductory IntroductorySale Saleon on1st 1stSemi SemiLoad Load Reg. Reg.$18,315 $18,315Sale Sale$15,900 $15,900





-Gentle -GentleOn OnPulse PulseCrops. Crops. -Easy, -Easy,Self SelfClean-out Clean-out -Comparable -Comparabletoto10� 10�Auger Auger -Anti-Corrosion -Anti-CorrosionFor ForFertilizer Fertilizer

Model Model1545LP 1545LP

Several SeveralInInStock! Stock!

Over Over100 100Bu. Bu. Per PerMinute Minute Capacity Capacity


Hi-Line Hi-Line Hi-Line


October 2014 October 2014 October 2014

%*8)6 ,%6:)78 %*8)6 ,%6:)78 -274)'8-32 74)'-%07 -274)'8-32 74)'-%07

INCREASE INCREASEPRODUCTIVITY PRODUCTIVITYAND ANDSAVE SAVECOSTLY COSTLYDOWN DOWNTIME! TIME! Don’t Don’tput putyour yourmachines machinesaway awayuntil untilthey theyhave havebeen beeninspected inspected and andrepaired repairedby byfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 6HOI 3URSHOOHG 6HOI 3URSHOOHG 6HOI 3URSHOOHG 6HOI 3URSHOOHG

Low ProďŹ le Hopper The unique Low ProďŹ le Hopper is is only EZTRAK Low ProďŹ le Hopper The unique Low ProďŹ le Hopper only EZTRAKSystem System– –tensioning tensioningand andtracking trackingsystem system has incheshigh highcollapsed collapsedand and1616inches inchesextended. extended.This Thisal-alhasvisual visualtension tensionindicator indicatorand anduses usesa asteel steelenvelope envelope 8 8inches lows toto ďŹ t ďŹ t under even the lowest totocontrol lowsthe theLow LowProďŹ le ProďŹ leConveyor Conveyor under even the lowest controlthe themovement movementofofthe thebelt. belt. ofof center dump grain trucks. center dump grain trucks.

Whether Whetheryou youwant wanttotomove move grain grainfrom froma atruck trucktotoananairaircart cart ororfrom froma astorage storagesystem systemtoto a atransport transporttruck, truck,a aField Field GrainBelt GrainBeltcan canmove movelarge large quantities quantitieswith withthe thepowerpowerfulfulcombination combinationofofspeed, speed, gentleness gentlenessand andversatility. versatility.

Anything AnythingToToDoDoWith WithGrain, Grain, We WeHandle HandleIt It 406-487-2216 406-487-2216 • Toll • TollFree Free1-888-255-4790 1-888-255-4790 email: email:sales@shortlineag.com sales@shortlineag.com website: website:www.shortlineag.com www.shortlineag.com

Box Box1177 1177 • •Scobey, Scobey,Montana Montana59263 59263

www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com


Key KeyPoints Points • Clean • Clean • Electrical • ElectricalSystems Systems • Cab && • CabComponents Components A/CA/C &RPELQHV &RPELQHV • Engine • EngineComponents Components Key Points Key Points • Hydraulic • HydraulicSystem System • Belts && Chains • Belts Chains • Feeder House Components • Feeder House Components • Hydrostat & Drive Train • Hydrostat & Drive Train • Elevators && Augers • Elevators Augers • Boom Controls ,Q 6KRS • Hydraulics && Gearboxes • Boom Controls ,Q 6KRS • Hydraulics Gearboxes • Straw Chopper && Spreader • Straw Chopper Spreader • Nozzles • Nozzles& Hoses & Hoses • Engine Components • Engine Components &RPELQH &RPELQH • Air Conditioner System • Free Fluid Samples • Air Conditioner System • Free Fluid Samples • Threshing & Separating




** Fluids Include: Engine Oil,Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil Oil & Hydraulic Fluid ** Fluids Include: Engine Coolant, Transmission & Hydraulic Fluid

+($'(56 +($'(56 .(< 32,176 .(< 32,176 InInShop ShopHeader Header ‡ &XWWHUEDU ‡ &XWWHUEDU Inspection ‡ &HQWHU )HHG 6HFWLRQ Inspection ‡ &HQWHU )HHG 6HFWLRQ ‡ 5HHO ‡ 5HHO ‡ &URS &RQYHUJLQJ 6\VWHP ‡ &URS &RQYHUJLQJ 6\VWHP ‡ +\GUDXOLF 6\VWHP ‡ +\GUDXOLF 6\VWHP ‡ (OHFWULFDO 6\VWHP ‡ (OHFWULFDO 6\VWHP ‡ )ORDW 6\VWHP ‡ )ORDW 6\VWHP

399 399




** Fluids Include: Engine Oil,Oil, Coolant, Transmission OilOil & Hydraulic Fluid ** Fluids Include: Engine Coolant, Transmission & Hydraulic Fluid

:KHHO 'ULYH :KHHO 'ULYH 7UDFWRUV 7UDFWRUV Key Points Key Points • Engine • Engine • Fuel System • Fuel System • Power Train • Power Train • Hydraulic System • Hydraulic System • Miscellaneous • Miscellaneous • Cooling System • Cooling System • Electrical System • Electrical System • Steering and Brakes • Steering and Brakes • Operator’s Station • Operator’s Station • Free Fluid Samples • Free Fluid Samples


600 600




KeyPoints Points Key


** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil &Oil Hydraulic Fluid Fluid ** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission & Hydraulic

Key Points Key Points • Engine • Engine • Cooling System • Cooling System • Fuel System • Fuel System • Dyno for • Dyno for Performance Test Performance Test • Safety Items • Safety Items • Hydraulic Systems • Hydraulic Systems • Operator’s Station • Operator’s Station • Electrical Systems • Electrical Systems • Free Fluid Samples • Free Fluid Samples

325 325

$ $

KeyKey Points Points • Belt• Belt Length Length • Chains • Chains • Pick Up Up • Pick • All •Bearings All Bearings • Align BeltsBelts • Align • PTO • PTO

• Threshing & Separating • 75-91 Items! • 75-91 Items! • Free Fluid Samples • Free Fluid Samples

NoNoPayments/ Payments/ NoNoInterest* Interest* until until July July1,1,2015 2015


• Electrical • ElectricalSystem System • Engine • EngineComponents Components • •Hydraulics Hydraulics& &Hydrostat Hydrostat • Powertrain • Powertrain& &Brakes Brakes • Air • AirConditioning ConditioningSystem System • Cab • CabComponents Components • Free • FreeFluid FluidSamples Samples

325 325 In-Shop In-Shop


Swather SwatherInspection Inspection

** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil & Hydraulic Fluid ** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil & Hydraulic Fluid

*Offer ends July 1, 1, 2015 and is subject to to approved credit onon a multi-use account, a service of John Deere Financial, f.s.b. ForFor Agricultural or Commercial useuse only. Minimum purchase required. *Offer ends July 2015 and is subject approved credit a multi-use account, a service of John Deere Financial, f.s.b. Agricultural or Commercial only. Minimum purchase required. After thethe promotional period, interest charges willwill begin to accrue at the regular multi-use account rate. SeeSee dealership for for complete details. After promotional period, interest charges begin to accrue at the regular multi-use account rate. dealership complete details.

EAST 1ST AVENUE 54275 HWY 2 EAST W.W. 2ND STREET HWY 200200 EAST EAST 1ST AVENUE 2121 54275 HWY 2 EAST 2ND STREET HWY EAST 804804 MTMT 59254 MTMT 59230 MTMT 59218 CIRCLE, MTMT 59215 PLENTYWOOD, 59254CULBERTSON, GLASGOW, 59230 CULBERTSON, 59218 GLASGOW, CIRCLE, 59215PLENTYWOOD, (406) 765-1531 (406) 228-2496 (406) 787-6201 (406) 485-2145 (406) 765-1531 (406) 228-2496 (406) 787-6201 (406) 485-2145


66 6

Hi-Line Hi-Line Hi-Line


October 2014 October 2014 October 2014

www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com

Field Field Grain Grain Belt Belt


990 990Gal. Gal.Tank Tank Colors ColorsAvailable: Available: 50’ 50’Hose Hose White, White,Red, Red, 40 40Gal. Gal.aaMinute MinutePump Pump Green, Black, Green, Black, 55 55Gal. Gal.DEF DEFSystem System and andGray Gray Aluminum AluminumWheels Wheels Introductory IntroductorySale Saleon on1st 1stSemi SemiLoad Load Reg. Reg.$18,315 $18,315Sale Sale$15,900 $15,900





-Gentle -GentleOn OnPulse PulseCrops. Crops. -Easy, -Easy,Self SelfClean-out Clean-out -Comparable -Comparabletoto10� 10�Auger Auger -Anti-Corrosion -Anti-CorrosionFor ForFertilizer Fertilizer

Model Model1545LP 1545LP

Several SeveralInInStock! Stock!

Over Over100 100Bu. Bu. Per PerMinute Minute Capacity Capacity


Hi-Line Hi-Line Hi-Line


October 2014 October 2014 October 2014

%*8)6 ,%6:)78 %*8)6 ,%6:)78 -274)'8-32 74)'-%07 -274)'8-32 74)'-%07

INCREASE INCREASEPRODUCTIVITY PRODUCTIVITYAND ANDSAVE SAVECOSTLY COSTLYDOWN DOWNTIME! TIME! Don’t Don’tput putyour yourmachines machinesaway awayuntil untilthey theyhave havebeen beeninspected inspected and andrepaired repairedby byfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff 6HOI 3URSHOOHG 6HOI 3URSHOOHG 6HOI 3URSHOOHG 6HOI 3URSHOOHG

Low ProďŹ le Hopper The unique Low ProďŹ le Hopper is is only EZTRAK Low ProďŹ le Hopper The unique Low ProďŹ le Hopper only EZTRAKSystem System– –tensioning tensioningand andtracking trackingsystem system has incheshigh highcollapsed collapsedand and1616inches inchesextended. extended.This Thisal-alhasvisual visualtension tensionindicator indicatorand anduses usesa asteel steelenvelope envelope 8 8inches lows toto ďŹ t ďŹ t under even the lowest totocontrol lowsthe theLow LowProďŹ le ProďŹ leConveyor Conveyor under even the lowest controlthe themovement movementofofthe thebelt. belt. ofof center dump grain trucks. center dump grain trucks.

Whether Whetheryou youwant wanttotomove move grain grainfrom froma atruck trucktotoananairaircart cart ororfrom froma astorage storagesystem systemtoto a atransport transporttruck, truck,a aField Field GrainBelt GrainBeltcan canmove movelarge large quantities quantitieswith withthe thepowerpowerfulfulcombination combinationofofspeed, speed, gentleness gentlenessand andversatility. versatility.

Anything AnythingToToDoDoWith WithGrain, Grain, We WeHandle HandleIt It 406-487-2216 406-487-2216 • Toll • TollFree Free1-888-255-4790 1-888-255-4790 email: email:sales@shortlineag.com sales@shortlineag.com website: website:www.shortlineag.com www.shortlineag.com

Box Box1177 1177 • •Scobey, Scobey,Montana Montana59263 59263

www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com


Key KeyPoints Points • Clean • Clean • Electrical • ElectricalSystems Systems • Cab && • CabComponents Components A/CA/C &RPELQHV &RPELQHV • Engine • EngineComponents Components Key Points Key Points • Hydraulic • HydraulicSystem System • Belts && Chains • Belts Chains • Feeder House Components • Feeder House Components • Hydrostat & Drive Train • Hydrostat & Drive Train • Elevators && Augers • Elevators Augers • Boom Controls ,Q 6KRS • Hydraulics && Gearboxes • Boom Controls ,Q 6KRS • Hydraulics Gearboxes • Straw Chopper && Spreader • Straw Chopper Spreader • Nozzles • Nozzles& Hoses & Hoses • Engine Components • Engine Components &RPELQH &RPELQH • Air Conditioner System • Free Fluid Samples • Air Conditioner System • Free Fluid Samples • Threshing & Separating




** Fluids Include: Engine Oil,Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil Oil & Hydraulic Fluid ** Fluids Include: Engine Coolant, Transmission & Hydraulic Fluid

+($'(56 +($'(56 .(< 32,176 .(< 32,176 InInShop ShopHeader Header ‡ &XWWHUEDU ‡ &XWWHUEDU Inspection ‡ &HQWHU )HHG 6HFWLRQ Inspection ‡ &HQWHU )HHG 6HFWLRQ ‡ 5HHO ‡ 5HHO ‡ &URS &RQYHUJLQJ 6\VWHP ‡ &URS &RQYHUJLQJ 6\VWHP ‡ +\GUDXOLF 6\VWHP ‡ +\GUDXOLF 6\VWHP ‡ (OHFWULFDO 6\VWHP ‡ (OHFWULFDO 6\VWHP ‡ )ORDW 6\VWHP ‡ )ORDW 6\VWHP

399 399




** Fluids Include: Engine Oil,Oil, Coolant, Transmission OilOil & Hydraulic Fluid ** Fluids Include: Engine Coolant, Transmission & Hydraulic Fluid

:KHHO 'ULYH :KHHO 'ULYH 7UDFWRUV 7UDFWRUV Key Points Key Points • Engine • Engine • Fuel System • Fuel System • Power Train • Power Train • Hydraulic System • Hydraulic System • Miscellaneous • Miscellaneous • Cooling System • Cooling System • Electrical System • Electrical System • Steering and Brakes • Steering and Brakes • Operator’s Station • Operator’s Station • Free Fluid Samples • Free Fluid Samples


600 600




KeyPoints Points Key


** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil &Oil Hydraulic Fluid Fluid ** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission & Hydraulic

Key Points Key Points • Engine • Engine • Cooling System • Cooling System • Fuel System • Fuel System • Dyno for • Dyno for Performance Test Performance Test • Safety Items • Safety Items • Hydraulic Systems • Hydraulic Systems • Operator’s Station • Operator’s Station • Electrical Systems • Electrical Systems • Free Fluid Samples • Free Fluid Samples

325 325

$ $

KeyKey Points Points • Belt• Belt Length Length • Chains • Chains • Pick Up Up • Pick • All •Bearings All Bearings • Align BeltsBelts • Align • PTO • PTO

• Threshing & Separating • 75-91 Items! • 75-91 Items! • Free Fluid Samples • Free Fluid Samples

NoNoPayments/ Payments/ NoNoInterest* Interest* until until July July1,1,2015 2015


• Electrical • ElectricalSystem System • Engine • EngineComponents Components • •Hydraulics Hydraulics& &Hydrostat Hydrostat • Powertrain • Powertrain& &Brakes Brakes • Air • AirConditioning ConditioningSystem System • Cab • CabComponents Components • Free • FreeFluid FluidSamples Samples

325 325 In-Shop In-Shop


Swather SwatherInspection Inspection

** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil & Hydraulic Fluid ** Fluids Include: Engine Oil, Coolant, Transmission Oil & Hydraulic Fluid

*Offer ends July 1, 1, 2015 and is subject to to approved credit onon a multi-use account, a service of John Deere Financial, f.s.b. ForFor Agricultural or Commercial useuse only. Minimum purchase required. *Offer ends July 2015 and is subject approved credit a multi-use account, a service of John Deere Financial, f.s.b. Agricultural or Commercial only. Minimum purchase required. After thethe promotional period, interest charges willwill begin to accrue at the regular multi-use account rate. SeeSee dealership for for complete details. After promotional period, interest charges begin to accrue at the regular multi-use account rate. dealership complete details.

EAST 1ST AVENUE 54275 HWY 2 EAST W.W. 2ND STREET HWY 200200 EAST EAST 1ST AVENUE 2121 54275 HWY 2 EAST 2ND STREET HWY EAST 804804 MTMT 59254 MTMT 59230 MTMT 59218 CIRCLE, MTMT 59215 PLENTYWOOD, 59254CULBERTSON, GLASGOW, 59230 CULBERTSON, 59218 GLASGOW, CIRCLE, 59215PLENTYWOOD, (406) 765-1531 (406) 228-2496 (406) 787-6201 (406) 485-2145 (406) 765-1531 (406) 228-2496 (406) 787-6201 (406) 485-2145



October 2014 October 2014 October 2014

Researchers hardy indi-hobbies. • Are relaxed. TakeTake walks. Spend time lackand of friends andSense supports. from suicidal needs or anlegal appointment viduals--people whohave can identiďŹ ed handle much more Talk to others. naps. Pray or on alone, • Helpless hopeless: of complete counseling, needsacts, ďŹ nancial advice). for viduals--people who can handle much moremeditate. hobbies. Talkfor to fun. others. Take deeply naps. Pray • Helplessaand hopeless: Sense of complete counseling, needs ďŹ nancial or legalor advice). stress than others without the ill effects. Three Read Breathe and or powerlessness, hopeless feeling. State what you think the person’s famstress than others thecommon ill effects.are Threecount Hi-Line Hi-Line meditate. Read for fun. Breathe deeply and powerlessness, a hopeless feeling. State what you think the person’s or famHi-Line Hi-Line characteristics theywithout have in to 1,000. • Alcohol abuse: There is often a link beily’s needs are (needs immediate protection Hi-Line Hi-Line characteristics they in common to 1,000. Draw on several sources of tween•alcoholism Alcohol abuse: There is often a link be- from ily’ssuicidal needs acts, are (needs protection commitment, control, andhave challenge. Highlyare •count Are involved. and suicide. needs immediate an appointment for www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com October 2014 October 2014 www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com commitment, control, and challenge. Highly • Are involved. Draw on several sources of tween alcoholism and suicide. from suicidal acts, needs an appointment for committed to the work they do, they have a personal satisfaction, such as family, hobbies, • Previous suicidal attempts: May have been counseling, needs ďŹ nancial or legal advice). www.havredailynews.com www.havredailynews.com October 2014 committed to problems the work into theyopportunities. do, they have aandpersonal satisfaction, such as family, hobbies, previous • Previous suicidal May have been counseling, ďŹ nancial or legal advice). knack for turning recreation. attempts of lowattempts: to high lethality. Provide theneeds agency with background infor turning previous attempts low to high Provide the address agency and withphone; background Theknack Serenity Prayer problems expressesinto the opportunities. feeling of •and Arerecreation. active and productive. Make things • Suicidal plan: of Frequent or lethality. constant formation (name, age andinThe they Serenity expresses thestrength feeling ofhappen. • Are activestress and productive. Make things thoughts • Suicidal plan: plan Frequent or constant gender; formation address and phone; age and control have:Prayer “God grant me the Practice management during with a speciďŹ c in mind. nature(name, of current problem or crisis; any controlthe they have:I can “God grant me strengthgood happen. Practice management thoughts with aMaking speciďŹ ca will, plan giving in mind. gender; of aware currentof; problem crisis; any to change things change, thethe courage and bad times. stress Eat right, exercise, during and Cries for help: posses past historynature you’re furtherorinformato change things I can change, andsleep. bad times. Eat right, exercise, and • sionsCries formaking help: Making a will, giving posses tion past you’re aware of; further informato accept those things I cannot change,the andcourage the getgood cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 4 the enough away, statements such as “I’m as history called for). to accept those things I cannot change, and the •get cONTiNUeD FrOM 4 the enough sleep.support. Develop friend- calling • sions away, making statements suchwould as “I’m tion for). wisdom toPAGe know difference.â€? Use and give it quits,â€? or “Maybe my family Askas thecalled agency what follow-up action they wisdom knowfor themany difference.â€? • Use support. Develop it quits,â€? “Maybe my family would will take: Ask the agency what follow-up action they the biggest issues this year. A tough to lesson farmers is that ships for helpand andgive comfort during periodsfriendof be calling better off withoutorme.â€? the explained biggest issues year. A tough lesson for many is thatstress. ships for help and comfort during periods of be better without me.â€? FOR HELP will take:will they act on the referral? hard work does not always lead farmers to success. He that this historically the HOW off TO REFER A PERSON • When work to success. Helevel explained that historically thenot always HOW TO A PERSONand FOR resources HELP • When they act onforthe referral? Thehard work ethicdoes ingrained into lead the very life •stress. Spend time with the family. Talk to each 1. Be aware ofREFER the agencies • Who willwill be the person you to contact contract for Montana spring wheat The work ethic ingrained intoprovide the very • Spend time withExpress the family. Talk to each available 1. Be of the agencies andservices resources later if• Who will be the person for you to contact contract levelhas for been Montana spring wheat of every farmer does not always thelifeother and really listen. appreciation inaware your community - what necessary? falling numbers graded around of every farmer does always provide and really available in what your their community - what if necessary? falling numbers has been around rewards it down promises. For not every farmer, there thefor other each other often.listen. Express appreciation they offer and limitations are.services later • What will be the cost of the service (at 390. This year that average isgraded to 330, rewards it promises. For every farmer, there •for eachpositively. other often. they offer and what their limitations are. • Whatscale)? will be the cost of the service (at are conditions and factors that are out of his Think Encourage an overriding 2. Listen for signs and symptoms that fee/sliding 390. This year that average is down to 330, showing that quality has taken a hugeand hit.factors that are out of his are conditions Think positively. Encourage overriding 2. Listen for signs symptoms that fee/sliding scale)? or her control. sense •that things will work out foranthe best, the person or family needsand help which you • Do you need to do anything else to comshowing that quality has taken a huge hit. Rumney said they’ve even seen numbers or her control. sense that things will work out for the best, the person or family needs help which you • Do you need to do anything else to comAn old farmer had suffered through a lifeno matter what happens. Know that events can’t provide, i.e., ďŹ nancial, legal or personal plete the referral? Rumney said they’ve even seen numbers oldlabs. farmer had suffered through a life-rarely as low as 100 come through the An no destroy matter what happens. Know reactions that events counseling. can’t provide, i.e., ďŹ nancial, legal or personal plete the sure referral? time ofAn troubles afictions that would have people--it is people’s 7. Make the person or family and referas he lowhopes as 100 come through theand labs. An timean of troubles afictions that would haveto events rarely destroy people--it is people’s reactions counseling. 7. Make sure the or family andone referissue farmers take seriously is not leveled ordinaryand mortal. But through it all, that cause the problems. 3. Assess what agency or community re- ral agency connect andperson get together. Make issue he hopes farmers take seriously leveled an ordinary mortal. But“How through it all, toSIGNS events that cause the problems. Assessbewhat or community agency connect and getwith together. Make ifone he with never lost his senseis ofnot humor. have blending bins of wheat other damOF DEPRESSION OR SUICIDAL INTENT source3.would mostagency appropriate to addressre- or ral more follow-up contacts the agency Peerless nevermixing lost hisdamsense of humor. “How have The SIGNS blending of wheat with other OF the DEPRESSION would be most appropriate or more follow-up contacts with the agency youhe managed to keep so happy and serene?â€? Peerlessif greater numberOR ofSUICIDAL signs orINTENT symp- thesource person’s (or family’s) problems. to address called for by the situation. aged wheat. bins He explained that the 893-4398 you managed to keep so happy and greater the family numberisofexperiencing, signs or symp- the person’sthe (orreferral family’s) problems. called for Younkin, by the situation. aged wheat. He explained that mixing the a friend. “It ain’t hard,â€? said theserene?â€? old toms aThe ranch or farm 4. Discuss with the person or Roubie an MSU Extension bins will not average asked out,asked that the damaged 893-4398 a friend. “It in ain’t a ranch or farmshould familybe. is In experiencing, Discuss the referral person or agentRoubie Younkin, MSU Richland Extension binswill willactually not average out,with that the damaged fellow aand twinkle his hard,â€? eye. “ said I’ve the justoldthe toms greater your concern addition, family4.(“It sounds/looks likewith you the are feeling in Valley County,an compiled this rewheat contaminate lower Richland t Grain Feed Seed t Buying and fellow with a twinkle in his eye. “ I’ve just the greater your concern should be. In addition, family (“It sounds/looks like you are feeling agent in Valley County, compiled thisbere724-3353 learned to cooperate with the inevitable.â€? if family members are exhibiting the follow_____. I think _____ could help you deal with wheat will actually contaminate and lower port from Extension sources. She can t Grain Feed Seed t Buying and the quality of the good grains. 724-3353 learned to cooperate withyou the can inevitable.â€? family members are the follow_____. I Fertilizer think _____ could help you deal with reached port from Extension sources. She can be To control those things control, ingifsigns of depression or exhibiting suicidal intent, it is your situation.â€?) at (406)228-6239 or ryounkin@ Opheim the quality of the good grains. t Merchandising Grain This is the reason that must several elevaTo control those things you can control,important ing signs of depression or suicidal intent, it is your situation.â€?) reached at (406)228-6239 or ryounkin@ Opheim t Fertilizer Merchandising Grain you plan. What are your goals for your that you connect them with profes5. Explore the individual’s or family’s will- valleycountymt.net. This is the reason that several eleva762-3231 BONNIE DAVIDSON / THE GLASGOW COURIER you must plan. are next yourthree goalsyears? for yoursional tors have been waiting on toWhat important you them Explore the individual’s or family’s will-t Agronomist t5.Ag Chemicals farm innumbers the next year? help asthat soon asconnect possible. All with criesprofesfor BONNIE DAVIDSON / THE GLASGOW COURIER tors some have been waiting on numbers toIn the t Ag Chemicals tvalleycountymt.net. Agronomist Four762-3231 Buttes farm in the next year? In the next three years?helpsional help as soonseriously. as possible. All cries for accept of the grains. Jerry Doornek Fields in low lying areas near the Milk river were completely submerged in floods. Some of those crops won't be able to be harvested, and Keeping in mind your major, long-range goals should be taken OCTOBER SALE PRICES Four Buttes t Petroleum Services accept some of the grains. Jerry Doornek Fields in low lying areas near the Milk river were completely submerged in floods. Some of those crops won't be able to be harvested, and Keeping in mind your major, long-range goals help should be taken seriously. 783-5519 of the CHS Farmers Elevator Glasgow will makein it easier to set daily priorities. • Signs of depression include: theOCTOBER ground is too SALE soft for aPRICES combine to pass through. This field is along Tampico Highway west of Glasgow. t Petroleum Services 783-5519 of the CHS Farmers Elevator in Glasgow will make it easier to everything set daily priorities. FOR RANCHERS • Signs of depression include: the ground is too soft for a combine to pass through. This field is along Tampico Highway west of Glasgow. When you cannot do you want • Appearance: Sad face, slow movements, Scobey explained that while they are accepting FOR RANCHERS this. Then we will put together our capital camThe explained Sawfly Research Foundation began FOR HI-LINE FARM & RANCH When you cannot do everything you want • Appearance: Sad face, slow movements, Scobey that while they are accepting to accomplish abegan day, tackle those projects unkempt look. they areResearch waiting on falling in numbers willThe probably be struggling. Stanley explained thattogether not“bringing onlyour arecapital they cam-threegrains, 487-2741 this. Roehm Then wesaid willfurther, put The Sawfly Foundation FOR HI-LINE FARM & RANCH to accomplish in a day, tackle those projects •unkempt together years ago out of farmer frustration with Montana Grains Foundation (MGF) an- paign,â€? look. grains, they are waiting on falling numbers that will bring you the biggest return. People will probably be struggling. Stanley explained that not only are they 487-2741 Unhappy feelings: Feeling sad, hopeless, in order figure out farmer marketability. He “Marketing crop willFoundation beaanew great chal- an-seeing damages in spring wheatto and grains, paign,â€? Roehm said further, “bringing togetherthe three yearstopest. ago out frustration with The Montana Grains (MGF) Flaxville bring you the biggest return. Peoplediscouraged, • Unhappy feelings: Feeling sad, hopeless, resources from grain producers grain exportdamaging KurtofKammerzell, a grain nounced Sept. 9this thethis beginning of initiative withthat lowwill self-esteem often set unrealistically in order to figure out marketability. He listless. “Marketing crop will beaanew great chal-they seeing damages in spring wheat and grains, Flaxville explained that theKurt elevator pre-sells their lenge,â€? Harms said. have also seen damages to pea and resources from grain producers to grain exportthe damaging pest. Kammerzell, a grain cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 5 nounced Sept. 9 the beginning of initiative with low self-esteem often set unrealistically 474-2231 listless. “I’m a failure,â€? “I’m high goals,pre-sells but of achievers producerexplained from Chester, and chairman thetheirset moderate goals- BONNIE•discouraged, and have everyone in between.â€? to promote scientiďŹ c research in the control of ers,they Negative/ THE thoughts: that the elevator lenge,â€? Harms said. also seen damages to pea and DAVIDSON GLASGOW COURIER cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 5 474-2231 shipments and many of the buyers are exHe that even low quality crops. They were farther along in harhigh goals, butnot achievers setAchievers moderate goalsers, and everyone inhas between.â€? producer fromtheChester, and chairman of the to added promote scientiďŹ c research inwheat the control • DAVIDSON Negative thoughts: “I’m a failure,â€? “I’m -not too hard and too easy. reBONNIE / THE GLASGOW COURIER no good,â€? “No one cares.â€? explained transfer. Wheat-stem sawy been estimated to harbe group, wheat-stem sawy, Montana’s costliest grain oflentil shipments and many of the arenot exHemake added thatbut even low quality wheat lentil crops. They werewas farther along in cHS Farmers elevator in good,â€? Glasgow has been waiting costs add up and it’s sometimes a gamble pecting a certain quality. Without knowing -not toobuyers hard and too easy. Achievers flour, that there were still grainvesting, but moisture devastating forto be “As no “No one group, explained Wheat-stem sawy has been estimated wheat-stem sawy, Montana’s costliest 1FFSMFTT t 3JDIMBOE t 0QIFJN t 'PVS #VUUFT cHS Farmersreelevator in Glasgow hascares.â€? been waiting Peerless • Richland Buttes Peerless • Richland• •Opheim Opheim •• Four Four Buttes destroying inthe excess of $100 million of Montana a small grouptheoftransfer. producers, we felt we costs add up and it’s sometimes a gamble can still




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production pest. pecting aofcertain quality. Without knowing can stillthat make flour,draw but that were still some vesting, butin the moisture was devastating for numbers from grain crops to see what the if those costs will be covered depending on the quality grainsof coming in, they have 1FFSMFTT t 3JDIMBOE t 0QIFJN t 'PVS #VUUFT would a linethere to sell farmers. She explained that farmers Peerless • 724-3353 Richland Buttes Peerless • Richland• •Opheim Opheim •• Four Four Buttes destroying excess of $100 million of Montana “As a small group producers, we“The felt we on falling production pest. on falling numbers fromrains grainhave cropscaused to seeserious what the had accomplished all we could,â€?he said. production each year, affecting farmers, ifthe those costsmay willbring. be covered depending on guidelines The non-proďŹ t organization will seek tosell bring grain the quality of grains coming in, they have 893-4398- -724-3353 762-3231 - -783-5519 783-5519 guidelines that would draw a line to some farmers. She explained that farmers 893-4398 724-3353 - 762-3231 marketability will be. Late 893-4398 762-3231 783-5519 what season to wait before shipping it on a train. to mills. Some grains will be sold as feed should be consulting with their policy to see Ranchers, had accomplished all we could,â€?he said. “The grain production each year, affecting farmers, The non-proďŹ t organization will seek to bring 893-4398- -724-3353 724-3353 - 762-3231 762-3231 - -783-5519 783-5519 893-4398 724-3353 marketability willwheat be. Late rainsmaking have caused serious 893-4398 762-3231 783-5519 Foundation has theitexpertise and companies and the with truckers railroads what the season bring. all of the wheat and barley industry in an grain toGrains wait before shipping oncausing a train. mills. Some grains be together sold as should be consulting theirand policy to see Montana to spring crops, it a tough Ranchers, Lonnie Harms at may the EGT elevator near Shipments on the trains thisto year. There could be awill possibility forfeedin anwhere they’re at. Larvae Montana Grains Foundation hasare the expertise and damages grain companies andof thethetruckers and inside railroads alltoofreduce the wheat and barley industry together damages to spring wheat crops, making it a tough Check out our sale prices on SMARTLIC hauling the grain. sawy live experience to connect with all parties who should Lonnie Harms at the EGT elevator near effort the detrimental impact this small Shipments on the trains are causing this year. There could be a possibility for where they’re at. year to be a farmer. Frazer explained thatsale theyprices tradeona SMARTLIC lot of their someeffort another issue for farmers. Facingwho large that to grain might not even beimpact able to besmallthe“Quality risk is the largest financial Check out our hauling the grain. Larvae of the sawy live insidebe interested experience connect withproblem, all parties should reduce thestate’s detrimental this year to be a farmer. intosolving this and I large feel grain stems during growing season,risk,â€? comFrazer explained that they trade a lotthe of their insect Linda & Mark Nielsen, hasthat had on the largest industry. another issue for farmers. Facing some grain might not even bemold able to beStanley “Quality riskduring isthe thethe largest financial risk,â€? supplement tubs and ULTRA grains to the Asian market. HeMIN said12-12 that SERVING AREA âœŻ discounts for quality may cause some sold as feed. The moisture can cause added. be interested in solving this problem, and I feel the grain stems growing season, comLinda & Mark Nielsen, insect has had on the state’s largest industry. The weather damage has cut down the supplement tubs and ULTRA MIN 12-12 Owners grains to the Asian market. He said that the this important work will be in capable hands.â€? peting for nutrients and weakening the stems. SERVING AREA “We plan to put the project together in an efâœŻ discounts for quality may cause some sold as feed. The moisture can cause mold Stanley added. • Grain Feed Seed lack of DHV has caused the product to be The weather damage has cut down the farmers to barely break even, but due to and other issues that could cause toxins to Unlike car insurance, crop insurance loose cattle mineral through October. SeOwners IVESTOCK P RODUCERS L this important work will be in capable hands.â€? peting for nutrients and weakening the stems. “We plan to put the project together in an efamount of high quality grains that elevators Iva Murch, Manager • Grain Feed Seed of cattle DHV has caused the product be ďŹ cient The Montana Grains Foundation is afďŹ liated Dale Schuler, ainsurance, farmer in crop the Carter, Mont., manner,â€? saidthat MGF board member Will farmers to barely break even, but due to and other issues could cause toxins to Unlike car insurance loose through October.toSeIVESTOCK P RODUCERS L less lack desirable. Hemineral explained that farmers amount of high quality grains that elevators tariffs and fuel charges Doornek explained Iva Murch, Manager produce. provide full coverage. The Montana Grains Foundation is afďŹ liated Dale Schuler, a farmer inThere’s the Carter,costs Mont.,with Montana ďŹ cient manner,â€? with said aMGF boardassessment member Willdoesn’t are accepting, making it hard to fulfill some FOR 68 YEARS! lected protein tubsthat are $40 less SMARTLIC desirable. He area, serves as president of MGF. “Start-up Grain Growers Association, and •263-7529 Fertilizer “beginning thorough and fuel charges explained produce. doesn’t provide full There’s CHEVROLET 263-7529 are accepting, making it hard to fulfill some thattariffs this already was a costDoornek handed to the FOR 68 YEARS! lected SMARTLICexplained protein tubsfarmers are $40 Roehm, Shelley“beginning Mills, an with MSUa thorough Extensionassessmentalways a serves deductible thatcoverage. doesn’t cover a area, as president of MGF. “Start-up costs with Montana Grain Growers Association, and • Fertilizer Roehm, Dean Barnes, Yard Manager of their contracts. it was founded to carry out charitable, scientiďŹ c were generously donated by the Sawy Research CHEVROLET Dean Barnes, Yard Manager of research progress to date, the affected geothat and this adding alreadyup was aabout cost handed to the per ton off in ton lots and ULTRA MIN Shelley Mills, an MSU Extension always aofdeductible that doesn’t cover a 1946 - 2014 of their contracts. farmer to $2 a bushel. Agent in Valley County, explained that percentage your crop. Depending on your it was founded to carry out charitable, scientiďŹ c were generously donated by the Sawy Research 263-1175 of research progress to date, the affected geo• •Ag Chemicals Doornek said that this year there’s been per ton off in ton lots and ULTRA MIN graphical and educational activities on behalf of Montana’s Schuler “and they have on asked areas Montana’s borders,that and Foundation,â€? 1946 - 2014 farmer and to adding up tohas about $2ana bushel. Agent in beyond Valley County, percentage ofSchuler yoursaid, crop. Depending your 263-1175 Ag Chemicals Doornek said that this year there’s been Getting trains transport been issue 12-12 is $1off GrAiNS per bagAvAiLABLe or $40 perNOw! ton. farmers need to be sure theyexplained test their policy, crops are covered between 50 and Ed Hinton, Auctioneer and educational activities on behalf of Montana’s Foundation,â€? said, “and they have asked graphical areas beyond Montana’s borders, and FALL FOrAGe discounts up to 45 cents per Location. quarter on us to continue with a covered project they started.â€? grain industry. scientists andtouniversities aretest pursuing Getting trains to transport has been an issue 12-12 is $1off GrAiNS per bagAvAiLABLe or $40 perNOw! ton. which All In One Convenient farmers need be sure they their policy, crops are between 50 and Ed Hinton, Auctioneer FALL FOrAGe 783-7285 discounts up to 45 cents per quarter on for elevators and it adds to their cost to keep • •Petroleum grains only forand quality, but to check Crop insurance coverage relies us to continue with a project they started.â€? grain industry. whichnot scientists universities are pursuing85 percent. protein. TheConvenient DHV discounts areLocation. also up a lot Now is also time to get your cow cake All In One 783-7285 for elevators and it adds to their cost to Petroleum grains not but toaffect check on the 85 percent. insurance coverage relies 440keep Hwy 2 Wprotein. ~ Glasgow ~440Across from Fairgrounds The DHV discounts are also up a lot running. Now is also time to get your cow cake for toxins. Sheonly saidfor thatquality, mold won’t past cropCrop history of a four to 10 year Highway #2 W. • Glasgow GMC higher than usual. He stated that the biggest 440 Hwy 2 W ~ Glasgow ~ Across from Fairgrounds * Winter * with running. put in to beat the winterRye rush and for toxins. She said that mold won’t affect on the past crop history of a four to 10 year • Buying && Across from Fairgrounds 440 Highway #2 W. • Glasgow 406-228-9325 ~1-800-255-1472 ~ 406-228-4381 GMC October 2014 November 2014 (cont.) higher than stated that the biggest “It’s a cost that goes directly to the the quality decay of plant material, but average. Stanley added that not all farmers * Winter * with put in to beat the winterRye rush and discounts seemusual. to406-228-9326 be He on protein discounts. CertiďŹ ed • Buying Across from Fairgrounds 406-228-9325 ~1-800-255-1472 ~Boys 406-228-4381 October 2014 November 2014 (cont.) “It’s a cost that goes directly to the the quality decay of plant material, but average. Stanley added that not all farmers Family owned by the Newton Tall,time High weaning justYielding around theForage corner, get discounts seem to be on protein discounts. farmer,â€? Doornek said. Thursday CertiďŹ ed the toxins could create a toxin that would will be able to benefit from crop insurance Thursday 406-228-9326 1-800-255-1472 • 406-228-4381 He said owned that lots of Newton winterBoys wheat that wasRent A Car Thursday MerchandisingThursday Family byowned the Service Grain Tall,time High weaning justYielding around theForage corner, get farmer,â€? Doornek said. the toxins could create a toxin that would will be able to benefit from crop insurance Auto Parts & Repair Center See Doug, Andy, Terry, Kenny or Ted Family by the Newton Boys 1-800-255-1472 • 406-228-4381 He said that lots of winter wheat that was He said that this year he’s seen some recreate problems for grains sold for feed. this year. Service Merchandising Grain your HEADSTART pellets ordered to Rent A Car harvested late has also taken a hugeBoys hit. Autosome Parts & Repair Center See Doug, Andy, Terry, Kenny or Ted Family owned by the Newton All Class Feeder Special He said that this year he’s seen recreate problems for grains sold for feed. this year. All Class Cattle Auction * Winter Triticale * to your HEADSTART pellets ordered harvested late has also taken ayear hugelike hit. ally good high quality grains come through. Mills said this year if those costs will If a farmer yielded more bushels than his AllClass ClassCattle Feeder Special • Agronomist Services “It’s hard to do business in a All Class Cattle Auction *here Winter Triticale * & All Auction have them in time. This is the best ally good high quality grains come through. Mills said this year if those costs will If a farmer yielded more bushels than his • Agronomist Services “It’s hard said. to do business in a year like One lucky farmer was able to make $7.20 a be covered depending on what the season average this year, even with quality discount Tall,them High Quality Forage & All Class Cattle Auction have here in time. This is the best this,â€? Doornek Oneon lucky to make $7.20 a covered what the and season reductions, average farmers this year,may evenstill with discount High Forage jump startTall, you can giveQuality your calves during this,â€? Doornekthat said. bushel one farmer day forwas top able quality, but those maybebring. theydepending saw someon pest issues be quality above their He explained farmers' cost of proAll Class Cattle Auction jump start you can give your calves during Feeder Special & All Class Cattle Auction bushel on one day for top quality, but those may bring. they saw some pest issues and reductions, farmers may still be above their The more things Hecould explained that farmers' of prorates are rapidly dropping as they compete cut worms causing some problems, but guarantees and may not be paid a loss. * Brawl ClearfieldÂŽ All Class Cattle Auction this high stress time. Feeder Special & All Class Cattle Auction duction leave some farmerscost taking The more things rates are rapidly dropping as they compete cut worms causing some problems, but guarantees and may not be paid a loss. * Brawl Clearfi eldÂŽ this high stress time. the morein. The price on a loss. duction couldhave leavetosome farmers taking with the corn change, crops coming they were lucky that nothing seemed to Stanley said marketing that wheat might be Farmers look at the cost of Winter Wheat * the morein. The price the corn crops were lucky that nothing seemed said marketing that wheat they remaincoming ... somewhere a loss. Farmers truck have and to look at the cost of thewith exchange haschange, dropped close on seeds, Early Feeder Special takethey on too much damage. Another issuesto the Stanley challenge this year. Knowing that might some be )BQQZ 5IBOLTHJWJOH /P "VDUJPO WinterFarmers Wheat * chemicals, tractor maintethey remain ... Farmers the exchange has dropped somewhere Early Feeder Special take on too much damage. Another issues the challenge this year. Knowing that some )BQQZ 5IBOLTHJWJOH /P "VDUJPO High Yielding, Hardy and Early youseen know. seeds, chemicals, truck and tractor mainteto $6 a bushel.well, He’s some bushels goclose nance, & All Class Cattle Auction for green wheat that had a frost is that wheat can be substituted as hay and thinkElevator Co. and fuel over the season. All those High Yielding, Hardy and Early well, you know. to $6 a bushel. He’s seen some bushels go & All Class Cattle Auction for green wheat that had a frost is that wheat can be substituted as hay and thinkElevator Co. This historic nance, and fuel over the season. All those on for feed selling as low as $2.50 a bushel. nitrates could cause a problem. Testing in ing about others ways to market could help cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 8 1st Ave. North Dunbar Bros. 8th Annual Bred Heifer December 2014 This historic on for feedpostcard selling as low as $2.50 a bushel. could using cause the a problem. Testing ing about others ways to market could help cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 8 that 1st Ave. the nitrates spring before grains for seed in farmers. DunbarAngus Bros.Bull 8th Annual Bred Heifer Thursday December 2014 Glasgow, MTNorth 59230 & Galpin Calves Auctions postcard that the spring before using the grains for seed farmers. We Do Custom CRP Blends Thursday pokes fun at Glasgow, MT 59230 a concern. cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 9 & Class Galpin Angus Bull Calves Auctions & All Cattle Auction We Do Custom CRP• 228-2571 Blends is also pokes funisat Elevator • 228-4422 / Fertilizer Grass Plant #JH %FDFNCFS 'FFEFS 4QFDJBM is also a concern. cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 9 grashoppers Native & Introduced Seed & All Class Cattle Auction Elevator • 228-4422 / Fertilizer Plant • 228-2571 We Are Cleaning Winter • Winter Wheat Seed For Sale #JH %FDFNCFS 'FFEFS 4QFDJBM grashoppers is Wheat & All Class Cattle Auction Native & Introduced Grass Seed 1939 – Winter We Arefrom Cleaning Wheat • Winter Wheat Seed For Sale Feeder Special featuring Red Angus & All Class Cattle Auction from 1939 – Feeder Special featuring Red Angus 72 years ago. Influence Feeders "OOVBM 4UPDL $PX #SFE )FJGFS 4QFDJBM Call for anago. appointment WHAT YOU NEED • WHEN YOU WANT IT 72 years Influence Feeders "OOVBM 4UPDL $PX #SFE )FJGFS 4QFDJBM CallCOURTESY for an appointment & All Class Cattle Auction WHAT YOU NEED • WHEN YOU WANT IT & All Class Cattle Auction VALLEY COUNTY & All Class Cattle Auction & All Class Cattle Auction 228-9581 COURTESY VALLEY COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY / FOR 228-9581 November 2014 HISTORICAL HI-LINE FARM & SOCIETY RANCH / FOR Last All Class Cattle Auction of 2014 HI-LINE FARM & RANCH Last All Class Cattle Auction of 2014 Thursday November 2014


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Dick & Bonnie Cotton & Bonnie P.O. Box 483 • BNSFDick Right of Way Cotton • Glasgow, MT 59230 exposed to grasshopper activity. Later planting One or two passes with insecticide treated seed P.O. Box 483 • BNSF Right of Way • Glasgow, MT 59230 BY KEVIN WANNER 406-228-9581 • 406-263-7127 exposed to grasshopper activity. Later planting One or two passes with insecticide treated seed BY KEVIN WANNER also reduces the risk of damage by aphids and (active ingredients imidacloprid and thiameMSU EXTENSION SPECIALIST 406-228-9581 • 406-263-7127 reduces the risk ofofdamage by aphids (activearound ingredients imidacloprid thiameMSU EXTENSIONincreased SPECIALISTdramati- the also wheat curl mite, both which can vector and thoxam) the perimeter of theand ďŹ eld is Grasshopper populations 440 Highway 2 West • Glasgow • Across from the Fairgrounds the wheat curl mite, both of which can vector thoxam) around the perimeter of the ďŹ eldare is Grasshopper populations increased dramati440 Highway 2 West • Glasgow • Across from the Fairgrounds viral diseases. also typically effective. Adult grasshoppers cally in Montana from 2007 to 2010, from one 406-228-9325 • 406-228-4381 • diseases. 1-800-255-1472 viral also typically effective. Adult grasshoppers are cally in Montana from 2007 to 2010, from one Vigilant scouting is recommended. Adult more difďŹ cult to control, and the higher end of 406-228-9325 • 406-228-4381 • 1-800-255-1472 million acres with more than 15 grasshoppers Family owned by the Newton Boys! YOU’re reADiNG Hi-LiNe FArM & rANcH – THE AGAGMONTHLY Vigilant scouting is recommended. Adult more difďŹ cult to control, and the higher end of million acres with more than 15 grasshoppers canBoys! y and are very mobile, so the label rate is recommended. per square yard in 2007, to 17 Family million acres owned bygrasshoppers the Newton YOU’re reADiNG Hi-LiNe FArM & rANcH – THE MONTHLYFOr FOrNOrTHeAST NOrTHeAST& &NOrTH NOrTHceNTrAL ceNTrALMONTANA MONTANA Rent A Car grasshoppers can y and are very mobile, so the label rate is recommended. per square yard in 2007, to 17 million acres See Doug, Andy, Terry, Kenny or Ted! localizedKenny densitiesor canTed! change quickly.Rent The When applying border sprays, timing is with more than 15 grasshoppers per squareAndy, Terry, A Car See Doug, localized can change quickly. When applying border sprays, moreHowever, than 15 grasshoppers per square migratory anddensities two-striped grasshoppers areThe important. Border sprays beyond the timing edge is yardwith in 2010. crop and rangeland migratory and two-striped grasshoppers are important. Border sprays beyond the edge yard in 2010. However, crop and rangeland prevalent species in the current outbreak. of the crop need to be applied just before the damage has been somewhat moderated by the prevalent species in the current outbreak. of the crop need to be applied just before the damage has been somewhat moderated by the

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October 2014 20142014 4October October

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9 October 2014 9 9 October October2014 2014

Weather Woes Weather Woes cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 8 cONTiNUeD FrOM PAGe 8

“You’ve gotgot to to think outside thethe box “You’ve think outside box sometimes,” Stanley said. sometimes,” Stanley said. With hayhay shortage from flood damages, With shortage from flood damages, there could be some possibility there. Several there could be some possibility there. Several news agencies picked upup thethe story ofof 9,000 news agencies picked story 9,000 hayhay bales lostlost in in thethe floods, butbut thethe reality bales floods, reality is that number islikely higher. One one hay is that number islikely higher. One one hay grower reported 4,000 bales lost. Crop insurgrower reported 4,000 bales lost. Crop insurance may cover some of of thethe loss, butbut it likely ance may cover some loss, it likely won’t replace revenues lost byby damages this won’t replace revenues lost damages this year. year. Stanley explained that insurance companies Stanley explained that insurance companies focus on on thethe lablab results forfor quality, and they focus results quality, and they used several factors to to find a figure. Due toto thethe used several factors find a figure. Due complexity of quality in the policy, farmers complexity of quality in the policy, farmers need to check their with their crop insurance need to check their with their crop insurance agents to see what benefits they might getget inin agents to see what benefits they might thisthis tough situation. She said that farmers can tough situation. She said that farmers can benefit from thethe knowledge of of their agent toto benefit from knowledge their agent help them with their situationl. help them with their situationl. Mike Mitchell, of of Glasgow United InsurMike Mitchell, Glasgow United Insurance & Realty, hashas been anan agent forfor sevance & Realty, been agent severaleral years. HeHe said that they’re still waiting years. said that they’re still waiting on on numbers before they can see the final numbers before they can see the final outcome thisthis year. HeHe said that knowing outcome year. said that knowing thethe total damages andand how thethe harvest truly total damages how harvest truly

Hi-Line Hi-Line Hi-Line


went wentwon’t won’tcome comeuntil untilNovember NovemberororDecemDecember. ber.Mitchell Mitchellsaid saidthat thatthey theyare areseeing seeingmore more claims claimsfrom fromthe thebig bigrains. rains. HeHeadded addedthat thatquality qualitywas wasthe thebiggest biggest concern and that a misconception concern and that a misconceptionisisoften oftenthe the price priceguaranteed guaranteedper perbushel bushelininaasituation. situation.He He explained explainedthat thatcoverage coveragehad hadnothing nothingtotodo do with withwhat whata afarmer farmercould couldmarket markettheir theirgrain grain for. for. “What “Whatyou youcan canmarket marketyour yourgrain grainfor for doesn’t doesn’tcount,” count,”Mitchell Mitchellsaid. said. HeHealso alsoexplained explainedthat thatthe thenew newfarm farmbill bill didn’t include a disaster program, meaning didn’t include a disaster program, meaning farmers farmershave havetotorely relyononmulti-peril multi-periland andhail hail insurance. insurance.He Heexplained explainedthat thatthe themulti-peril multi-peril insurance insurancewould wouldcover coverpoor poorcrops cropsand andisistied tied back to the actual production. Hail insurance back to the actual production. Hail insurance would wouldcover coverthe thepercentage percentageofofloss lossofofaacrop crop per peracre. acre. SoSoback backtotothe thefarmer farmerwho whotook tookaagamble gamble this season. With weather worries, this season. With weather worries,raising raising tariffs tariffsand anddifficulties difficultiesmarketing marketingthe thevalues values ofoftheir theircrops, crops,it’s it’sbeen beena atough toughyear yearfor forthe the farmer. Fast explained that he’s heard farmer. Fast explained that he’s heardofofofoffers fersasaslow lowasas$1.30 $1.30a abushel bushelthis thisyear yearand andofof some somefarmers farmersthat thathave havebeen beentotally totallyrejected. rejected. HeHehas hasfarm farmland landininFrazer, Frazer,Vandalia, Vandalia,OphOpheim eimand andother othersurrounding surroundingareas. areas. Fast FastFarms Farmshad hadtotosave savecombines combinesasas the theflood floodwaters waterscame cameininlate lateAugust. August.He He

Paraquat ParaquatUse UseIncrease IncreaseBrings BringsWarnings Warnings


The eGT The elevator near Frazer, been for a few part isofpart a company that does lot ofa lot trade in theinAsian market. Lonnie Harms, the interior facility manager, explained thatthat eGT elevator nearabove, Frazer,which above,has which hasaround been around foryears, a few isyears, of a company thatadoes of trade the Asian market. Lonnie Harms, the interior facility manager, explained knowingknowing what quality comes into the elevator helps them fulfill contracts with grain buyers. cOver PHOTO: The Saco flats area near along the Phillips county line with valley county shows the wrath of of what quality comes into the elevator helps them fulfill contracts with grain buyers. cOver PHOTO: The Saco flats area near along the Phillips county line with valley county shows the wrath recent flooding on local on agriculture. The lossThe of thousands and thousands of balesofofbales Montana hay is expected to cause a hay ashortage this winter. PricesPrices werewere reported risingrising $85 to $100 per bale in the recent flooding local agriculture. loss of thousands and thousands of Montana hay is expected to cause hay shortage this winter. reported $85 to $100 per bale in last the last month. Some wheat will be looking into selling feedfororfeed hay due todue floodtodamages. month. Somegrowers wheat growers will be looking into wheat selling for wheat or hay flood damages.


Falling 2014 Numbers, ForFor Various Reasons, Cause Concern ForFor Hi-Line Farmers Falling 2014 Numbers, Various Reasons, Cause Concern Hi-Line Farmers BY BONNie DAviDSON received as much as 10 as inches of rain harvest was was thesethese issues create hugehuge discounts in the costcost of wheat andand BY BONNie DAviDSON received as much 10 inches of just rainas just as harvest issues create discounts in the of wheat THe GLASGOw cOUrier at its peak. What made this even more unusual was how can end up costing farmers to take a loss. The state grain THe GLASGOw cOUrier at its peak. What made this even more unusual was how can end up costing farmers to take a loss. The state grain “Whatever MotherMother NatureNature deals, it is what is,” Don the damaged cropscrops are. The covers Idaho, are watching for falling numbers, meaning checking “Whatever deals, it isitwhat it is,” Don widespread widespread the damaged are. span The span covers Idaho,labs labs are watching for falling numbers, meaning checking Fast, a local in Valley CountyCounty said. said. Montana, the Dakotas and portions of Canada. for the or parts of the thatthat allow for for breads to to Fast, afarmer local farmer in Valley Montana, the Dakotas and portions of Canada. forgluten the gluten or parts of wheat the wheat allow breads He explained that it was a rough harvest due to the late “Every year pieces of the state are affected by unexrise after the wheat is made into flour. He explained that it was a rough harvest due to the late “Every year pieces of the state are affected by unexrise after the wheat is made into flour. rains that came as just the harvest seasonseason came at its peak. weather,” Rumney said. said. “But “But its notitsusually this this A lotAoflotthe aren’t in yet as farmers waitwait to find rains thatjust came as the harvest came at its peak.pectedpected weather,” Rumney not usually of numbers the numbers aren’t in yet as farmers to find A late spring oflack rainof in rain certain areas, areas, hail and widespread.” out the As little as 10 or as as 40 A late frost, springlack frost, in certain hailthe and the widespread.” outdamage. the damage. As little aspercent, 10 percent, ormuch as much as 40 late heavy by another early frost a it a He explained whilewhile most most of theofwinter wheatwheat had been is believed to have beenbeen harvested by the timetime the the late rains heavyfollowed rains followed by another earlymade frost it made He explained the winter had been percent percent is believed to have harvested by the fairly rough year. Some farmers had a devastating blow, harvested, much of the spring wheat wasn’t quite ready, heavy rains hit. Much of that number depends on the area. fairly rough year. Some farmers had a devastating blow, harvested, much of the spring wheat wasn’t quite ready, heavy rains hit. Much of that number depends on the area. while others to havetododged the troubles from the rain at hit theatpeak, right right whenwhen farmers would havehave A large radius around Glasgow seems to have been in better while seemed others seemed have dodged the troubles from theor theor thehit rain the peak, farmers would A large radius around Glasgow seems to have been in better rough season. been out The heavy moisture has caused several as the rainsrains didn’t hit and the the areaarea andand it it rough season. beenharvesting. out harvesting. The heavy moisture has caused severalshape, shape, as summer the summer didn’t hit and “Our county is all over map. have rain, elevators to asktofor numbers before a deala is made with with was was a lotadrier, causing farmers to harvest a little earlier. “Our county is allthe over theSome map. didn’t Some didn’t have rain, elevators ask for numbers before deal is made lot drier, causing farmers to harvest a little earlier. some did very well,” Angie Stanley, a senior insurance farmers looking to unload their grains. Much of the issue Rumney said that testing takes a little bit longer on damsome did very well,” Angie Stanley, a senior insurance farmers looking to unload their grains. Much of the issue Rumney said that testing takes a little bit longer on damagent for Northwest Farm Credit Services said. She quality of theofgrains. Wheat is theisstrong crop crop of theof the agedaged grains. Some of those teststests can can taketake up to times agent for Northwest Farm Credit Services said.added She addedis the is the quality the grains. Wheat the strong grains. Some of those upfive to five times that each farmerfarmer will have different story. story. state, state, with nearly 89 million bushels of non-irrigated spring of time, which has has caused those working for for the the thatindividual each individual willahave a different with nearly 89 million bushels of non-irrigated springthe amount the amount of time, which caused those working Many farmers will have rougha tale to tale tell to as tell numbers harvested in 2012. ManyMany of theofHi-Line counties graingrain labs labs to put daysdays andand hours to keep up up Many farmers willa have rough as numberswheatwheat harvested in 2012. the Hi-Line counties statestate to in putextra in extra hours to keep come income frominthe Montana State Grain reported producing between 2.5 million and 10 They’re working seven daysdays a week to figure from the Montana State Labs. Grain Jeff Labs.Rumney, Jeff Rumney, reported producing between 2.5 million andmillion 10 million this season. this season. They’re working seven a week to figure the bureau chief of the state grain lab, explained that this is bushels of spring wheat. out what the damage is. Sprouts, or moisture causing the the the bureau chief of the state grain lab, explained that this is bushels of spring wheat. out what the damage is. Sprouts, or moisture causing unusually stressful harvestharvest seasonseason at the labs. explained can cause the proteins to break down, the colto fertilize and and become a seed, seems to be of of unusually stressful at theHe labs. He explained Moisture Moisture can cause the proteins to break down, the col- kernel kernel to fertilize become a seed, seems to one be one how thehow latethe moisture was devastating to several crops who or, or or, DHV (dark (dark hard vitreous), and cause sprouting. All All cONTiNUeD ON PAGe 5 5 late moisture was devastating to several crops who or DHV hard vitreous), and cause sprouting. cONTiNUeD ON PAGe

MSU NewS Service MSU NewS Service AsAs weeds like kochia develop resistance weeds like kochia develop resistancetoto glyphosate herbicides, more Montanans areare turnglyphosate herbicides, more Montanans turninging to herbicides thatthat contain thethe active ingredient to herbicides contain active ingredient paraquat, says Montana State University Pesticide paraquat, says Montana State University Pesticide Education Specialist Cecil Tharp. Education Specialist Cecil Tharp. Paraquat is very effective as as a broadspectrum Paraquat is very effective a broadspectrum herbicide, butbut unlike glyphosate products, herbicide, unlike glyphosate products,it itis is highly toxic to to humans, Tharp said. Just highly toxic humans, Tharp said. Justa few a few drops to one teaspoon can kill the average 160drops to one teaspoon can kill the average 160pound person. AsAs a result, Tharp warns applicators pound person. a result, Tharp warns applicators to be of the personal protective equipment to aware be aware of the personal protective equipment requirements thatthat areare listed onon thethe product label. requirements listed product label. HeHe alsoalso reminds dealers that they aren’t required toto reminds dealers that they aren’t required suggest personal protective equipment to customsuggest personal protective equipment to customers,ers, butbut if they do,do, they must bebe sure to to read thethe if they they must sure read product labels to give accurate advice. product labels to give accurate advice. “Due to the risks, applicators shouldn’t simply “Due to the risks, applicators shouldn’t simply askask dealers, retailers, friends, family or neighbors dealers, retailers, friends, family or neighbors for for thethe required personal protective equipment,” required personal protective equipment,” Tharp said. “They should always read and follow Tharp said. “They should always read and follow thethe pesticide product label. That is the ultimate pesticide product label. That is the ultimate source andand contract forfor applicators to to follow.” source contract applicators follow.” Most herbicide products used Most herbicide products usedin inMontana Montana require only minimal personal protective equiprequire only minimal personal protective equipment, but products that contain paraquat require ment, but products that contain paraquat require much more personal protective much more personal protectiveequipment, equipment, Tharp said. Some common paraquat products areare Tharp said. Some common paraquat products Gramoxone SL,SL, Bonedry, Paraquat Concentrate Gramoxone Bonedry, Paraquat Concentrate andand Firestorm. Firestorm. “Neglecting to to follow thethe product label “Neglecting follow product labelperpersonal protective equipment requirements puts you sonal protective equipment requirements puts you

and your workers, and your workers,handlers handlersand andpossibly possiblyfamily familyatat risk to poisoning,” Tharp said, noting that paraquat risk to poisoning,” Tharp said, noting that paraquat is is a Category a Category1 1for fortoxicity, toxicity,the thehighest highestlevel levelgiven given ononproduct productlabels. labels. Personal Personalprotective protectiveequipment equipmentrequirements requirements arearealways listed on the pesticide always listed on the pesticideproduct productlabel, label, and they are and they areupdated updatedperiodically, periodically,Tharp Tharpsaid. said.The The recommendations recommendationsfor forparaquat paraquatproducts productsare arecurcurrently rentlyaimed aimedatattwo twogroups: groups:applicators-handlers applicators-handlers and andmixers-loaders. mixers-loaders. Applicators Applicatorsand andother otherhandlers handlersmust mustwear wearlonglongsleeve sleeveshirts shirtsand andlong longpants, pants,chemically chemicallyresistant resistant gloves, gloves,protective protectiveeyewear, eyewear,NIOSH-approved NIOSH-approved particulate filtering respirators particulate filtering respiratorsequipped equippedwith withN, N, R,R,P,P,ororHE class filter media. HE class filter media. Mixers Mixersand andloaders loadersmust mustwear wearchemically chemically resistant resistantaprons apronsand andface faceshields. shields.All Allusers usersmust must select the respirator recommended on the select the respirator recommended on thepesticide pesticide label. label. Personal Personalprotective protectiveequipment equipmentisisoften oftenavailavailable where able wherepesticide pesticideproducts productsare aresold, sold,Tharp Tharpsaid. said. For Formore moreinformation, information,applicators applicatorscan canask asktheir their local pesticide local pesticidedealer dealerororgogototowww.gemplers.com www.gemplers.com oror www.airgas.com. www.airgas.com.

explained and in in explained that that corn corn will will be be too too moist moist and some combine someareas areas they they are are unable unable to to get get aa combine ininto that toharvest harvest the the wet wet ground. ground. He He said said that after the seven and a half inches of rain came after the seven and a half inches of rain came in, it was followed by a wind and hail storm in, it was followed by a wind and hail storm that down thatknocked knocked crops crops down down and and knocked knocked down aacontainer. container. He also crecreHeadded added that that the the moisture moisture has has also ated volunteer grasses and weeds to grow, ated volunteer grasses and weeds to grow, adding year. He He addingan an additional additional expense expense this this year. said crop losses losses saidthat that there there could could be be some some total total crop this year, but perhaps they could get some this year, but perhaps they could get some partial partialdamage damage covered. covered. “You can concon“You learn learn to to control control what what you you can trol,” trol,”Fast Fast said. said. Next to extenextenNext year's year's harvest harvest is is aa concern concern to sion agent Mills, who said that the late rain sion agent Mills, who said that the late rain and time andheavy heavy moisture moisture came came at at the the perfect perfect time totoget getthe the orange orange midge, midge, aa pest pest responsible responsible for past, to to forhuge huge wheat wheat crop crop losses losses in in the the past, drop into the soil and hibernate for the foldrop into the soil and hibernate for the following testing lowingyear. year. She She explained explained that that after after testing this in thisyear year there there is is definitely definitely aa presence presence in Valley County and others along the Hi-Line Valley County and others along the Hi-Line reported predict reported the the pest. pest. No No one one can can fully fully predict the For theweather weather for for the the next next harvest harvest season. season. For the theoptimistic optimistic farmers farmers hoping hoping to to continue continue aa job they jobsome some may may say say runs runs in in their their blood, blood, they already look toward the next year and hoping already look toward the next year and hoping for forbetter better outcomes. outcomes.

Ranchers Stewardship Stewardship Estate Planning Planning Oct. 22

IfIf you’re your you’re ready ready to to plan plan for for your future future and and that that of of the the next next generation, generation, the the Ranchers Ranchers Stewardship Stewardship Alliance Alliance plans plans an an estate estate planning planning workshop workshop 4-6 Northern 4-6 p.m. p.m. Oct. Oct. 22 22 at at the the Great Great Northern Hotel Hotel banquet banquet room room in in Malta. Malta. Cornerstone Mark Cornerstone Financial Financial CEO CEO Mark Cain topics Cain will will discuss discuss aa variety variety of of topics as and as they they relate relate to to estate estate planning planning and how how to to make make itit possible possible to to transfer transfer your the next next your business business or or operation operation to to the generation. generation. There free There is is no no cost, cost, although although aa free will Stewardwill offering offering to to the the Ranchers Ranchers Stewardship to shipAlliance Alliance would would be be appreciated appreciated to support such support continued continued programming programming such as as this. this. Contact 654Contact Anna Anna Merriman Merriman at at 6541297 or merriman.anna@gmail.com 1297 or merriman.anna@gmail.com for for more more information. information.

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October 2014





October 2014



Harvest: Some good from rain

Harvest: FSA Office has programs to help hay, crop producers

n Continued from page 3

n Continued from page 2

we got the big rain at the end of May. If that big rain hadn’t have come, we would’ve had some really poor winter wheat crops.” She said that some farmers in the Turner area had planted a new foundation seed called War Horse that is a solid-stem winter wheat, and one farmer reported getting 70 bushels an acre this year. “The guy was just absolutely elated with the War Horse. … There’s the same War Horse outside of Box Elder that got some hail on it at the wrong time and they ended up with nothing, and ours here on station wasn’t the best. But it all depended on who got the rain when how it did for different people. I was really happy to hear some of the guys with the really good yields because I was sick about our yield here on the station. “It was tough up at Turner this year. We have off-station trials up there,” she said, adding that winter kill got to any crops planted after the first of October. “If you were on Sept. 30 you were good, if you were on Oct. 1 you weren’t — it was that tight of a window for seeding winter wheat up there. (The producer who farms the land where her trial plots are) has some really beautiful fields of winter wheat, and a field that I seeded in and he seeded the same day I did — that one did not look good at all and that was seeded five days later.” Some good is coming from the rains.

“It’s a double-edged sword, but overall, even past the damage to the crops that has been done, it is setting us up for good fall crops for 2015,” Lamb said. “(The rain) got that flush of weeds up and going — the cheat grass, the volunteer, any of those fall annuals — that rain got those weeds up and growing, so they could be sprayed out before seeding so that will help us with next year’s crop as well,” she said. “The biggest thing is that the rain is always going to help our hay crops,” Lamb said, especially for the many ranchers who put their last cutting of hay up in the fall and turn cows out to graze the field before winter. This rain will give those fields an extra boost of growth. The other big boost from the rain is for those planting winter wheat. “We’re going into fall right now, fall seeding, and for the most part everyone is going in with good moisture,” Lamb said, while also offering some advice to avoid creating a “green bridge” for crop diseases. “We’re starting to seed, so spraying your fallow and anything volunteer is high on the to-do list this time of year,” she said, “because we are going to have disease pressure again. We have moisture and we have residue and we have ... a lot of diseases that live in old stubble that you’ll be planting back into.”

moisture at just the wrong time caused tremendous quality problems with sprouting grains and falling (nutritional) numbers.” Plus, she said, some areas around Turner got hit hard with hail, but the big news was what happened to hay farmers in the Milk River valley. “We had a lot of hay producers who still had their round bales in the field when we got a lot of rain. There’s a lot of spoiling hay crops, too,” she said. “We did get a small amount of flooding as well. Some of those fields I’m talking about still have water standing in them,” she said in a Sept. 19 interview. “Hay producers could have problems getting hay out of fields. They may have to wait for freezing,” she added. This is especially significant for hay producers farther east and into Phillips County who experienced significant flooding. State news media were reporting several thousand tons of hay were stuck out in the flood waters. See related story in this publication. “Hay prices were high before the rain; they’re higher now,” Harshman said, adding that some programs are available to help farmers and ranchers affected by the rains. “I encourage people to call their FSA Office to inquire about what their options may be as far as grain loans or assistance with damaged crops,” she said, adding that “we’re trying to get the word out to people that may have had that damaged hay that we do have programs that could potentially compensate them for those losses — for owners of livestock that have suffered a loss of feed production.” “It’s called the Emergency Livestock Assistance program,” she added. “It can compensate people for the loss of their hay, the quality damage done to it. It can pay them so they can have some money to go out and purchase some hay.” While western Blaine and Hill county’s producers didn’t have the flooding issues, the problems with heavy rainfall right at harvest time hurt many crops in these areas, too. “Anything that was ripe and and wasn’t harvested when we had that 3-inches-plus of rain, it really did hurt those crops. The winter cereals it hurt worst because they were further along in maturity,” said Peggy Lamb, agronomy research scientist for the Northern Agricultural Research Center south of Havre. She said she knew of some farmers, in the Turner and Hogeland area who said they knew they were getting poor yield in their winter wheat crops so they left them in the field to concentrate on harvesting their spring wheat crops. “Spring crops had a little bit better yield and yield potential and they weren’t as mature when that rain hit — they still had a little bit of green in them — so the sprout damage wasn’t as bad,” she said. “Anything left standing in the field (in the heavy rains) had a really high likelihood of getting sprout damage, which reduces the quality, which reduces the payment to farmers and basically turns it into feed barley or feed grain without the mill-and-bake quali-

ty,” Lamb said. She also heard some oilseed crops got caught standing in the field when the rain hit. That much moisture on safflower will also cause sprouting, she said. Though mustard doesn’t sprout, she added, the seeds get discolored and the pods will be more prone to shatter. But the August rain effects weren’t all bad. Even before barley was being harvested in this area, Lamb said, she had read a report that malting barley was not doing well in Idaho and Colorado, the two states besides Montana with generally large amounts of malting barley. The two big malters, Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors, rejected a large number of malting barley contracts for lack of quality. “One of them had turned down 100 percent of their malt contracts — 100 percent of what had come in — and the other one had turned down 50 percent because of sprout,” she said. “They’d had a little over a week of rain — it was right at the time to cut it and this prolonged rain, a little bit of heat and then more rain where they couldn’t get in and start cutting. “Any kind of sprout in malt barley just does it in,” she added. “It turns it into feed immediately.” While malters are looking for the “super plump kernels” that grow best in irrigated fields, she said, dry land farmers in the

area will grow some barley and it could pay off this year. “The dry land guys will grow a good malt barley (without having) a malt contract but will grow a barley that is good for malting just in case there is an open market at the end of the year,” she said. “And theirs will make malt specs then they can sell it to malters, like this year. When there’s all this sprout going on, they have a lot better chance of somebody on the open market saying we need malt barley and be more likely to take it.” Some of what was affected this harvest

season wasn’t even about this year’s rains, but about the moisture and the timing of when seeders and plows hit the soil this spring and last fall. “I’ve heard some really good numbers,” Lamb said about the bushels per acre and quality, “like, ‘you’re kidding me’ type of yields that I actually believe and then some that are average or a little bit below average. It really is a crap shoot which spring storm hit you and which hit your neighbor and the timing of it. Here on station, our winter crops were pretty much done before

n Continued on page 10



October 2014



Hit and miss harvest



October 2014


Pam Burke community@havredailynews.com

Havre Daily News/Eric Seidle A tractor and bailer sit in a field near Loma this summer. Many hay producers along the Hi-Line were trying to get hay bailed and out of the field when 3 to 9 inches of rain hit around the area — and across the region.

After about three years of good to aboveaverage harvests across the area, farmers, dealing with inconsistent weather in the region, are ending the 2014 growing season with a variety of harvests, from extremely high yields to failed crops — and strong signs of hope for 2015, too. Whether harvesting grain, oilseed or hay crops this year, producers across north-central Montana were dealing with weather that had a day or two or a mere few miles making all the difference between a crop’s success and failure, or average points in between. Tracy Harshman, director of the Blaine County Farm Service Agency, said the heavy rains that fell across the region, and the state, in August came at just the wrong time for most farmers in Blaine County. The hay producers in eastern Blaine and in Phillips County were especially hard hit. Grain producers who had crops in before the rains hit generally got average to above average yield, but those who got caught by the rains, she said, had both good and bad news. “Yield-wise, they did very well, but the

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Havre Daily News/Pam Burke Unharvested wheat stands Sept. 22 in a portion of a field east of Havre. Some fields in north-central Montana, like this one, had low areas that were too wet from late August rains to harvest.


12 September 2014 12 October 2014

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Weather Woes Falling Numbers Cause Concern For Hi-Line Ag Producers / Page 4


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