No. 16, Fall 2011 - Harm Reduction Communication

Page 42

Harm Reduction Communication Fall 2011, Number 16

Editorial Policy Harm Reduction Communication aims to: • Provide a forum for the exchange of practical, “hands on” harm reduction techniques and information • Promote open discussion and reflection on theoretical and political issues of importance to harm reduction and the movement • Inform the community through resource listings and announcements of relevant events • Document the struggles, experiences and lessons of our movement as a tool for strategy-building • Ensure that our history is not erased.

Since a large part of harm reduction is about casting a critical eye toward the thoughts, feelings, and language we have learned to have and use about drugs and people who use drugs, Harm Reduction Communication assumes that contributors choose their words as carefully as we would. Therefore, we do not change ‘addict’ to ‘user’ and so forth unless we feel that the author truly meant to use a different word, and contributors always have last say. The views of contributors to Harm Reduction Communication do not necessarily reflect those of the editorial staff or of the Harm Reduction Coalition. Any part of this publication may be freely reproduced as long as the Harm Reduction Coalition is credited.

Harm Reduction Communication is a product of the harm reduction movement – it is not written by Harm Please write with your comments, Reduction Coalition, but by the people feelings, and responses — we want to on the ground making harm reduction hear from you. happen. In our editorial role, the Harm Reduction Coalition is committed to If you would like to submit an article, or presenting the views and opinions of photos or artwork, we would be happy people who use drugs, former users to look at your material. HRC gives a and people in recovery, people access- voice to communities that are ignored ing medication-assisted treatment, by conventional media: people who people living with HIV or hepatitis C, use drugs, people of color, individuals sex workers, incarcerated or formerly who are living with HIV or Hepatitis C, incarcerated persons, outreach and and lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender front-line workers, and others whose individuals. If you have never written voices have traditionally been margin- something for publication, assistance alized or ignored. We aim to provide is available: just ask for it. You can call an outlet for exploring harm reduc- the editor at 212 213 6376, or include a tion issues in an honest and critical note with your submission. way – with full respect for the messy, Send submissions and corresponcomplex, vulnerable, dynamic, hope- dence to or ful and inspiring nature of what we do by mail to: Editor, Harm Reduction and how we do it. Communication, Harm Reduction Coalition, 22 West 27th Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10001

42 Fall 2011 Issue 16

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