Pride guide 2013 2014

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the assignment of a failing grade in the course. Alternatively, the faculty member may refer the matter to the Academic Honor Council for determination of the appropriate consequences. In cases considered by the Academic Honor Council in which the student has accepted responsibility for the alleged violation, the Academic Honor Council will assess the case and determine the consequences for the violation. In the event a student declines to accept responsibility for an alleged violation, the matter is referred to the Academic Honor Council. 3. Academic Honor Council The Academic Honor Council is composed of two students appointed by the President of the Student Government Association (SGA) and three members of the faculty, selected by the Academic Council from among its faculty membership. A student alternate also shall be appointed by the President of SGA and one member of the faculty, selected by the Academic Council from among its faculty membership, also shall serve as an alternate. The members of the Academic Honor Council shall select one of the faculty members serving on the Council as Chair. 4. Honor Council Procedures A. Rights of Students in Academic Honor Council Proceedings. 1) To receive notice of alleged violations. 2) To receive notice of the date, time, and place of his or her administrative conference and meeting with the Academic Honor Council. 3) To have Greensboro College student counsel present at his or her meeting with the Academic Honor Council. 4) To offer witnesses to the alleged violation(s) on his or her behalf before the Academic Honor Council. 5) To speak on his or her behalf. 6) To have an explanation of the decision reached by the Academic Honor Council. B. Guidelines for the Meetings of the Academic Honor Council. Meetings of the Academic Honor Council are closed to the public. In addition to members of the Council, only the following are allowed to attend: the student alleged to have violated the Academic Honor Code, his or her Greensboro College student counsel if engaged and witnesses or persons who have been asked to speak to the Council. All proceedings of the Academic Honor Council are considered strictly confidential. Normally, the Academic Honor Council meets only during the fall and spring semesters. Alleged


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