Goucher Quarterly Winter 2012

Page 27

most to residents, held a voter registration drive, built a

home. He knows the city as well as people who have spent

community garden, and organized a forum for mayoral

their whole lives here, and he has become a real player in

candidates that was covered by the Baltimore Sun and other

community service and social justice circles,” says Sanford

media. They also campaigned for a city bottle tax that would

J. Ungar, president of Goucher College and a member of the

raise funds to improve city schools.

Intersection’s board of directors.

This fall, the Intersection is focusing on supporting

“What is unique about the Intersection is that Zeke

the controversial Maryland Dream Act, which grants

and his colleagues have figured out how to get young

lower tuition to Maryland universities to the children of

high school students to take pride and ownership in their

undocumented immigrants who meet certain requirements.

neighborhoods. There is nothing quite like seeing him

“Finding authentic platforms where your voice can be

surrounded by a pack of what he calls ‘my kids.’ ”

heard is a critical component in confidence-building and for academic success,” says Khalilah Harris, founder and executive director of the Baltimore Freedom Academy. “Students thrive in the Intersection. I have seen this


happen with every kid who comes to the Intersection, whether they attend this school or not. It is really important

The son of a psychiatrist and a professor at the Smith

for students to have an outlet where they partner with

College School for Social Work, Berzoff-Cohen entered

adults and have their voices heard in meaningful ways.”

Goucher thinking he’d be a writer. Then, in his junior

Berzoff-Cohen, as the organization’s executive

year, he and his cousin, Zachary Shapiro ’08, ran a writers’

director, spends about 30 percent of his time fundraising

workshop for boys living in a West Baltimore foster home.

and hopes to expand the program from 44 students to

And he changed his goal.

100 next year and 300 by 2015. (Co-founders Stern

The boys in the foster home had extraordinary stories

and Mumby have moved on to other jobs, but serve as

to tell, but many were unable to write more than a sentence

Intersection board members.)

or two, Berzoff-Cohen says. “I thought about how I had

“Zeke came to Goucher as a quiet young man from

been privileged enough to have an excellent education and

western Massachusetts, and he quickly made Baltimore his


“Zeke and his colleagues have figured out how to get young high school students to take pride and ownership in their neighborhoods.” Sanford J. Ungar President of Goucher College

photo by Michael Navarre

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