E Rehmus - The Magician's Dictionary

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HERU/HRU Heru, or Hru, is the "Great Angel of the Tarot" and means Horus. (Harpocrates = Child of Horus). -----------------------------------------------------------------------HET CONSPIRACY An uncommon belief amongst "homs" (homosexuals), that the worst villians of history have been heterosexual and have, through their wicked influence, imposed a heterosexual tyranny on the world. -----------------------------------------------------------------------HEURESIS In the Mysteries, this refers to the "finding" of the lost body of Osiris. "Heuristic" now means "proceeding by hunches, in the face of many possibilities or simply by general rules of thumb..." -----------------------------------------------------------------------HEXAGRAM Apart from its association with the Star of David, the 6 points remind us of the 3 dichotomies: Will and Passivity; Rejection and Choice; Light and Dark. -----------------------------------------------------------------------HEXOR The demon of self-hatred (most human-looking). -----------------------------------------------------------------------HEZBOLLAH "Army of Allah." It should be noted that though this translates as "The party of Allah," the Hezb- is also a chapter of the Koran, so it is, thus, a "chapter" of Allah. This would be the equivalent of our calling the U.S. Army "The Army of God." -----------------------------------------------------------------------HIEROGLYPHICS (From Greek: "sacred carvings.") To the ancients all writing was magical or sacred, insofar as it could relate or influence events happening at distances of time (past, present, future) and space (heaven or earth). But to the Egyptians, particularly, their language was sacred already and Thoth-given. Pharaoh himself was "The Great Word." Indeed it is from the Egyptians that the Greek Logos ("word") came to have its occult meaning. The Egyptian word for "word," medu, also meant a "sceptre," "magic wand" or "sacred staff." Medu-Neter = "hieroglyph." -----------------------------------------------------------------------HIEROPHANT The 5th Enigma, lettered vav. The power of the priest and established religion. We should not discredit established religion entirely. Without tradition, distorted and perverted though it may be after the passage of millenia, there would be no vehicle of transmission for the most ancient wisdom. Tradition is essential if we are not continuously to repeat the same mistakes. By this yardstick we can commend the Vatican and the Orthodox Rabbinical libraries, but cannot criticize Islam enough for its arrogant destruction of historical material. But popes and priests are only lowly mediators, after all, go-betweens representing human greed as often as divine inspiration. It is not their job to transform the world, but merely to maintain the status quo. Imagination is not their strong suit. Crowley presents the papal figureas pointing downwards rather than upwards, to show that the pope is a curse, rather than a blessing to mankind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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