E Rehmus - The Magician's Dictionary

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------FEI CHI (Chinese) Flying Chariot. -----------------------------------------------------------------------FIBONACCI SERIES 1. . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 5 . . . 8 . . . 13 . . . etc. This is the number series by which things are generated of themselves. Here is a computer program (in Basic) to produce the series ad infinitum:

10 LET F = 0 + 1 20 LET N = N + F 30 PRINT N 40 LET F = F + N 50 PRINT F 60 GOTO 20 -----------------------------------------------------------------------FICINO, MARSILIUS 15th Century philosopher best known for having translated Plato and the Neoplatonists, as well as Hermes Trismegistos. He thought that the world was an "emanation of God" and that one could draw heavenly influences by simply meditating on the planets. -----------------------------------------------------------------------FIRE CIRCLE Egyptian term for UFO. -----------------------------------------------------------------------FISH In The Vision and the Voice we learn that the fish was associated with Xtianity by the Romans because the Xtians came from Syria and brought with them a new strain of "leprosy" (actually syphilis), thought to be caused by eating fish. A. C. goes on to say that the Greek letters spelling out "fish", ichthys, do not correspond, as popularly believed, to Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter (J.C., Savior, Son of God), but to a notariqon of 5 Egyptian Gods. Undoubtedly, these would be: Isis, Khepri, Thoth, Hu (or Horus) and Set. -----------------------------------------------------------------------FLAT EARTH SOCIETY OF COVENANT PEOPLES CHURCH (International Flat Earth Research Society) Also called the "Society of Zetetics". It is the conviction of this group that the sphericity of the world is merely a scientific theory inconsistent with the facts. Science, as opposed to pragmatic technology, is an unfounded religion, and its teaching that the earth is a spinning ball is mere superstition. Apart from obvious mountains and valleys the continents form virtually a planar disc, with the north pole as the center and the south pole as the circumference -airplanes "all fly level on the Plane Earth". The question as to whether reality conforms to consensus or to individual conviction is less important than the fact that the Flat Earthers represent to the majority of people (occult-minded and otherwise), the epitome of "nonsense". A proper subject for meditation, therefore, might be to learn how to view "error" from unconventional points of perspective. -----------------------------------------------------------------------FLATTENED CHAOS

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