E Rehmus - The Magician's Dictionary

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preceded by an apostrophe so as to avoid a simple pun (patteĹ physique), is the science of that which is superinduced upon metaphysics, where within or beyond the latter's limitations, extending as far beyond metaphysics as the latter extends beyond physics. Ex: an epiphenomenon being often accidental, pataphysics will be, above all, the science of the particular, despite the common opinion that the only science is that of the general." According to Jarry, Pataphysics is the science of exceptions, and explains the universe beyond this one, or imagined to lie beyond this one, dealing entirely with accidental data comprising no "rule." Jarry's exact definition of pataphysics is: "The science of imaginary solutions, which symbolically attributes the properties of objects, described by their virtuality, to their lineaments." Jarry proposes, for instance, that we should think of a vacuum as a "unit of non-density" rising outward, rather than of an object falling to the center. He observes that the shape of a watch is not any more round that it is rectangular (in profile). This is obviously typical 19th Century "objectivism" carried to an absurd extreme. -----------------------------------------------------------------------PATHWAY XI Grant's vision of the Eschaton as the opening of the Arcanum XI (Waite = Justice/Crowley = Lust) and the release of the demons of Hell into our world through this bridge. -----------------------------------------------------------------------PAZUZU Demon of recklessness. In Babylonian demonology, the son of Hanpa, brother or father of Humwawa. King of the evil spirits of the air, fearful of countenance and bearing rotting genitalia: "Lord of the wind demons," spreading fever and cold and horrible diseases. Loosely, one might designate him as "Bringer of Plague." The following Exhortion to Pazuzu derives from personal meditation: O nimble God of Pestilence and Woe of bogs from which pollutions blowSnuff not this my hope to turn Thy demon winds all loose to burn (no help to martyrs, but to makers)Those original Red Night Shapers Who mixed the sacred rivers, Milk & Blood With thanatic-knotting, wicked-plotting Club And made of Life its Death and Menstr'al Flood -----------------------------------------------------------------------PEGASUS The flying horse of Greek mythology. An important symbol representing the transition from one plane to another. Meditation on the Greek myth itself will shed some light on the means of transition between planes. Pegasus was born of the blood of the decapitated Medusa, and mounting the Medusa's head upon Pegasus enabled Bellerophon to slay the Chimera. Since the Medusa was death, Perseus could "overcome" her only by looking at her image in a mirror. -----------------------------------------------------------------------PELICAN Alchemical symbol for the stage known as mortificatio, the breaking open of the outer shell to reveal the inner man. As the mother pelican was believed to feed her young from blood pecked from her own breast, she is also sometimes used as a general symbol of self- sacrifice. -----------------------------------------------------------------------PENETRALIA Deepest recesses of a building; secrets sacred or profane. ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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