E Rehmus - The Magician's Dictionary

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The so-called "giants" mentioned in the Old Testament, who supposedly preceded Adam. In Hebrew, however, nefelim also means "the fallen ones" (or "those who have descended"), leading some contemporary writers, such as Zecharia Sitchin, to assume that they may have been visitants from another world. Even the Norse mythology places the giants before the Gods and the one version of their Underworld is Nifelheim, coldest and darkest of the 9 hells. It means "Home of mists." From nifel, cognate of Latin nebula, "cloud" and Sanskrit nabhas, "sky." The Judaic mythology states that it was the "Watchers of the Throne of God" who were attracted by the earth women, fell, mated with them, and produced the giants. The giants, in turn, taught man everything it has taken until the 20th Century to sort out. (See OZ.) -----------------------------------------------------------------------NEPHESH The animal instincts appropriate to the chakra of Yesod, realm of the Moon. -----------------------------------------------------------------------NEPTUNE In extremity comes Neptune, the northernmost of all our arts, to help us overcome the forces of darkness that would enslave us. Neptune confers insight into the heart of the mystic powers. This knowledge, however, can be squeezed out only with great pain, only by the heaviest of pressure of affliction and torment. The planet was discovered in 1864, in the sign of Aries. It has been assigned the rulership of Pisces. Neptune entered Capricorn in 1984, there to remain until 1998, the year of its entry into Aquarius. It will enter Pisces in 2013. -----------------------------------------------------------------------NETER For those raised in the monotheistic tradition, the concept of many Gods is difficult to accept. We should understand, however, that for the Egyptians all of life was a religico-magical experience in which everyone and everything shared in divinity. When you separate the one from the many, you always obtain a god. Therefore, in their hieroglyphs a "God" was depicted by an ax, since an ax chops things up and separates the "one from the many." And these Gods were called neteru, a word very close in meaning to our word "Nature," in the sense of "the nature of" something. Thus, Ptah was the neter of Creation, Isis the neter of Mystery, Thoth the neter of speech and writing, Anubis the neter of the dead, and so on. Pharoah was the neter of his people and your soul is the neter of yourself. There is no indication of popular of folk etymology linking neteru to Latin natus, naturus, "born, a-borning." On the other hand, there is no indication neter and nature aren't connected. Says Her Bak: "One must search for the means of making or undoing something always within its own nature." -----------------------------------------------------------------------NETZACH The seventh qabalistic power zone on the Tree of Life, the abode of Venus, concerned with feelings, sensations, etc. It is victory over the fear to experience. -----------------------------------------------------------------------NEW AEON The new time of illumination based not on wishful thinking but upon deep, laborious insight. -----------------------------------------------------------------------NEW AGE The current renaissance of mystical awareness, beginning circa 1968 and now largely given over to commercial enterprises designed to take advantage of a phenomenal growth of popular interest in the occult. Proper term should be "New Aeon." -----------------------------------------------------------------------NEWTIME

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