reflection 55.1

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reflection statement. “Creativity is not defined as that which is original” – Kenneth Goldsmith The Oxford English Dictionary disagrees: Creative, adj. b. Inventive, imaginative; of, relating to, displaying, using, or involving imagination or original ideas as well as routine skill or intellect, esp. in literature or art. This is the 55th edition of Reflection. Conceptions of originality changed in those 55 years; Reflection changed in those 55 years. I’ve spent much of this last year reading and living with the musty stacks of Reflection archives. What I’ve noticed is not originality, but commonality. Every editor before me, every writer and artist before you, wanted to engage the Gonzaga community in their passion for the arts. Spread throughout the journal are poems from past editions, as well as a collage of editorial statements from over the years. Some are poignant, others are humorous, a couple are a bit esoteric, but all reflect the desire for creativity and originality common among those editors before me, those writers and artists before you. Years pass, definitions change, and the passion remains. -H.S

Reflection Staff reflection. 1969-1970

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