Christ is Greater - Hebrews - Bible Class Study Guide

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Study Guide

Hebrews Study 2 | Christ is Greater

Taught by Dr Paul Iles

Bible Class is the teaching ministry of Salisbury Christian Church 56 Henson Rd Salisbury QLD 4107 AUSTRALIA Page 1

Theme Focus 1. The Lord Jesus Christ • Without dispute, the big theme in Hebrews is the Lord Jesus Christ. • Christ should be every Christian’s greatest interest, so Hebrews is extremely important. • It is no wonder, therefore, that Hebrews commences with a supreme statement of Christology. Christology in Hebrews 1. How Superior the Lord is to all Others • There are many great people who held great offices for God, but the Lord Jesus is always, in every case, infinitely greater than each of them and is great and supreme in His fulfilment of offices for God. The following comparisons of this nature are made in Hebrews: • • • • • •

Greater than the Prophets, as the revelation of God (1:1-2). Greater than Angelic Hosts, as One out of Heaven (1:4-2:4). Greater than all other men, as the perfect man (2:5-18). Greater than Moses, as mediator of God’s covenant (3:1-4:12). Greater than Aaron, as Great High Priest (4:13-5:8; 7). Greater than animal sacrifices, as God’s final sacrifice for sin (8-10:18).

• Conclusion: if you remove the truth about Christ, you have nothing but insufficient shadows of history. Christ is the One who really has the fullness and reality which God intended. 2. Greater than Prophets (1:1-2) • Prophets revealed something of God by speaking His will and His Word. They were great men of God. • But each prophet only revealed part of God’s Word and God’s will. • Jesus brought the full and perfect revelation of God’s Word and God’s will into the world (1:1). • See John 1:1 where Jesus is described as the Incarnate Word of God. • John the Baptist, the greatest among the prophets said, “He who comes from heaven is above all. He bears witness to what he has seen and heard... Whoever receives his testimony sets his seal to this, that God is true.” (John 3:31-33). 3. Greater than Angels (1:4-2:4) • Angels are great and mighty Heavenly beings, stronger than humans, with access right into the presence of God. • Angels were also used as God’s messengers throughout scripture, including the announcement of Christ’s birth. • Christ is greater than all of them in every way. Not a helper in the plan of redemption, but redemption itself. 4. Greater than Mankind (2:5-18) • Man’s created purpose was to rule over creation. This purpose has been thwarted through the fall and we do not see it fulfilled as God intended in any mere man (2:8). • But Jesus Christ is a real man, and right now we see that there IS in fact a REAL man, crowned with glory and honour in the presence of God (2:9).

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• Jesus will take full control of the world to come. He stands supreme amongst all other men (1:8-13; 2:5). 5. Greater than Moses • Moses was an extraordinary leader, and the very greatest of men in God’s plan. • Moses was a leader, prophet, priest and a mediator. • Christ did all that Moses did and more, but He did it perfectly, fully and completely. • Moses did not lead the children of Israel into rest because he failed, but Christ gives true rest to the people of God (3-4). • At the peak of his ministry, Moses himself said, “God shall raise up a prophet like me... It is to Him you shall listen” (Deut 18:15). 6. Greater than High Priests and their Sacrifices • To enter the inner sanctuary of the Tabernacle, the presence of God, would result in death for any person except for the High Priest once per year. • The High Priest had to take in a sacrifice for the sins of the people each year to show that justice for sin had been done (5:1-2). • Jesus has only offered one sacrifice for sins, but it was His own sacrifice of infinite value. Having entered the presence of God with that sacrifice, sin can be forgiven on account of its value, once and for all. Another sacrifice will never be due (7:26-28; 10:17-18). • Christ is therefore a Great High Priest; He is so much greater than every High Priest. • Christ’s sacrifice is therefore superior to all others. It satisfies God forever. Encouragement • Understanding who Christ is and the value of what He has done is therefore a sure safeguard to any loss of our hope.

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Review Questions 1. Christ’s greatness is especially manifested with regard to...? A. He was a contemporary of the greatest prophet, John the Baptist. B. His superior, full and final performance of every role pertaining to our salvation. C. In the fact that He is from Heaven, like angels whom God has given great power. D. He was a fine leader and an excellent teacher. 2. That Jesus is the incarnate word reminds us that...? A. Jesus is the full revelation of God to humanity. B. Jesus wrote the Bible. C. “Word”, from the Greek “Logos” means he is a metaphor of God. D. He came to be a great teacher of justice and equity. 3. All things will be put under Jesus’ feet as He reigns over the world to come. This reminds us that...? A. Christ is greater than all men because they do not rule over this world as God intended. B. Christ is greater than all prophets, because they did not convert the kings as God intended. C. Christ is greater than all priests, because Israel overthrew them as God’s intended government. D. Christ is greater than Moses, who sadly decided he couldn’t be God’s king of the Promised Land. 4. How does Christ’s sacrifice of Himself compare with Old Testament sacrifices? A. It is final. They were temporary. B. It was commissioned by God. They were not. C. It was a blood sacrifice. They were not. D. It is just slightly more valuable. 5. What is a type? A. Something deliberately instituted by God as a shadow or representation of a far greater reality, to be fulfilled in the future. B. Something that is in the Bible, but it’s not real. It’s just pictorial. C. A rare event whereby God chooses somebody to proclaim His will and His word to Gentiles. D. A miracle which is later given special revelatory meaning, through a further supernatural event. 6. If we deny the reality of who Jesus is, what is the most obvious outcome? A. We will die young and never be successful. B. We have to remove the four gospels from our Bibles because they speak of Jesus, but the rest is ok. C. The Christological prophecies upon which Hebrews is based become special visions, called types. D. All the requirements of our salvation have only been attempted by fallible people in various roles. There is no perfect satisfaction of them by anybody.

Answers | 1B | 2A | 3A | 4A | 5A | 6D

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