World Pigeons Sport

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A free magazine for breeders

Only in the world pigeons sport: Prevention during flight

Master and his secrets


Overview of common dovecotes

YOUNG How to prepare the young for flights


We would like to thank you for once again choosing our quarterly. We strive for better quality of the content, this is why the magazine undergoes constant changes. We are counting on your opinions when it comes to articles, as well as the graphics. What else would you like to change or improve? Please let us now on our Facebook page. We're hoping that the contents of the magazine will again prove to be of your liking. This issue brings you an interview with pigeon world's star, Jaap Koehoorn, who has answered our questions in great detail. We are also presenting detailed information on Common Lofts: Mazowsze and Dobczyce. The experts have answered our questions on preparing young pigeons to their first flights and pigeon health specialist, Jarosław Kuś, casts new light on one of the evergreens - adenovirus. We could not forget about our partners from Common Lofts, on which we are presenting a detailed report. During our last trip, we visited PIPA ELITE CENTRE team, you will find a short article about them inside. We'd strongly recommend subscribing to our quarterly, of course free of charge. All the information are available at Thanks to you, we reach more than 90 countries worldwide. The quarterly is available in Polish and English, with 3.500 copies of printed edition that allow us to reach a large number of Polish breeders. If you find our magazine interesting, please do not hesitate to distribute and promote it among your friends and colleagues. It is free of charge, anyone contacting us will receive their copy. Those of you running businesses with pigeon accessories and products should be particularly interested in our quarterly. It is a quick and effective way to increase your revenue and popularity of the business that you run, without you participating in the costs. Please do not hesitate to contact us. We would like to extend our gratitude towards all involved in publishing our magazine and please remember to look us up in Autumn for even more, interesting information from the world of pigeon racing.


YOUNG PIGEON’S DISEASE A constant problem of pigeon fancying

Young pigeons' disease, commonly known as adenovirus, is a set of medical symptoms that may be caused by various different factors. Most commonly, it is the symptoms that are treated, not the cause itself. This is very often goes with wrong diagnosis and misguided, even harmful treatment process.

What is adenovirus? Its most common symptoms are: -vomiting -diarrhea of different colors and texture -apathy and lack of appetite -emaciation In principle all cases of the symptoms are the result of viral infections. This can be a single type of virus infection. However, a number of diseases caused by different viruses may occur in the process, which can significantly complicate recuperation. T h e n t h e re a re a l m o st a l ways secondary bacterial or fungal infections, which cause the abovem e n t i o n e d e x t e r n a l sy m p t o m s observed by fanciers. Viruses that can cause diseases of younglings:

- affects birds over 1 month old - watery or green to yellow diarrhea - vomiting - weight loss - impairs the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins - section reveals recognizable changes in the liver - mortality rate from 30 to 60 percent. - immunosuppression

Note: At present there is no adenovirus vaccine developed for pigeons. Commercially available vaccines without the manufacturer's data is most likely a vaccine for poultry to an entirely different adenovirus serotype of the virus, which is insignificant to pigeons. Circovirus - symptoms vary widely, depending mainly on secondary bacterial infections - Attacks birds from 3 weeks to 12 months of age - diarrhea - strong immunosuppression, which may continue up to 1.5 years with individuals with an illness record - mortality rate up to 100 per cent.

itself. Poor condition of breeding flocks and lack of natural resistance of parents can significantly affect the health of young birds. Adult pigeons, which are intended for rearing, aside from being free from diseases that can be transmitted to the offspring should also have well-functioning immune system. This resistance is partially transmitted on to the young birds, which causes young birds whose disease resistance is artificially maintained by continuous administration of drugs very often lack the resistance. Preventive, blind administration of antibiotics should be reduced as much as possible, ideally to zero. Antibiotics should be served only after proper diagnosis by a veterinarian who specializes in treating pigeons. If there is time and opportunity, bacteriological and mycological tests should be run. The way the younglings are guided is no less important. Also, avoiding unnecessary distribution of antibiotics, execution of vaccinations for smallpox, paramixovirus, and preferably before the peak incidence o f a d e n o v i ra l d i s e a s e . F i n a l l y, stimulating the immune system by the administration immunostimulators, and use of probiotics and preparations of plant origin that inhibit the growth of normal flora.

Adenovirus serotype I - affects birds from 1 to 6 months of age - watery or green diarrhea - vomiting - enterotoxicosis - mortality rate up to 10 per cent.

Adenovirus serotype II

Issues concerning the treatment of younglings

The main problems are usually caused by wrong diagnosis, poor treatment, improper conduct of the herd before the onset of the disease. Poor management of the herd is the usually the first of the factors that may affect future course of the disease

How to recognize and what to do with initial symptoms when they appear?

Usually, the first noticeable signs are decrease in food intake and decreased desire to fly.Pigeons fly from loft, but some of them remain on the roof.


YOUNG PIGEON’S DISEASE Typically, the first symptoms of the disease are not followed by vomiting or diarrhea. It is then best to give antibacterial and antiviral treatments that, when given at the first signs of disease, do not allow it to develop into a full-blown form, with vomiting and diarrhea. Significant problems can be a result of misdiagnosis, which can often do more harm than good. You s h o u l d a p p ro a c h w i t h r e s e r v e diagnosis that point exclusively to parasitic diseases, coccidiosis or Helminthiasis. Yes, they can be diagnosed simultaneously, but rarely produce acute symptoms visible to the naked eye, and drugs used in their treatment often administered in viral diseases completely floor the infected birds and their condition rapidly deteriorates. Caution is also advised when it comes to antibiotic treatments, especially in case of vague symptoms. You have to remember that the cause is a viral disease that causes i nte n s e i m m u n o s u p p re s s i o n o r malfunction of the immune system of infected birds. Lack of adequate cover on the part of the immune system may lead to secondary infections with bacteria and yeast which are part of normal flora (E. coli, enterococci, candida). Administering antibiotics without proper research, usually due to lack of time, may not produce the desired effect, and in some cases their effect may be the opposite. Most antibiotics are also immunosuppressants, and if a given antibiotic is mismatched, health my deteriorate rather than improve. The second case is the so-called postantibiotic therapy relapses after an initially successful therapy. Note that the administration of an antibiotic does not treat the disease itself, but only reduces the growth of bacteria which can be just secondary infections. In such cases, a relapse may occur in a short period of time after administration of antibiotics has stopped. This is caused by not treating

the disease itself, but rather only temporarily combating the symptoms. Improper treatment often leads to long immunosuppression that lasts up to several months. The birds often get s i c k , a n d t re at m e nt i s u s u a l l y i n e f fe c t i v e . A m o n g b i r d s w i t h weakened immune systems we most often find yeast of the genus Candida or drug resistant strains of bacteria to be the most common infections. What to do in order to minimize the possible effects of the disease? - Vaccinate young to paramixovirus and smallpox, preferably at the end of the first month of life. - Avo i d u n n e c e s s a r y u s e o f antibiotics. - Use probiotics. - Use measures with a selective effect on bacteria that constitute normal flora. - Use immunostimulators. In case of the onset of symptoms in the herd, preparations with strong antibacterial and antiviral (salmostop, adenostop) effects can be used. If necessary, you can combine these preparations with antibiotics. Antibiotics that have strong immunosuppresant effects and are not administered in liver or kidney disorders should be avoided in the t re a t m e n t o f yo u n g l i g n s . I t i s especially advisable to avoid tetracyclines and lincosamides, as well as coccidiostats or anthelmintics. The antibiotics of choice are usually those that are not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, thus not causing excessive sterilization of the body.

and mycological tests. - Meanwhile, administer a n t i b a c t e r i a l a n d a n t i v i ra l (salmostop, adensotop) agents. - If necessary, implement antibiotic therapy as prescribed. How to proceed with birds with severe goiter inflammation? The residual liquid from the remnants of food must be removed from the goiter by squeezing it. Frequently, the goiter will release foulsmelling mixture of water and food that has undergone decaying processes. We can rinse the goiter with a solution of rivanol, then inject a solution of 0.2ml of salmostop and 2ml of water directly to the goiter. This should be done twice a day until the pigeon starts to take food and water by itself. How to deal with a herd that has gone through the illness, and to which we want to add another brood of purchased or own pigeons? What to do in case of absence of the disease until the first flight from the cubicle? Be sure to implement the same procedure as in case of onset of the first symptoms. Failure to provide any kind of treatment may lead in a short time to full-blown disease among young birds in contact with the virus.

veterinary phytotherapy specialist

What if we used ineffective antibiotic treatment? - First of all, do not blindly use another antibiotic. - Be sure to conduct bacteriological



We are pleased to present to you another and, in our opinion, one of the most promising Common Lofts in the country. This is another arena of struggle under the auspices of the World Pigeons Sport. We would like to introduce you to the organizers, present the main goals and the latest information. The project was founded by colleagues Adrian and Christopher Piwowarczyk. Do not let the looks deceive you they are not family, and the same name is mere coincidence. Here are the profiles of the two organizers:

Krzysztof - despite his young age is a breeder with many years of experience backed by excellent flight results. He is a member of Myślenice department. He is successful in competitions in sections, departments and district. His young birds can fly 6/6 competitions, which has to be considered a fantastic result. Adrian - like Christopher, he is an ambitious, young breeder that achieves excellent flight results. They know each other very well, and the duo combined with very good living conditions for birds, provided by placing them in the loft manufactured by John Bocheńczaka, as well as top-level care, allows to have great hopes that those who have entrusted them with their birds will be satisfied with the competition. The rules of this loft may also be a promise of interesting

competition. Affordable entrance fee, 250PLN per pigeon is tempting potential participants. We will see several of training flights and five competition, which will award the first three birds from each flight. Competition will be concluded with a final race at a distance of 420 km, where the first 20 pigeons will be awarded. The loft is situated in beautiful and picturesque surroundings. We encourage participants to visit the arena of rivalry at least once, and it certainly will make them want to go back there.

Colleagues opened the list during the season, when there are already multiple CL projects. Also, the launch was quite late. Nevertheless, many breeders put their trust in them, and already 150 pigeons have joined the competition. As we mentioned, we have also extended our patronage over this loft. We will be describing the breed of the winner of the final flight! Registration with the CL has been completed, but you can follow the competition at It is definitely worth watching, and registering for the next edition. The organizers wish you success in guiding the birds, small in-flight losses and fair play competition!


J an Boheńczak is already known to all our readers. In each issue we present the most important information regarding his Giewont Common Loft (please check the article "Report from CL" to read the most current information from WG). Janek is not only overseeing the young homers. He also runs a shop with pigeon products, as well as modular lofts manufacture which we have also showcased.

B lew, we present several elements which form modular lofts. Each of these components can be purchased separately and tailored to your needs on demand.

T he

very idea of modular lofts fits perfectly to the

needs of fanciers. But it was you, the pigeon sport aficionados, calling John and talking about your needs who seeded in him the idea of creating a compact loft. What are we talking about? Soon, a loft wrapped up in a package that will be delivered to you by a courier is going to enter mass production. The package will come with a assembly manual and in a short time, on a "do it yourself" basis, you will be able to enjoy having your own loft. By setting several of such lofts up, you will be able to create a perfect complex.

T he components are is easy to assemble. The loft itself requires little space and comes with wheels which allows for set up virtually anywhere. First and foremost it is solid, especially comparing to its cost.

B elow, there are some photos of the new project. We are convinced that this idea proves to be another success, and today encourage you to contact Janek: +48 603 400 723, to find out more and place orders.




Loft manufacture






DRAWER FLOOR The construction is fitted with removable drawers, which allows for easy cleaning. Appropriate depth (30 cm) allows for dust-free deposition of feces.

WALL Wooden, tongue-and-groove system.

WALL WITH A WINDOW Wooden, with a tilt window usedfor regulating air flow, and a inlet/outlet.




CEILING Wooden ceiling with a built-in ventilation flap which allows for ideal air circulation in the loft.


ROOF Wooden, tiled roof. An unusual construction of the roof allows for ventilation of boxes, and net ventilation crates protect the pigeons from predators.Tiling helps maintain appropriate tempreature.

GRATE Wooden grate for pigeons, withroundings that facilitate pigeon movement.



GABLE Wooden gable, consisting of three elements and a masking triangle.



GABLE 2 Wwooden gable, consisting of three elements and a masking triangle.

DRAWER Made of glulam, which ensures lack of deformations. Facilitates usage and dries droppings very well. One module consists of two pieces.


Hello Jaap. Let us begin by expressing our gratitude for your commitment and for the fact that you want to co-operate with us. We are hoping that your insight will help young breeders to manage their lofts and achieve success. How and when did you get involved in pigeon fancing? Together with my father the interest in pigeons began 53 years ago. During the last 30 years I have raced alone. At the end of 1993, I moved from a farm into a regular house in Veenendaal, and sold half of my pigeons, starting off again

with young birds in 1994. Hans Eijerkamp too bought ten pigeons from me there under the NL91-1802753 "Lady Bergerac". This hen races a second Bergerac (882 kilometres) among 40.925 pigeons. What pigeons did you have in your loft in the beginning? The first pigeons came from a sports enthusiast, L. Stok from Halsteren. In the fifties and sixties his loft was one of the top-lofts in the Netherlands. And in 1963 and 1964 my father bought a few pigeons from the Janssen brothers. These pigeons are still the red banner in the blood of the present day pigeons. Of course, during the last 20 years several other pigeons were added. Most of

them had achieved top-performance levels by themselves. What do you pay particular attention to when it comes to selecting birds? There are lot of so-called eye specialist that have pigeons for long time, but are no champions. My opinion is that all you can see is whether a pigeon is healthy, smart, brave, well balanced, etc. In the eye you can see if the vital organs of a pigeon are functioning well. Some are saying that white eyes are for small distances and good weather, that dark eyes are for bad weather and long distances, and that orange and green eyes would be for all kind of weather and distances.


I have looked at he pigeons of top fanciers and saw that most of them have pigeons with all kind of eye colours and all of them race very well. I have visited top fanciers that had only darkeyes in their lofts and race these well on short distances too. When I look at a female pigeon's eye I have to see softness and carefulness. And if they have youngsters I must see that she cares. In a male pigeon I look for an eye with courage and pride, just like if he wanted to fight with me. Also the position of the eyes supposedly says something about the capacity of a pigeon. This is also not true. It really is pretty much the same as with people. The colour and the position of the eyes is not important. What the eyes tell you, is. And if you are very involved with your pigeons you can see what goes on inside of them. This is of true importance. The rest is for dreamers. The plume and feathers have to be soft and shiny. It is one of the condition indicators that tells you if a pigeon is healthy. When the plume and feathers are hard and stiff it is possible that the pigeon lacks vitamins and minerals. And if they are not shiny the condition is bad. Some colour specialists are telling a blue one is better for racing than a red one. Absolutely not true. The only thing I can tell for sure is that a good pigeon has always his best suit on. My best pigeons in all these years were not sick even for a day. So the condition of the feathers is very important to base decisions on for breeding, racing or staying in your loft.

What flight method do you use and what kind of food? I practise the method of "total widowhood". Both partners are raced. To keep the motivation if one of the partners do not reach home in time he created a special feeding scheme. On the day of deployment his pigeons get everything they want. Full food with peanuts and dainties. Even the water is sweet, with a lot of carbohydrates and fruit. I realised that the pigeons even like to come home for this “banquet�. Racing pigeons are coupled at the end of February for the first time, and then brood approximately 20 days (on eggs of stone). Naturally the top eggs are placed under breeding couples so I will get young birds from my best racing pigeons. After about 20 days the pigeons leave the eggs voluntarily. Then they sit directly on widowhood and keep their feathers for a long time. Even up to the last competition the pigeons dispose good wings. Was flying easier back then, or is it easier today? In earlier times we had pigeons that would always come back. Nowadays it is more difficult. We have all kind of communication problems (internet, telephone, satellite and big electric fences in the air ) that will disturb the orientation of the pigeons . Especially the young ones.


Do you need to be a specialist in order to be a good breeder? Breeding in pigeon sport requires dealing with a lot of aspects of pigeon genetics and selection. Some people with a basic interest in breeding just buy pigeons that have proven race performance records. However, their breeding results with these pigeons are often poor. This is because their are many more aspects that one needs to look at in order to get a good result. When you select your ideal pigeons you have to look for at least the following: check the type and body size of the pigeon. Don't go for too small or too big, because this will give you problems on your loft. Your loft has to be a team, every pigeon has to fit into it. The harmony of a loft is very important. If your pigeons are fighting all the time and they are nervous and have no rest, most of the them will not be able to produce a good result in racing. Naturally, you will need to check whether your pigeons are vital enough. You will need to check for the right muscle quality for the distances you are racing. You will also need to check whether there is intelligence and character in your pigeon strain. For example, you have to look what they do

under pressure. Are they mentally strong enough to deal with some bad influence on your loft or during a race. I test my youngsters always by throwing a big bal into the loft and when I take it out the pigeons that after five minutes are still nervous and looking scared go out of my loft. The only thing that is important are the results of your breeding. Youngsters need to stay in excellent health. When you are breeding less healthy pigeons you need to find different partnerships. When even from these new couples the offspring are still not healthy enough consider to take the cock or hen out of your loft. Then the other important thing is to keep youngsters on your loft. If you have good, healthy youngsters that are gone from your loft before you have even raced them, make a note from which pair they were produced. If this happens often you must change this pair. The result after changing pair is the selection again for this cock or hen. First of all, the youngsters need to be 100% healthy, so should be no trace of cancer, nor of any kind of ornithosis, no coli or other negative influences on racing results. I think that ornithosis is the worse thing pigeons can be suffering from, because when one of the


channels in the pigeons' head (the one from nose to eye, to ear, to throat) is blocked, pigeons cannot orientate themselves anymore and most of the time they get lost. And then you cannot say it was a bad pigeon, because you did not fly him on a healthy basis. Make your selections out of the results from 100% fit pigeons only. Then you are selecting wisely. In your opinion, what should be an average fancier's most important concern in pigeon keeping? Keep it simple , do only the things you have time for. If you don't have to much time , keep less pigeons and trey to do that good. Cleanup often and keep a good bookkeeping about performances and about breeding results. Where do your current birds come from? Still mostly Stok-Janssen , but also Pieter Veenstra, Koopman , Geerinckx ,Desaer, Gaby Vandenabeele. Why these particular breed/-s of birds, what makes these birds stand out? Not long ago I was talking to a few pigeon fanciers. At one moment one of the guys said to me: “Name three things that

pigeons can do and man cannot”. I only came to one answer: “Fly”. Then the man gave me all the answers: 1. Pigeons fly, 2. they can find the way back home without reading a roadmap, and 3. they can make love to three different hens without one of them yelling at him and throwing him out. At home I told the joke to my wife. She said: “if I were a female pigeon I would know which male to choose. I would prefer the strongest, healthiest and best looking male in the loft”. She then asked me what pigeons would do if they could choose their partners for themselves. I know that the strongest and healthiest cocks often have the most desirable places in the loft and that this would attract the hens. So if you have no time to study your pigeons well, and you want to find the optimum partnerships, it may not be so bad to let the pigeons choose for themselves. Only of course the results of this mating will decide if the next generation would come out of the same pair.


Do you use antibiotics and if yes, when? Yes only if I see they need it . In the beginning of the season your pigeons don't need antibiotic. They come from winter time and contact only in your own loft. Most pigeons are clean and healthy , but when you start racing and they meet all kind of other pigeons, than it is possible that they are getting infected. So from week 4 in racing I give yellow drops against trichomonade. Luckily this is not an antibiotic , but a disinfectant and it works. For Ornithose I use a product called Orno Qure and Kop Myco. These are antibiotics, but necessary. How do you prepare for flights in terms of food and flight plan (feeding, training sessions, supplementation)? You must always train the pigeons in the beginning of the season in different directions. They will sharpen their Orientation skills and get home also from a difficult race.


everything. But unluckily I have only 24 hours , so I will make mistakes to. I have to accept that. I'm a fancier as well and I would gladly use your vitamins in the next season because I find them substantial. There are no unnecessary elements in them. Are you planning to expand your offer? Particularly Entrodex and MVS30 are base products for health. During the racing season Japanse Go, Superpowerplus and recovery are highly on my personal list in using. And yes the development of products goes on every year so I am sure there will be new products in the future.

About food. Females 75% of the normal portion you give a pigeon and males you give 110 % of normal portion. The season for young bird flights is near. How do you deal with birds during those flights in terms of feeding and supplementation? Important for young pigeons is to inject them 2 times with vaccine for PMV. Sometimes in combination with Herpes. And keep them a little bit hungry in racing time. They should listen to you. Of course I use the vydex system EntrodexAscorbite-MVS30 and Superpowerplus . Food in the beginning light diet I use Gerry plus from versele, and last two days I use Turbo Energy from Matador. What made you produce pigeon vitamins and supplements signed with your own name? Where's the idea from? I was always involved in sports , In athletic, swimming and Judo . And I had always contact with the topper performers in this area . So I thought lets make a system for pigeons , because they are also top athletes. And by treating them as top athlete the performances will be much better. Why do you think Vydex products have been so successful around the world and now have a well-

What motto/slogan would you like to convey to young Polish fanciers? Where should they begin, what should they do? established position among world's They always must see the enjoyment top fanciers? of spending time with pigeons. It is a Because they produce results pigeon great hobby in this stressful world. And fanciers are hoping for. always try to listen and learn. But in the end do it as you think it is the best in your How do you manage to combine situation. pigeon fancying with running your business and family life? Jaap, thank you for your time! We Not easy . Doing everything as good hope that we will meet again soon as possible . But sometimes you have not and talk over a cup of coffee. enough time on a day . If I could have 40 hours instead of 24 hours in a day . Than I would even be more successful in


YOUNG As in the previous issue, we would like to present the answers to questions addressed to two prominent breeders. This time we asked them how to guide young pigeons from early July to first flights. We'd like to provide you with an opportunity to look at the opinions of breeders from different parts of the country, different sections and various backgrounds. Let's see how our experts, Piotr Kowalewski and Krzysztof Weglewski, answered.

As you can see, our colleagues shared their insights and their habits connected with keeping their pigeons. The messages and information provided by both breeders are clear. I do not want at this point to draw conclusions, but I encourage each and every one of you to read both passages carefully and draw from them as much as possible for the benefit of your flock of young birds. I think that especially young amateurs of our beautiful sport will use these “rules� to get on the right track in pigeon keeping. Once again, I would like to thank our colleagues for their time and for answering our questions. I wish all the best during the season both to our experts and all the Readers. Let the comebacks be fast, giving you first prizes, and may the flock be sizeiable, allowing you to relax a bit with the quarterly in hand.


As in the previous issues we would like to present to you the latest information from the Common Lofts all around Poland. Below you will find the latest information from projects which we extended our patronage over, and where you can win additional prizes, including those sponsored by us. This year's competition promises to be extremely interesting. Even if you do not take part in any of the projects or are not proponent of this type of competition, you should keep tabs on the enterprise and keep your fingers crossed for your friends or colleagues.



Post-season, the birds will be exhibited at the newly created auction portal, which will be made available to the users in autumn. The portal has already been prepared and undergoes final touches. It will be website unlike any other, Our new partners, the managers of Małopolska CL, have a aiming at breeders and their comfort. lot going on. Pigeons lists have been closed, birds from all compartments have been training together around the loft. All current information We Participants are informed about the most interesting events encourage you to keep track of the competition, even if you via text messages. These include, among others, the launch of do not participate in this project. live score tracking which has already been tested and is working well. This will enable to follow the competitions almost live. In addition, for you to have a clear channel of communications, a special web cam has been set up that is going to transmit images 24/7 (it will be turned off just during An additional reward in the form of an article in "World extreme weather periods). Both the results and the camera Pigeons Sports" about the breed of origin of the final race's images can be followed via CL website. winner is also waiting for you in CL Giewont endeavors. Colleagues Jacek and Łukasz, caretakers of this CL, are doing About 350 pigeons have been entered to the competition. a great job. The flock suffered minor losses - just a few pigeons had to be 629 pigeons have been enlisted to compete this season. removed. Their owners have been notified and were able to After the success of the previous one, the participant list filled send additional pigeons in. very quickly. Currently, the birds enjoy their flybys. Some of them have already been doing regular flybys, while some are About every two weeks a medical check-up of the flock is still enjoying the liberty and freedom of exploring the area. In conducted by a veterinarian. Birds are in excellent condition, this way, the birds have been preparing to compete in the hence there is no need for antibiotics in their feeding difficult mountainous terrain. schedule. Pure prevention, and enhancing supplements, The condition of birds' health has been supervised by the physician Tomasz Klimczak. Recently, has published the results of the last check-up, which shows that the organizers do not have anything to hide. Check-ups take place every two weeks, and the birds do not receive any unnecessary preparations. All the necessary pre-seasonal treatments have been conducted under the watchful eye, and according to the recommendations of, Mr Klimczak.



combined with good quality feed translate into fantastic vitality of the flock. Due to the loft being full, the organizers decided to improve living conditions of the birds by expanding the loft. Although the loft was perfectly adapted to accommodate 350 birds, the organizers appreciate the well-being of birds and the comfort of their staying in the loft, for which reason it has been expanded. In the first two weeks of July, the initial training sessions took place. Caretakers want to perform plenty of those due to the uncommon direction of flight. All this so that during the races the rivalry is on the highest possible level, and the birds present excellent condition.

We have also asked the caretakers to assess the condition of the birds in the CL. They say that this year the birds arrived in excellent shape, which allowed them to adapt quickly and eliminate unnecessary, unpleasant situations connected with poor health.

Care of the flock is not everything. Thanks to the Recently, the loft, just as CL Kuźnica, has been visited by organizers' efforts the circle of sponsors was extended, Dr. Henk De Weerd. He found the state of health of the flock which will allow you, the participants, to gain additional perfect, praising the organizers. Among the guests profits. Congratulations to the guys for a job well done in this there was also Paweł Sławek from Gołębie Odrzutowe. regard, as well.


Let us remind you that Gołębie Odrzutowe together with able to read when the first training sessions began. Henryk is Henk De Weerd are the main sponsors of competition on the also on call for all contestants in need. We are hoping that this Giewont CL. year will provide us with an interesting, top-notch rivalry. The caretakers we do not need to present to you. They complement each other perfectly in the subject of bird care. We also encourage you to follow the competition via live WG Centre is one of the most interesting and promising scores available on the website of the Common Loft and to visit the event during the final race. After the end of the arenas among CL projects in our country. Although it is only the first edition, current organization and commitment of its season, the birds will be put up for auction. organizer, Mariusz Tosik, shows that it is no coincidence that Janek has an interesting idea to continue the rivalry, but it among friends and breeders following young pigeons shall be presented to you in the following issues. competition in our country he is considered a specialist in this field. We wish both ourselves as well as you, as participants and I think all this will have been confirmed by the end of the observers, and of course the entire Staff that the last year's season. Today, we would like to update you on what has been success be repeated. May the rivalry once again be full of going on. excitement! This CL houses more than 300 pigeons. Top Polish breeders have entrusted Mariusz with their pigeons. Caretakers (remember that Mariusz has help in the form of his colleague, Dawid) put a lot of work and effort into making good flybys and ensuring the birds are satisfied with their new We also visited another on the long list of our partners, home. colleague Henryk Pawlicki, the man behind Miejska Górka CL. We would like to present you with a quick update on his enterprise.



Without a doubt we can say, as we mentioned in the summary of last year's competition, that despite being the first, 2014 season has been a success. Many of you shared that opinion, entrusting their representatives to Henryk. Thus,

almost half a thousand birds takes part in this year's edition, which shows the scope of the project. Both submitted birds and their current condition have been perfect. Birds were accepted until June 15, so those that had come here earlier had already trained in regular flybys. Those who have arrived last, enjoy more free flybys and lack of discipline imposed on them. The whole flock has already been vaccinated and is currently developing its muscle mass by receiving high quality food and top quality supplements. On the website of the Loft you can keep track of the most interesting events and information. There, you will also be

In recent days, after closing the list of participants, the birds have been vaccinated, and under the constant supervision of the leading specialist in the field of pigeon health, doctor Robert Myszkowski. It was he who laid the plan of supplementation for birds and who ensures the flock's good state of health. Birds receive supplementation, according to the doctor's instructions, and they have not been given any kind of antibiotics or similar preparations. The birds feel at home in the newly built loft. The project is the manifestation of knowledge and experience of the organizer. Once again, the entire enterprise deserves recognition. I hope that my suspicions confirm and the rivalry will turn out to be impressive. Follow our web page closely, all the current information is published there.You can verify the status of birds in the CL anytime in a simple way, which is also an interesting option. We hope that, as in previous projects, we will also have the chance to meet personally with you during the final competition. See you!


KURZNIE CL Anna Matyja has accepted several dozen pigeons to compete in her intimate CL. As we mentioned, this is not a extensively commercial project. Its focus is on fun and the opportunity to test birds in a slightly different environment. The birds have settled in well, and are now participating in flybys of the loft. The first training session took place in the second part of July. Let us remind you that the birds in CL will be released from the section cabin along with the rest of the fliers, which is bound to make their comeback more challenging; they will have to to rely solely on their own homing skills. Birds are in good health and have recently been vaccinated. This treatment did not have a negative impact on the flock, which shows that the condition of the birds is adequate. We encourage to follow the web page of the CL for current flight results. Good luck to the organizer and only the first prizes.


MAZOWSZE CL The number of partners of our quarterly is constantly growing. We are pleased to announce that Mazowsze Common Loft is another project with our patronage. We would like to introduce you the enterprise itself, its managers and what the present and the near future will bring. Season 2015 is the second edition of the competition. Last year was a success, which is why there was no shortage of fanciers ready to enter this year's edition. The organizers and those exercising custody over the players are the well-known breeders, brothers Robert and Paul Baranowscy, together with colleague Robert Fedorowicz. Knowledge and experience encouraged many breeders, both successful and aspiring, to bestow their trust upon them. Lofts are located in the small village of Czarna, near Mińsk Mazowiecki. It is one of the few projects that has developed in the norther part of Mazowieckie Province. The birds were given perfect conditions, and a large area surrounding the loft fosters their acclimatization and exploring the surroundings.

Enrolling into CL Mazowsze is slightly different than in case of lofts described earlier. Participants shall submit teams consisting of five pigeons. Anyone can submit any number of teams. Prizes can be won in various

classifications, which soon will be announced by the organizers after taking into account contributions from participants who have confirmed their participation by making the payment. All current information can be found at You will be informed about the current status of the loft, treatments or the date of the first training. Currently, the birds are exploring the area and enjoying flybys. Space after pigeons that have become lost or had to be otherwise removed has already been filled, thus rendering the loft full. Birds have been inoculated, and approximately every two weeks their health condition is checked by pigeon health specialist, Dr Andrzej Koralewski, who ensures that the birds be in full health. As of now, the tests have shown no need for any pharmaceuticals. Therefore, the birds take basic herbal supplements, grits and high quality food. The final numebr of birds in the loft is 1,234. This means that the flock is large, and hence it requires extensive work and care. All birds have electronic anklets so checking their status in the CL is easy. I wish organizers and all the participants exciting competition and a large dose of positive emotions. I think it's worth keeping track of all that going on in the loft. I am convinced that each and every one of you after a season of observation would like to personally take part in the competition. Let us all meet during the comback ceremony after the final flights, and let us encourage each other


Top class pigeons bring top class results for the PEC Racing Team ADK. This combination has had a spectacular and at times an even dominant start to the season!

It pays off to invest in top pigeons The number one philosophy behind the PEC is to invest in national champions, the goal being to keep some important genes in Belgian hands. This was the idea that Nikolaas Gyselbrecht had in mind when founding the PEC. When asked about their plans for the future, Pascal and Nikolaas told us they have been focusing on creating a breed based on stock sire New Freddy (winner of the title of 1st Nat. Ace Pigeon Longer Middle Distance KBDB 2010). This outstanding bird has been paired to the best hens of Bart Geerinckx, and the goal is to pair their youngsters to the best bloodlines of Pascal Ariën. A pivotal role is played by Tarzan and New Patricia, two wonderful pigeons that combine the very best lines of the old Verreckt-Ariën breed. Other pairings include Amalia (1st Nat. Ace Pigeon Longer Middle Distance KBDB 2011), different direct Bart Geerinckx pigeons, Gaston Van de Wouwer (including the line of New Kaasboer), as well as the indispensable and invaluable Vandenabeele breed (through descendants of Fyther, Gloria, and Rudy). Breeding pigeons from proven champions is a sure-fire way to success in pigeon racing, which is demonstrated not only by the PEC Racing Team ADK. Several more pigeon fanciers have won great results with descendants of this invaluable breeding loft in recent weeks.  Jespers-Vanderwegen won a 1st Intprov. Vierzon 4,639 yearlings, as well as a 31st Intprov. Vierzon. The two prize winners originate directly from the PEC  Karlo Van Rompaey wins a 1st Nat. Bourges old birds with a granddaughter of Eduardo. Eduardo is a son of Velocity, in turn the dam of Tarzan, one of the new stock breeders of the PEC Racing Team ADK.  Adrien Mirabelle has won five first prizes with a one year old that comes straight from the PEC. (the pedigree)  Bart Geerinckx wins a 41st national from Chateauroux yearlings on 6 June against 25,617 p. with a direct youngster of New Freddy  Freddy and Jacques Vandenheede's Black Devil BE12-4186394 is a true long distance champion. He is a grandson of New Freddy

Outstanding results with outstanding bloodlines You cannot give what you don't have. A fancier aiming for the top needs to work with pigeons that combine big talents with great potential and excellent breeding value. Any fancier with this type of pigeons in his collection should cherish them but he should also try and get the most out of them.


That is the mission the PEC Racing Team ADK is about to accomplish. Nikolaas Gyselbrecht is acting as the breeder and collector of pigeons with a distinctive edge over the others, pigeons of world class level (including several 1st national ace pigeons). Pascal Ariën acts as the experienced fancier who can get those pigeons to exceed their limits. The combination has been going really well and has been pushing this loft to a higher level! Other members of the team that should not be overlooked are Pascal's wife Lieve, Pascal's father-in-law Hubert and Sam, the caretaker of the breeding pigeons. Together they are part of a wonderful team that will continue to make headlines.

Results The racing team achieved a number of impressive results from the beginning of 2015: 16.05 Vierzon Interprovincial, 4,693 yearlings: 8-35-43-45-54-71-92-118-155-198-207-249-266285-308-350-353-413-424… (47/88) (The 1st interprovincial was also bred in the Pipa Elite Center (PEC)) 30.05 Limoges Prov 1,260 old birds: 3-14-17-30-52-53-54-60-62-110-113-140… (20/27) Nat 15,012 old birds: 9-177-193-329-525-530-541-622-637-1140-12151585… (17/27) 30.05 Bourges National: 21,484 yearlings: 11,32,44,78,84,122,170… (56/86) 06/6 Chateauroux National:

25,617 yearlings: 2,7,20,29,98,100… (51/83) 18,676 old birds: 13 (7/7) This was an impressive display by the PEC racing team, which has at times dominated its opponents. PEC RACING TEAM ADK was again one of the best in Belgium in the weekend of June 20th and won : Limoges Provincial 797 YL: 1-4-5-6-10-14-18-19-2324-29-30-41-53-61… (29/42) Limoges National 6,275 YL : 15-35-36-41… (top-100) Limoges Provincial 576 OLD: 5-7-9-37-172 (5/6) Limoges National 8,301 OLD : 72-82-... (top-100)

Montluçon Provincial 2,123 YL: 2-10-11-12-15-2838-40-44-77-78-230… (24/40) Montluçon National 16,982 YL : 5-38-39-45-52-96137-140-149-319-324... (24/40) Montluçon Provincial 1,119 OLD: 45-54 (2/3) Montluçon National 11,056 OLD: 232-278 (2/3) All the pedigrees and additional information are available at:


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