Living Planet Report 2008

Page 45

Sheets in the current edition of the National Footprint

exceeded the biosphere’s regeneration rate by more

extent to which these innovations have succeeded

electricity are included in the National Footprint

Accounts. Additional research was then required

than 30 per cent. This overshoot results in depletion of

in bringing human demand within the capacity of the

Accounts. However these emissions are only one

to locate and apply new extraction rates to convert

ecosystems and fill-up of waste sinks. This ecosystem

planet’s ecosystems. If there is a sufficient increase in

among many environmental considerations relevant to

processed products into primary product equivalents.

stress can negatively impact biodiversity. However,

ecological supply and a reduction in human demand

nuclear power.

These extraction rates were compiled from a variety of

the footprint does not measure these latter impacts

due to technological advances or other factors,

FAO and other UN sources. Using raw rather than

directly, nor does it specify how much overshoot

footprint accounts will show this as the elimination

2003, the nuclear footprint represented approximately

aggregated data improved the resolution of the

must be reduced if these negative impacts are to

of global overshoot.

4 per cent of humanity’s total footprint. Therefore, for

accounts. Crops expanded from 80 to 180 product

be avoided.

most nations, the effect of this methodological

categories, livestock from 10 to 20, and forests from

change on their 2005 results reported here will

6 to 30. Fifteen hundred species of fish are now

Does the Ecological Footprint say what is a “fair”

negligible. However, for countries with significant

tracked in the accounts, rather than just the 10 that

or “equitable” use of resources?

nuclear power supply such as Belgium, Finland,

were previously included. These changes are now

The footprint documents what has happened in the

France, Japan, Sweden and Switzerland, the

documented in a detailed methodological guidebook

past. It can quantitatively describe the ecological

method change influences their national footprint

available from Global Footprint Network.

resources used by an individual or a population, but

Actual carbon emissions associated with nuclear

In the National Footprint Accounts for the year

values to a greater extent.

The grazing module has also been improved.

it does not prescribe what they should be using.

This exclusion of the nuclear footprint component

The accounts now employ a net primary productivity

Resource allocation is a policy issue, based on societal

does not reflect a stance on nuclear energy. It simply

(NPP) methodology developed by IFF Social Ecology

beliefs about what is or is not equitable. While footprint

acknowledges that only some aspects of nuclear

Institute in Vienna. In addition, ‘Other wooded land’ is

accounting can determine the average biocapacity

energy are easily measured in terms of demand

now included in grazing land.

that is available per person, it does not stipulate how

on regenerative capacity, the research question addressed by the Ecological Footprint.

FAO land-use statistics are used to determine

this biocapacity should be allocated among individuals

which areas are considered productive. In this edition,

or nations. However, it does provide a context for

productive area has been expanded to include some

such discussions.

lower-productivity forest. This previously excluded

been improved since Living Planet Report 2006?

area is primarily comprised of tundra. The additional

How relevant is the Ecological Footprint if the

A formal process is in place to assure continuous

hectares of productive area now included in the

supply of renewable resources can be increased

improvement of the National Footprint Accounts

accounts resulted in an increase of global per person

and advances in technology can slow the

methodology. This process has been supported by

biocapacity to 2.1 gha. However, because this change

depletion of non-renewable resources?

Global Footprint Network’s partner organizations,

similarly affects the global per person footprint,

The Ecological Footprint measures the current state

among others.

inclusion of these additional hectares had little

of resource use and waste generation. It asks: in a

impact on the ratio of supply to demand, and thus

given year, did human demands on ecosystems

on the extent of overshoot.

exceed the ability of ecosystems to meet these

The most significant revision of the National Footprint Accounts since the Living Planet Report 2006 was in response to changes in the structure

demands? Footprint analysis reflects both increases

of the UN FAO’s Corporate Statistical Database

Does the Ecological Footprint take into account

in the productivity of renewable resources and

(FAOSTAT). Most notably, the aggregation of all

other species?

technological innovation (for example, if the paper

products into 10 groups, called Food Balance Sheets,

The Ecological Footprint compares human demand on

industry doubles the overall efficiency of paper

For additional information about current Ecological

were no longer reported in the new FAOSTAT

nature with nature’s capacity to meet this demand. It

production, the footprint per tonne of paper will

Footprint methodology, data sources, assumptions

database covering 1961 to 2005. This required the

thus serves as an indicator of human pressure on local

halve). Ecological Footprint accounts capture these

and results, please visit:

incorporation of raw data in place of the Food Balance

and global ecosystems. In 2005, humanity’s demand

changes once they occur and can determine the



How else have Ecological Footprint calculations

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