Global Caring Ethics

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ASK SOMEONE to list the human senses and most will say, touch, smell, taste, sight and hearing. However, the Oxford dictionary has more to say on the subject. It mentions sensitivity, common sense and a sixth sense. But there are other senses, What about love, instinct, intuition and telepathy? One instinct stands out amongst others. A newly born child, kitten or calf, having fed from it's mother through the umbilical cord for months on end, will instantly reach out to drink through the mouth. In humans, the maternal instinct to hug her new offspring, is accompanied with joy, combined with wonderment and gratitude for the divine power of creation. This is an instinctive sense which is truly the source of our spirituality! Carl Jung, the eminent physiologist spotted this instinct and proclaimed it as an aspect of spiritual dimension, and the basis of the human soul. At a seminar of psychiatrists, a leading speaker summed up this theme very well. He stated, “Western man's most urgent need was to rediscover the divine element in its being, which was illusive and often ignored”. He continued, “there was a danger that in our profession, that we were cutting ourselves off from the spiritual forces, leaving a world which recognises only mind and body”. The above exposes one more sense, the Spiritual One, which is common to all healthy humans across the planet without exception. This spiritual sense which can be described as soul sense is fed by an inexhaustible supply of divine power. In the past, it was believed that animals other than humans were devoid of souls, and not fit to be treated as sentient beings. This is reflected in the ill-treatment of animals which persists to this very day. It is clear we have some way to go before we can say humanity has reached spiritual maturity, but we can help the process along by supporting the precious sense of... caring, compassion, love, justice, and respect.


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