Global Caring Ethics

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is honoured by the industry, but not by ecologists who see the danger of more pollution. The boss of a successful supermarket chain who makes village shops bankrupt in the process, is blinded with a false sense of achievement. But what is the message then for those who feel unworthy with low self esteem, who perhaps cannot land that job because of loss of faith in their ability, who feel intimidated and do not possess that drive and confidence they see in others? It is this. Be proud and reject all notions about your inferiority. Your value to the world is immeasurable, because it is gentle, non-aggressive and caring people like yourself who compulsively express peaceful aspirations. But this does not mean you should abandon developing a degree of assertiveness, because your good nature will be more effective with a little bit of “go” behind it. You are a needed person, so feel good about it! From interviews with genuine ‘travellers’, rather than dropouts and criminals who have gone mobile, they are people who see a new enlightened age, spiritually based, and free from the artificial and materialistic based one of the present age. These are not drug and rave people. In some ways, they emulate the early USA settlers, who in the last century were looking to start a new life, New life...New age? The last movement towards new thinking was in the 1960's, when ‘peace and love against war’ were expressed by young people. This was an expression of their rejection of war-mongering super powers. But they also rebelled against authority in general, which reflected in raves, drug taking and disorder. We can now see that in all social upheavals, self-discipline must be maintained because the vast majority of us need to lead orderly lives. But this is a phase, not any permanent trend towards anarchy. My optimistic note is based on a number of hopeful signs coming from unexpected sources, some of them controversial. The aspirations of those who see the Aquarian Age or New Age, vary somewhat, but they have some basic common ground. They all predict, promote and encourage positive spiritual values. These can be summed up by expressions of universal love, justice, and caring. Such sentiments are


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