GLANCE Magazine October 09

Page 169

I arrived to GLANCE Model Academy when I was looking for one great SODFH WR VWDUW P\ PRGHO FDUHHU DQG P\ ¿UVW LPSUHVVLRQ ZDV UHDOO\ JUHDW , PHW 3DWW\ &RUWHV DQG :LFFD 0HUOLQ P\ ¿UVW GD\ WKHUH DQG WKH\ ERWK ZHUH really nice to me. I decided to become a GLANCE Model Academy Student due to few reasons: it was a reputable academy, the classes were individual and the people who work there seemed to be friendly, nice and professional, just what I was looking for. The classes were awesome! I learned a lot at each and every one and they were really enjoyable. My trainer, Wicca Merlin, helped me a lot in everything and was always willing to answer my questions even if we were not in a class. She taught me so many things about the Fashion World and she was always very patient and making sure that I was understanding her. To sum up, my experience about the classes was fabulous. I entered JCNY September Model Fest thanks to my Trainer who encouraged me to do i; and i was chosen as Showcase Model at the Week 3. I had P\ ¿UVW LQWHUYLHZ DQG , WKLQN WKDW HYHU\WKLQJ , OHDUQHG DERXW DWWLGXH DQG ÀDLU KHOSHG PH D ORW LQ WKDW

Arisia Ashmoot


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