GLANCE Magazine October 09

Page 160

Before I signed with GLANCE Model Academy, I did little study on my own on which agency to take. GLANCE Model Academy is suitable becauVH WKH ÀH[LELOLW\ RI WKH WLPH 'XULQJ WKDW WLPH WKHUH ZDV QR DJHQF\ WKDW FDQ cater my time zone. I was and am really grateful to be a GLANCE student because Patty Cortes was my instructor. Not many agency owner really do that. Her knowledge was so valuable. I loved the grooming class. Patty really helped me to tap to my innerVHOI ,WœV QRW MXVW DERXW WKH ORRN EXW WKH ZKROH LPDJH DQG FRQ¿GHQFH OHYHO Thank you Patty for all the classes! I was on the same graduation show as Violette. The chreography was really GLI¿FXOW 0\ SDUWQHUV ZHUH -HVLND &RQWHPSRPL DQG 0LX (GPDQ 7KH\ ERWK were really helpful and gave me many worthy tips. It was a one of a kind experience in one’s life that you will not get anywhere else. Where can you get to walk on your graduation show with Top Model beside GIA? When I look back, any of my runway show after my graduation are easy pissy. :) I’m now Human Ressource Director in GIA. I do various freelance modeOLQJ IRU DGV DQG EORJ 7KH WUDLQLQJ UHDOO\ KHOSHG WR ERRVW P\ FRQ¿GHQFH OHvel.

Nieve Thor

159 - ACADEMY GRADUATE 3 - Nieve thor

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