GLANCE Magazine October 09

Page 158

,œYH EHHQ PRGHOLQJ IRU D OLWWOH RYHU WKDQ \HDUV ULJKW QRZ EXW P\ ¿UVW \HDU , MXVW modeled as a part-time model and walked from time to time in shows. It wasn’t until last year that I decided to work fully as a model and make of the modeling my main activity here in Second Life. I had some experience from the same runway shows I’ve walked as a part-time model but I felt that it was time to get real knowledge to have more chances to break into the modeling industry, and I already saw GLANCE as a well known agency, putting up together amazing shows weekly and having in its roster some of the best SL’s Top Models, I can say that made me decide to join the Academy as a GLANCE Student, to learn in one of the best SL academies. I was very happy when I signed on for the classes, and I was expecting each lesson DQ[LRXVO\ , FDQ VD\ HDFK FODVV ODVWHG DERXW KRXUV EXW WLPH ZDV À\LQJ DQG , ZDV DOZD\V ¿QGLQJ P\VHOI ¿QLVKLQJ WKH OHVVRQ DQG VD\LQJ WR P\ LQVWUXFWRU DQG DOVR WR myself Oh, already? (laughs) I enjoyed and I was very delighted to have as my instructor the very own GIA CEO, Ms. Patty Cortes, the individual classes were a great chance to have her full attention to myself (the student) for about 2 hours, and also a chance to get to know each other better. Patty was a great help for me, both as in my training modeling skills but also as myself as a person, encouraging me and seeing on me my inner talent and qualities, which sometimes I didn’t see due to being a bit negative myself in my RL, and in SL as well. My graduation show took place on Saturday May, 2nd, 2009 - 4 days before my RL birthday, so I considered it an early birthday gift. I had the chance to do rehearsals and walk the show with some of the GLANCE International Agency Top Models:

GLANCE Model Academy Portfolio by Mscha Cuttita

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