Your Health Today

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focus on women

rheumatoid arthritis

vs. osteoarthritis

What’s the difference?


bout 1.3 million

“This affects the tissue that lines

Complications of RA

American adults—

the joints, causing stiffness, pain and

The inflammation that causes

mostly women—live with the pain

swelling. RA tends to impact the small

RA also increases the risks for

of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a

joints in the hands and feet first but

osteoporosis, heart attack, stroke and

chronic autoimmune disease that

actually affects the entire body,” says

other diseases.

generally begins between ages 40

Alyce Oliver, MD, a rheumatologist

and 60.

at Georgia Health Sciences Medical

tant to see a rheumatologist. “RA can

Center who specializes in RA.

be difficult to diagnose in the initial

If you think you have RA, it’s impor-

How does RA differ from osteoarthritis?

is a degenerative disease caused

ized care can reduce these risks and

Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by

by thinning in the cartilage that

delay or even prevent joint damage,”

inflammation throughout the body.

lines the joints. As cartilage wears,

says Dr. Oliver. “We treat the disease

changes in the bone around the joint

aggressively to achieve clinical remis-

limit function and cause joint pain.

sion, prevent underlying joint

This disease affects the joints only.

damage and disease, and

Get an accurate diagnosis and advanced care Georgia Health Sciences Rheumatology Department staffs physicians who specialize in RA and stay up to date on the latest research. These physicians offer one-stop diagnosis and care through musculoskeletal ultrasound, multidisciplinary medical management, and an infusion center for biologics that disrupt the immune response that occurs in RA.

Osteoarthritis, on the other hand,

stages, yet early diagnosis and special-

help patients maintain

What are the signs of RA?

an active lifestyle.”

People with RA experience symptoms in the joints and beyond, including: • tender, warm, swollen joints • morning stiffness that may last for hours • firm bumps of tissue under the skin on the arms

Get back to doing what you love To schedule an appointment, call 706-721-1400 or visit

• fatigue, fever and weight loss “The symptoms vary in intensity and may come and go, but the pain and swelling generally occur in the same joints on both sides of the body,” Dr. Oliver says.

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