The Creative Economy Report 2010

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______(2004). São Paulo Consensus: Report of the Eleventh Session (document TD/412). ______(2004). Summary of High-level Panel on Creative Industries (document TD/L.379). ______(2004). The Least Developed Countries Report. Geneva, UNCTAD. ______(2004). The Music Industry in Senegal: The Potential for Economic Development. Report prepared by Andy Pratt for UNCTAD. Available from ratt/pdf/Senegal.pdf. ______(2004). UNCTAD XI High-level Panel on Creative Industries and Development Agenda. Available online at ______(2005). The Digital Divide: ICT Development Indices 2004, UNCTAD, Geneva. ______(2006). Analysis of Options for Implementing Disclosure of Origin Requirements in Intellectual Property Applications. Geneva, UNCTAD. ______(2006). Creative Industries Division pamphlet, “Creative Economy and Industries”. Geneva, UNCTAD. ______(2006). Creative Economy and Industries Newsletter, N4, December, 2006. ______(2006). Information Economy Report 2006: The Development Perspective (document UNCTAD|SDTE| ECB| 2006|1). Geneva. (Sales no. E.06.II.D.8). ______(2006). Trade and Development Report. Geneva, UNCTAD. ______(2006). Using ICTs to achieve growth and development, background paper (document TD/B/COM.3/ EM.29/2), 11 September 2006. Available from ______(2007). Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Development Implications of Trade in Services Liberalization, Trade, Poverty and Cross-cutting Development Issues, Study Series No. 2. (document [TD]UNCTAD/DITC/TAB/POV/2006/ 1 UNCTAD, New York and Geneva. ______(2007). Developing Countries in International Trade 2006: Trade and Development Index (UNCTAD/DITC/TAB/ 2006/1). Geneva, UNCTAD.

______(2007). Trade in Services and Development Implications (document TD/B/COM.1.85), Geneva, UNCTAD. ______(2007). Creative Economy and Industries Newsletter, No. 5, April, p.3. ______(2007). Creative Economy and Industries Newsletter, No. 6. ______(2008). Creative Economy e-News No. 7, May. ______(2008). Creative Economy e-News No. 8, December. ______(2008). Secretary-General’s high-level panel on the creative economy and industries for development. Preconference event, Geneva, 14-15 January 2008. Background paper prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat (document TD(XII)/BP/4, 17 January 2008). ______(2008). Outcome of the Secretary-General’s highlevel panel on the creative economy and industries for development. Pre-conference event, Geneva, 14-15 January 2008. Note prepared by the UNCTAD secretariat (document TD/423, 7 February 2008). ______(2008). Globalization for Development: the international trade perspective, UNCTAD, 2008 (UNCTAD/DITC/2007/1) ______(2009). Creative Economy e-News No. 9, June. ______(2009). Creative Economy e-News No. 10, September. ______(2009). Creative Economy e-News No. 11, December, 2009. ______(2009). Evolution of the international trading system and of international trade from a development perspective: Impact of the crisis. UNCTAD document (TD/B/56/7), Geneva, September 2009. ______(2009). Information Economy Report: Trends and Outlook in Turbulent Times. United Nations, New York and Geneva. ______(2009). Manual for the Production of Statistics on the Information Economy, UNCTAD, New York and Geneva. ______(2009). “The contribution of tourism to trade and development.” Trade and Development Board, UNCTAD, Geneva. ______(2009). The Least Developed Countries Report 2009: The State and Development Governance. United Nations, New York and Geneva. _____ (2010). Creative Economy e-News No. 12, April. C R E AT I V E E C O N O M Y R E P O R T 2 0 1 0


______(2007). Reconciling cultural and international trade policies, paper by E. dos Santos, UNCTAD, presented at the Conference on Cultural Diversity organized by the

German Commission for UNESCO, May 2007.


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