Data Human Trafficking - Gozdziak and Bump

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Data and Research on Human Trafficking

Goナコdziak & Bump

Karachi, Pakistan: Lawyers for Human Rights and Legal Aid. Lazaridis, Gabriella 2001 Trafficking and prostitution: The growing exploitation of migrant women in Greece. The European Journal of Women's Studies 8(1):67-102. Lトホトビoiu, Sebastian, and Monica Alexandru 2003 Who is the next victim?: Vulnerability of young Romanian women to trafficking in human beings Bucharest International Organization for Migration, Mission in Romania. LeBreton, Binka 2003 Trapped: Modern day slavery in the Brazilian Amazon Volume Kumarian Press Bloomfield, CT. Lederer, Laura, and Richard Delgado 1995 The price we pay: The case against racist speech, hate propaganda and pornography. New York: Hill and Wang. Lee, June J. H. 2002 A review of data on trafficking in Korea. Geneva: IOM. 2005 Human trafficking in East Asia: Current trends, data collection, and knowledge gaps. International Migration 43(1/2):165-201. Lee, Maggy 2007

Human trafficking. Cullompton; Portland Or: Willan Pub.

Legal Support for Children and Women 2005 Gender analysis of the patterns of human trafficking into and through Koh Kong Province: Legal Support for Children and Wome. LeRoy, G. Potts, Jr. 2003 Global Trafficking in human beings: Assessing the success of the United Nations protocol to prevent trafficking in persons. The George Washington International Law Review 35(1):227. Levenkron, N., and Y. Dahan 2003 Women as commodities: Trafficking in women in Israel: Tel Aviv: The Hotline for Migrant Workers, Haifa: Isha L'Isha-Haifa Feminist Center, Tel Aviv: Adva Center. Liemt, Gisjbert van 2004 Human trafficking in Europe: An economic perspective 91

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