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www.businessinnorthcarolina.com Case Floor Sanding & Finishing is listed in the Business of North Carolina (NC), It mainly deals with Floor Laying And Floor Work, Nec and SIC or Standard Industrial Classification of Case Floor Sanding & Finishing is 1752 and main contact of this Business is Joseph Case and the person position is Owner of Case Floor Sanding & Finishing www.businessinnorthcarolina.com Address City Zirconia State North Carolina (NC) Zip 28790 County Henderson , United States The ratings of Case Floor Sanding & Finishing are based on rates are 3.397378518 and investment rating is 3.314040876 and price rating of the product is 4.387001444 and Case Floor Sanding & Finishing mainly deals with Construction Special Trade Contractors (Construction) and Floor Laying And Floor Work, Nec. It is one of the best Business to Invest. Case Floor Sanding & Finishing is one of the best in its field of Floor Laying And Floor Work, Nec and Construction Special Trade Contractors (Construction) which is located in North Carolina (NC) and Employee rating is 3.275889579 and got excellence in field of Construction Special Trade Contractors (Construction) and its county is Henderson

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