Undergraduate Catalog 2014-2015

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to contest the allegation, this meeting shall be scheduled within 7 calendar days of the notification. If the student is cleared of the allegation, the matter will be dropped. If not, then the instructor will inform the Dean's Office of the violation. (The Dean's Office to be notified is the one responsible for the course.) This Office shall then inform the instructor of the student's number of previous violations of the academic integrity policy, if any. In consultation with the department chair the instructor will then impose a sanction upon the student. A letter detailing the sanction will be sent to the student from the instructor and copied to the three College Deans. The letter shall be sent within 10 calendar days from the date the Dean was notified. The student should be aware that admission of guilt does not eliminate or lessen the sanction imposed by the instructor. The student may appeal the instructor's decision to the Dean of the College in which the course resides. Appeals must be made within 7 calendar days of the date of the instructor's decision. Students are expected to continue to attend class during the appeal process. A hearing will be scheduled within 10 calendar days of the Dean receiving the student's appeal. The hearing will include the Dean, the instructor, and the student. The instructor will present pertinent evidence and the student will be given the opportunity to challenge the evidence and present a defense. The student may have one guest present during the hearing, but the guest is not allowed to speak during the hearing unless permitted by the Dean. The Dean will issue a finding based upon the evidence presented. If the Dean determines that insufficient evidence has been presented, the matter will be dropped. If the Dean finds the student in violation of the Code of Academic Integrity, he/she may support the academic sanction originally imposed by the instructor. The Dean also has the power to issue administrative sanctions [i.e., separation from the University]). In considering the penalty to be imposed, the Dean shall take into account the evidence of the appeal proceeding as well as any documented previous infraction(s). A letter detailing the sanction will be sent to the student from the Dean and copied to the other two College Deans. Following the Dean's decision, the student has 7 calendar days to make a final appeal to the Provost with respect to the fairness of the proceedings and/or the appropriateness of the sanction. The Provost will issue a decision within 7 calendar days of the appeal. Students are expected to continue attending class during the appeal process. A final letter will be sent to the student from the Provost and copied to the three College Deans. (Note: At the Dean's or Provost's discretion, exceptions to the calendar day requirements can be made for unusual circumstances such as Christmas or summer breaks). Once all appeals are exhausted and a final decision has been made the Dean's office responsible for the course will report the finding of academic dishonesty to each of the other Academic Deans.

Academic Dishonesty Sanctions Any student found guilty of academic dishonesty will be subject to penalties, which, depending on the gravity of the offense, may include the following: 1. A grade of “zero� for the assignment involved (as imposed by the instructor in consultation with the department chair). This penalty will generally be applied in the case of a student's first offense. However, the instructor has the right to impose a more severe penalty based on the circumstances of the offense. 2. Failure of the course (as imposed by the instructor in consultation with the

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