Gannon University Undergraduate Catalog 2013-2014

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Applications of Mathematics/ MLED 303 ** Data-Driven Instruction: Special Education/SPED 306 * High Incidence Disabilities/SPED 308

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SUMMER Theology II Series/LTHE (online)

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SENIOR Fall Issues in Science/Technology/ 3 CHEM 166 12 Concepts/Methods: Math, Science, 3 Social Studies/EDCR 320 * Concepts/Methods: ESL/ELL/ EDCR 420 * Geometry/MATH 226 Concepts of Natural Science/MLED 302 ** Low Incidence Disabilities/SPED 307 __



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Linear Algebra/MATH 252 Literature for Student Exceptionalities: PreK-8/SPED 320 ** Program/Plan Assessment Special Education/SPED 343 *

Spring Professional Seminar/EDCR 401 Student Teaching/EDFL 410 Positive Behavior Supp/Interv/ SPED 322

Total credits: 148 *Field experience embedded throughout the semester (6-15 hrs.) +Field experience embedded throughout the semester (60 hrs.) **Field experience embedded throughout the semester (90 hrs.) { Cohort Courses Middle Level Education 4-8 and Special Education PreK-8 Concentration: Science Curriculum (Numerals in front of courses indicate credits)


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FRESHMAN Fall Foundations of Teaching/EDCR 103 First-Year Seminar/EDCR 104 * Public Speaking/SPCH 111 College Composition/LENG 111 History Without Borders/LHST 111 Intro. to Sacred Scripture/LTHE 121 Funda. of Mathematics/MATH 105

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Spring Psychology of Learning/Teaching/ EDCR 101 Intro. to Engineering/ENG 101 Critical Analysis/Composition/ LENG 112 College Algebra/MATH 111 U.S. Government/Politics/POLI 111 Special Education Overview/SPED 101

18 SOPHOMORE Fall General Biology/BIOL 101 Issues in Science/Technology/ CHEM 166

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Spring Human Biology/BIOL 104 Multimedia Production/CIS 245 Multimedia Production Lab/CIS 246

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