Mobilność sposobem zdobywania i rozwijania kompetencji – od juniora do seniora

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This is all the more true today, as we boast of having over 700 bilateral Erasmus agreements. Either we find out exactly what kind of opportunities are behind them or we risk a pure propaganda of numbers (Gaalen 2010:13–16). The figures bear out the idea that interest in AMU (and most likely also Poznań and Poland in general), on the part of foreign students, is limited. This is all the more reason for us to recognize the fact that, no matter how much we imagined ourselves to be known internationally in the past, our institution was barely noticeable to students from other countries before 1999. It requires no further argument that 300 incoming international students could not have been attracted without Erasmus. Hosting these groups stimulates our internationalisation strategy and, not least, is the very raison d’être for such initiatives as courses/programmes in English, Internationalisation at Home (IaH) activities, EILC courses, Intensive Programmes, Summer Schools, and, last but not least, extracurricular activities. In the long term, these measures also attract Polish candidates. In fact, many AMU students indicate this international character of the University (primarily mobility opportunities) as one of the main reasons for coming to (or remaining at) the AMU. There are thus considerable academic, economic and social implications for the institution and the city.

281 Mobilit y as a tool to acquire and develop competences from childhood to seniorit y

PART I: Mobility and Competences – Civic Society, Labour Market and Education

At present, the AMU has its development strategy for the period 2009–2019 (Strategy of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań for the period 2009–2019), which facilitates progressive and consistent implementation of clearly-defined standards and application of the AMU’s directives. Internationalisation processes in education and research are enhanced among the strategic priorities, as well as being mentioned in detail in activity charts. In parallel with this wide-ranging programme, which will be further discussed in the next section, a statement on the AMU’s international mission and vision was released in a separate document (The Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań International Strategy), whose language is unmistakeable: (...) The University continuously extends and updates research programs and contents of study curricula, with special emphasis on their interdisciplinary and international nature.

The Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań is fully committed to: • conducting research of global significance, capable of exerting a positive influence on the well-being of the local community and society in general (...); • providing multiple opportunities for AMU students to have access to high-quality substantive international learning experience


It promotes pro-European ideas and actively participates in the international academic community, seeks to implement joint research and educational programs. It aims to strengthen ties with the European Union Member States and embarks on new initiatives conducive to cooperation with the countries of Europe.

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