Issues in Promoting Multilingualism. Teaching – Learning – Assessment

Page 35


Hanna Komorowska

on. Young trainees preparing for the teaching profession within parallel or sequential models of teacher education usually lack experience that would give them enough food for thought. More balance should, therefore, be sought with a broader use of the applied science model in the early stages of initial teacher education, stronger elements of the craft model during the preliminary observation stage of the teaching practice and a shift toward the full use of the reflective model later on in the course of in-service teacher education. Teacher-made action research can then prove helpful in dealing with difficult contexts as well as in the promotion of educational innovation. Whatever has proven valuable and useful in teacher education so far has to be integrated with new models and new ideas as hitherto unknown challenges face the teaching profession. Individualization and learner autonomy as well as the growing autonomy of schools (Eurydice 2008a) call for even more competence, responsibility and individual decision-making. Teacher education has to flexibly accommodate all these changes.

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