Clict Magazine Photo Annual 2009

Page 140

Steve Behr How did you get started in photography?

capture their moves. Without those guys pushing it,

I’d always wanted to get a decent camera and when

the pictures wouldn’t be anywhere near as good.

I started work after leaving law school I spent my

characters in it still and that keeps it interesting.

What is the future for mountain biking?

The bug bit and I kept learning and shooting as

Favourite shooting location and why?

much as I could.

Hmm… tough one. Probably the last one I took a

for the riders as there was in the heyday of downhill

good picture at! The Alps are always inspiring, the

racing, and there are some talented riders not

When did you decide to specialise in mountain bike photography?

scenery and backdrops are second to none in places

making as good a living out of it as they deserve to.

like Chamonix, and Whistler always has good action

Not sure if that will turn around or not, but I hope

As my interest in photography developed, I started

going on. Bizarrely enough I still get a kick out of

it does. The level of riding continues to rise, and I

getting into mountain biking, and the two interests

shooting on my local common, I guess ‘cos its home

think it will continue to do so.

coincided and progressed together.

and I’ve seen it in so many moods and shades of

early pay cheques on an SLR and a couple of lenses.

Any mentors or influences?

Phew, big question. There isn’t as much money in it

light. Its still enjoyable and a challenge to find a new

Do you still ride/race?

angle, and always fun when the light is good.

I don’t race, but I ride several times a week usually, mostly for fitness these days.

I had an early mentor in mountain biking photography who was shooting for Bicycle Action at the

What camera gear do you use?

time, Mark Wohlwender. I remember him being very

I went with Canon from the early EOS 1 in about


helpful to me at early races, giving me tips and

1990, and have been through all their various bod-

That I’ll run out of cf cards just as the perfect shot

suggestions which kind of set me on my way. An old

ies, now using the EOS 1d mk II and 1DS, about to

presents itself…

friend from home (South Africa, Onne van der Wal

upgrade to the Mk III. I have a range of lenses from

who is now a top marine/yachting photographer in

15mm through to 300, and several flashes includ-


the United States, has also been influential, and is

ing a Quantum Qflash, with pocket wizards to fire

That I don’t run out of cf cards just as the perfect

still inspiring. And a couple of ski photographers I

them. And a range of bags to carry them in, from

shot presents itself…

worked with in the early 90’s inspired me too – Tony

Lowepro, Thinktank and Crumpler.

McLaughlin and Marko Shapiro. Also, a lot of the pages of Surfer magazine over the years have been

What are your thoughts on the current state of DH mountain biking?

inspiring. But mostly it’s the riders I’ve worked

It just seems to get faster and the riders are

with over the years that have inspired me to try to

getting good younger. Great to watch. Some good

surf photographers whose work has graced the

Clict Photo Annual Steve Behr


Dreams? That I manage to capture the perfect shot when it presents itself.

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