狐狸和乌鸦 - The Fox and the Crow

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You are so beautiful…

A crow sat in a tree holding in his beak a piece of cheese that he had stolen. A fox which saw him determined to get the cheese. It stood under the tree and began to tell the crow what a beautiful big bird he was. He ought to be king of all the bird, the fox said; and he would undoubtedly have been made king, if only he had a voice as well. 一只乌鸦栖息在树上,嘴里衔着偷 来的奶酪。狐狸看见了,决心要拿 到那块奶酪。狐狸站在树下,不断 赞美乌鸦,说它是只多么漂亮的大 鸟。狐狸说它应作鸟王才对,又说 如果它也有个甜美的声音的话,无 疑的,它就一定会被推举为王了。

The crow was so anxious to prove that he had a voice, that he dropped the cheese and croaked for all he was worth. Up ran the fox, snapped up the cheese, and said to him, “If you added brains to all your other qualifications, you would make an ideal king.” Pride will destroy you and arrogance comes before a fall.

乌鸦因急于想证明自己有个甜美 的声音,便放开嘴里的奶酪,努 力啼叫起来。狐狸便奔上去把奶 酪夺了过来,和告诉乌鸦:“在你 所有的才能上,如果也加上脑筋 的话,你就会是个理想的国王 了。”


Crow – 乌鸦 Stolen – 偷来 Cheese – 奶酪 Fox – 狐狸 Beak – 衔着 King – 国王

Voice – 声音 Croak – 啼叫 Brains – 脑筋 Qualifications – 才能上 Pride – 骄傲 Arrogance – 傲慢

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