Решебник (ГДЗ) по английскому языку - учебник Spotlight (Книга для учителя) - 11 класс

Page 174

Going Green 3

Focus ➤ Completing a text; explaining new

ñ To declare war on poachers, people who could and did kill her, shows how determined she was to protect the gorillas.

vocabulary ñ Ss read the text and complete the gap-filling task. Remind Ss that there is one extra sentence that they do not need to use. ñ Allow Ss time to explain the words and phrases in bold. ñ Check answers with the class. Answer Key 1 D 2 E

3 B

4 A

Suggested Answer Key worked miracles: was extremely effective disabled: lacking a physical/mental ability save up: keep money to use in the future behaviour: way of acting earned their trust: became their friend met the same fate: ended up the same way declared war: stated intention to fight outspoken: giving opinion(s) freely without worrying about offending people target: focus of attack murdered: unlawfully killed buried: put under the ground after the death endangers: puts at risk extinction: no longer in existence (as a species)


Focus ➤ Choosing the best adjectives to describe Dian Fossey ñ Read through the character adjectives listed in the exercise and check Ss’ understanding. ñ Based on their reading of the text Ss tell each other in pairs the adjectives which best describe Dian Fossey and give reasons. ñ Invite a few pairs to share their idea with the class. Suggested Answer Key ñ Dian must have been a very caring person because she spent her life helping disabled children and then wild gorillas. ñ Dian must have been very patient because gorillas do not trust humans easily and gaining their trust must have taken a very long time.



Focus ➤ Preparing and giving a presentation about an environmentalist ñ Arrange Ss in groups and explain the task. ñ Allow Ss time in class to prepare their presentations (providing Ss with access to the Internet) and then invite groups to present their information to the class. Alternatively, Ss collect information for HW and prepare and deliver their presentations in the next lesson. Suggested Answer Key Rachel Carson (1907 – 1964), an American marine biologist and nature writer, grew up on a small farm near Springdale, Pennsylvania. An avid reader at an early age, she began writing when she was just eight years old. She is best known today for her work ‘Silent Spring’ which led to a nationwide ban on the use of DDT and other harmful pesticides. After studying biology at the Pennsylvania College for Women, she studied zoology and gained her master’s degree in 1934. In 1935 her father died suddenly and Carson was left to take care of her aging mother. Rather than study further (to obtain a doctorate), she took on a job at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. Carson also began submitting articles on marine life to newspapers and magazines. In 1952 she gave up her job to concentrate on her writing. Carson’s main subject was the dangers of pesticide overuse. She investigated many cases of pesticide exposure and found evidence to support the pesticide-cancer connection. Unfortunately, she developed cancer herself and died at the age of 56. In recognition for her work, Carson was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom – the highest civilian honour in the United States.


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