The Watchtower & The Masons

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every department (p.83) and how he practically wrote everything that appeared in the WT (p.82). His Bethel workers were required to be punctual to the minute for their various daily activities. Therefore, it is not believable that Russell was ignorant of the Masonic meanings of this and other symbols he used. In 1923, Rutherford removed the Winged-Sun-Disk from all of Russell's books coming off the press. His masonic logos on the Watch Towers were also removed. For some the Winged-sun-disk may seem to them the strongest evidence of Masonic connections to Russell. For instance, Albert Pike 24째, Morals and Dogma, p.401, refers to the Gods in the trinity symbol, "These two divinities (the Sun and the Moon, Osiris and Isis, etc.) were commonly symbolized by the generative parts of man and woman; to which in remote ages no idea of indecency was attached...and which, as such appeared in the Mysteries (the ancient religions of which Masonry is a revival." Albert Pike, in the same Morals and Dogma. Fellowcraft Degree, p. 22 states, "Masonry, successor to the Mysteries (the pagan religions of Isis, Osiris, Baal, Mythras, Tammuz, etc.) still follows the ancient manner of teaching." In the book Ancient Mystic Rites, it states that Masonry gets its mysteries from ancient Egypt (p.25) and that Masons worship Osiris and Ra and Isis and Horus. (p. 17) Masons are appropriately called the 'Sons of Light' states Lightfoot's Manual of the Lodge, p. 175. This sheds some light on the fascination the Egypt holds for Freemasonry. PASTOR RUSSELL FASCINATED BY EGYPT & PYRAMIDS For five years, Pastor Russell's loyal follower Bro. Bonnet looked fruitlessly for just the right granite to build a pyramid for the Watchtower Society. The pyramid was designed by Bohmet under Pastor Russell's direction and oversight. Finally, some pink granite (Pastor Russell's favorite tint) was located in Marble Falls, Tx. A special rail car was engaged to ship the blocks.

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