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was the third thing that attracted me to Free Software: it gives me the opportunity to make a difference. Free Software is a quest to defend what is human not against technology, but within technology. Those who insist on their freedom, their own free will and their creativity at a time when everyone outsources the management of their social lives to a thug in a hoodie ( moglen-keynote-2012.html) are Luddites, in a very positive, Pynchonian sense of the term ( And there are more of us Luddites every day, more people who believe that technology should serve us, not the other way around. The world is slowly changing. Every day, more people wake up to the power of working together and sharing what we know. Freedom is a way of life, and the foundation of our future.

Karsten Gerloff is the president of the Free Software Foundation Europe. He promotes Free Software and helps to build a free information society. Karsten explains Free Software to policy makers, lawyers and businesspeople in order to make the world a better place for everyone.


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