Focused Golf

Page 47

As mentioned, in chapter 10 you will find a Mental Scorecard™ for each type of golfer. Make a copy of the Scorecard for your type and take it with you on the course. Practice focusing only on following the instructions and pre-shot routines described in the scorecard. Rehearse the routines at home, before you play and, if you feel like it, put in some of your own ideas following the Energy Converting principles. It is imperative for me to emphasize that the presented scorecards are only general in nature. If the suggested mental and practical pre-shot routines don’t fit your temper, personality or way of visualizing or feeling – your way of sensing; please feel free to put in your own stuff. To give you an idea of a scorecard and how it works, I will now present to you the reasons and ideas behind a scorecard which is very much general in nature and therefore supposedly will fulfill a need for most amateur players.

Focused Golf. ©Finn Havaleschka


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