Sex and Contraception: Straight Talk about It

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Questions for Small Group Discussion: 1. What struck you most in this essay and why? What did you learn that you didn‟t know before? 2. Why does contraception introduce a germ of selfishness and untruth into the spousal relationship? How have you witnessed this sad fact in real relationships? 3. How do the Church‟s teachings on various aspects of human sexuality defend our dignity and integrity as spiritual persons? 4. How have you seen the “hidden damage” caused by sex disorders in real lives? On the brighter side, how have you seen the integrity and wholeness of married couples whose gift of self is total and true?

Questions for Discussion and/or Personal Reflection: 1. Are any of the Church‟s teachings in this area of sexuality difficult for you to accept? Which ones and why? 2. How can you resist the messages of a culture that makes what is abnormal seem normal and accepted? 3. Why are we afraid to call sins by their proper name? Why is it a disservice to the person to refer to them as “disorders”? How does it close them off from forgiveness in the sacrament of confession?

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