Revista Jurídica da FA7 7ª Edição

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___________. Revista IOB Trabalhista e Previdenciária. São Paulo: IOB, ano XXI, v. 21, n. 246, p. 99-116, dezembro, 2009. SANTORO, Luiz Felipe Guimarães. A cláusula penal no contrato dos atletas profissionais. Revista Brasileira de Direito Desportivo. São Paulo: IOB, n. 12, p. 213-221, jul-dez, 2007.

THE PENALTY CLAUSE OF SPORTS LABOR CONTRACT IN BRASIL Abstract: The present paper focuses the penalty clause of sports labor contract in Brazil, outlining the specialities of this institute, describing some disagreements about its application when the labor contract is broken by the clubs or players, expressing our position about the conflict between unilateral or bilateral penalty clause application. Keywords: Sports labor law. Sports penalty clause. Unilateral or bilateral application.

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