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DC Free Summer Meals Program


In China McDonald’s, Where’s the Beef? June 23 - August 22, 2014 at select DC Parks and Recreation Camp Sites and June 23 through August 15, 2014 at Non-DPR Summer Meals Program Sites

To find a site near you: Call 311 or TEXT food to 202.6565.EAT 3 2 8 DPR S AND RECREATIO

Expired meat scandal results in shortages all over the country Beijing No more Big Macs. Forget the Quarter Pounder. There wasn’t even a chicken nugget to be found in many McDonald’s restaurants Monday across China. The shortage of meat is the result of China’s latest food scandal, in which a Shanghai supplier allegedly tackled the problem of expired meat by putting it in new packaging and shipping it to fast-food restaurants around the country. After discovering it may have been serving expired meat at as many as a quarter of its restaurants, McDonald’s did not reveal how many restaurants went burgerless Monday. But it acknowledged that many had limited menus in northern and central China. With little else to offer, according to accounts in Beijing, branches were running low on Filet-o-fishes,

Backstory The scandal began when Shanghai Husi Food Co. was exposed by local media to be selling expired meat. Since the company is a major supplier of chicken and beef, the scandal had far-reaching impact on almost all major foreign fast-food chains in China, including KFC, Pizza Hut and Starbucks. The Shanghai Food and Drug Administration confirmed last week that it found the company had relabeled and sold expired meat. The agency ordered purchasers to stop using all of its products. ( T WP)

the closest thing remaining in the sandwich category. In an ironic twist, some online postings noted how the latest scandal has eerily echoed a recent catchphrase from McDonald’s advertisements: “Can you imagine living in a world without Big Mac, Chicken McNuggets or Happy Meals?” Not so hard to imagine anymore. W IL L I A M WA N A ND X U JING (THE WASHINGTON POST )

Burning Anger in the Philippines

In an emergency, will you know—what to do, where to go, how to get information? Life in the National Capital Region is fast-paced and you have a lot on your mind. On a daily basis you are swamped with emails and texts and the last thing you need is more messages... But there are some messages YOU NEED to stay safe. Introducing a newly enhanced—and fully customizable—emergency alert system. Wherever you live and work in the Region—You can Be Warned, Be Ready and Be Safe.


Visit for more information about free emergency alerts from your local governments.

PROTESTERS IN THE PHILIPPINES burn the effigy of President XX0164 3x.5

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Every Tuesday in Express

Benigno Aquino III on Monday outside the House of Representatives as Aquino made his annual state of the nation address.

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