Living and Working in Denmark

Page 13

Workplace culture || page 11

Social relations at work

Workplace social activities are either formally arranged by the organisation or by a group of employees on their own initiative. Frequently the

In some countries it is common to go out with

management is involved in planning and priori-

colleagues after work. While not unheard of in

tises financing organised social events.

Denmark, it isn't very common. Often the reason is that people are involved in after-work activities

Typical workplace social events include the annu-

elsewhere with family, friends, sports and hob-

al Christmas party (julefrokost), a summer party,

bies, or voluntary work. Some expats describe

Friday happy hour and more culturally oriented

Denmark as a culture where there is a clear divi-

events that partners and children can attend, such

sion between work and social life.

as an evening at the theatre or trips to the zoo. At some workplaces, partners and children are

Although spontaneously going out is not common,

always invited to social events. Other places it

co-workers do take part in office social activities.

is more common that social activities are only for

The difference compared with other cultures is


that the activities are arranged by the company, and planned weeks or months ahead.

“I don't socialise with my colleagues outside work. I guess it's because they have family commitments. It is a totally different mindset. Where I have lived before, everybody had a maid or a nanny. Everybody! That meant we could go out spontaneously after work. That can’t be done here. Everybody is gone by 4. It is like there is no connection between the hours before and the hours after 4. That is something I have to get used to. It’s not that they are not nice, but we don't see each other outside work. On the other hand the company arranges several activities for us during the year, and that makes you feel appreciated as a part of the organisation.”

The Danes and other Scandinavian cultures tend to be less spontaneous and are less likely to 'pop by' than people in other countries might be.

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