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Literacy Coolidge - Kiara Lainson matches the pictures on cubes that rhyme with the photos on the card.

Eisenhower - Keagan Williams hooks together the crabs in alphabetical order.

Garfield Tiziana Cotton reads aloud quietly.

Monroe - Mariah Duerden works on letter recognition by catching the letters moving across her screen that spell the word in the center. Above: McKinley - Alexis Olson writes about the daddy penguin carrying the egg in her non-fiction writing after she drew an illustration.

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Hoover - Avery Simon uses a stethoscope to listen to the "sick vowel A," on Taylyn Canchola's stomach, and makes her better by being able to say both the vowel's long and short name during community helpers week after they had a nurse visit.

Prairie View - Colored tabs on different parts of speech help Nathaniel Mann put together a sentence. Eisenhower - Mrs. Runquist checks whether Sophia Aleshire and Garrett Harbuck match cards and word endings together in friend groups.

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