P Powell: Liverpool CFS centre patient handout

Page 17

Summary of the Physical Effects of Rest and Reduced Activity 1.

Following periods of rest and reduced activity, the cardiovascular system becomes deconditioned or less fit resulting in symptoms including palpitations, sweating and nausea.


With reduced activity the physical capacity for exercise is reduced resulting in breathlessness and fatigue. The less you do the less you are capable of doing.


Rest and reduced activity lead to reduced muscle tone in the lower limbs, which results in less blood returning to the heart. This causes a drop in blood pressure on standing and less blood goes to the brain, which causes unpleasant symptoms including dizziness and fatigue.


The decrease in muscle mitochondria or 'power houses' results in poor muscle metabolism and reduced muscle energy.


Prolonged rest can cause visual problems, sensitivity to noise, unsteadiness, dulling of mental powers and feeling hot and cold.


Reduced activity increases the feeling of fatigue when activity is taken. With rest and reduced activity the body tolerates less and less activity over time.


Fortunately, all of the changes listed above can be reversed by a therapeutic activity programme. However, it may take a considerable time to reverse the deconditioning.


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