New Student Record 1996

Page 13

Bein g soc ial isn 't the only thin g at co llege, athletics is also a big part of man y co llege stude nts ' lives. Through both Di vision III athl etic teams and intramurals at Sal ve, stude nts will have the oppo rtunity to meet man y new people whi le exercising their bodi es. Sal ve offers teams fro m Football to W om en ' s Lacrosse or Ch eerl eading to Eques tri an team s. Each se mester int ramural s are also offe red to anyone who want s to parti cipate. If bein g on a team isn 't what yo u wa nt, then chec k out the Fitness Center in the basement of Mil ey. Th ere are man y athl etic oppo rtunities at Sal ve and one of them is just fo r yo u; so co me on out and have a grea t tim e !


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