New Student Record 1988

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JAMES INGARI Northampton High School Northampton, MA Educallon Basketball, Sk iing STEPHANIE JOYCE Clinton H.S. Clinton, MA Liberal Arts Dancing, Skiing DlERDRE JURCZYK Brookfield High School Brookfield. CT Educallon Cheerleadlng. Tennis DENISE KAPKE Milford, NJ Delaware Valley Regional H.S. Cheerleadlng, Photography Undecided KENTKATTER Worcester, MA Animals , Art DAVE KEELER Norwalk, CT Lacrosse, Skiing DANIEL KELLY Fairhaven, NJ Basketball, Football JUDY KELLY Westfield, NJ Math, People KRISTINE KEMPERLE Hunllngton, NY Dancing, Skiing PETER KENDZIERSKI Bethany, CT Bicycling, Lacrosse KRISTEN KOSTYLA West Warwick, RI Art, Basketball CYNTHIA KOVACH South Bend , IN Crafts, People

Saint John's Business Brien McMahon Business Rumson-Fair Haven Economics Westfield High Business

Cold Spr ing Harbor H.S . Undecided Amity Regional High Economics West Warw ick H.S. Administrative Jusllce Marian High Nursing

MATTH EW KRIEDEL Conard West Hartford, CT Business Racquetball , Scuba Diving BETH KUHNS Academy Of St . Elizabeth 's Morristown , NJ Science Cheerleadlng. Horses THOMAS LA COLLA Archb ishop Molloy Howard Beach , NY Undecided Computers, Drama JACQUELINE LA FRENIERE Woronoco , MA Gateway Regional H.S. Gymnasllcs, Skiing Educallon MICHELE LA GAMBA Torrington, CT Dancing , Guitar DANI EL LAHMANN Centerport, NY Computers, Music THAYALANE Reading, MA Basketball JENNIFER LANZA East Lyme , CT Ballet, Drama JENNIFER LARKIN East Williston, NY Art , People DONNA LATHAM Freeport, NY Photography, Soccer HEATHER LA VALLEE Pawtucket, RI Dancing. Music SUSAN LE CLAIR W. Hartford, CT Dancing, Swimming


Torrington High Accounllng La Salle Military Academy Computer Science Reading Memorial H.S. Education East Lyme High School Theatre

Saint Mary's Girls H.S. Journalism Northfield Mt. Hermon Education St. Mary Academy Liberal Arts Northwest Catholic Psychology

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