Equality in Your Faith Community: A Guide to LGBT-Inclusive Religious Practices

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Use Welcoming Language and Literature

Begin your journey to LGBTQ Inclusion by publishing a welcoming statement both on your website and in in-house literature.

The Community of St. Francis, Chicago IL From their website: http://www.csfcecc.org/html/about.html

Example: The Community of St. Francis is a family of women and men who choose to live an ordered life in the tradition of St. Francis and St. Clare. Membership is open to Christians who are married or single, gay or straight, lay or clergy. Our common bond is formed by a commitment to service to others in the name of the living Christ, an expression of our faith through the Catholic tradition of the Early Church, and a simplicity of life style in the midst of a world in the thrall of materialistic consumerism. The only requirements are adherence to the Rule of the Community and both the ability and willingness to contribute effort to our ministries.

Church of the three crosses, Chicago IL From their website: http://www.churchofthethreecrosses.org/index.html

Example: Who We Are. We encourage one another by sharing how we act out our faith in everyday situations, inviting others to participate in our mission, and allowing for questions to arise that do not always have easy answers. All are welcome to worship, study and participate with us at their own level of comfort, without regard to membership status. Church of the Three Crosses is an Open and Affirming Congregation (UCC) and a Reconciling Congregation (UMC) and as such, we affirm that all people are made in the image of God, and therefore, with God’s grace, we seek to be a congregation that includes all persons, embracing differences of race, nationality, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, marital status, mental and physical ability as well as socioeconomic background. We welcome all people to share in the life, leadership, ministry, fellowship, worship, sacraments, responsibilities and blessings of our c ongregation. All members of this faith community will have access to the blessings and rites of the church. We commit to building a fellowship of faith that offers openness and understanding, justice, healing and wholeness of life for all people.

A guide to LGBT-Inclusive religious practices



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